Nu begrijp je waarom Klaus Schwab zoveel macht heeft (2025)

Nu begrijp je waarom Klaus Schwab zoveel macht heeft (1) Je kunt zeggen wat je wilt van de illustere club uit Davos, maar niet dat ze over één nacht ijs gaan.

De macht die ze nu hebben is resultaat van jarenlang investeren in de juiste mensen.

Ze gebruiken al eeuwenlang precies hetzelfde recept: Infiltreren en overnemen.

Alle belangrijke organisaties die ooit door mensen zijn opgericht worden geïnfiltreerd en overgenomen.

We hebben in een eerder artikel aangetoond hoe dit in zijn werk is gegaan met de vrijmetselarij, maar diezelfde praktijken voeren ze tot de dag van vandaag nog steeds uit.

Net zoals in de handleiding stond van Adam Weishaupt zoeken ze op universiteiten naar voor hen geschikte kandidaten.

Deze worden dan vervolgens geselecteerd en ingelijfd.

Tegenwoordig loopt dat proces grotendeels via het WEF van Klaus Schwab en zijn nu niet bepaald inclusief bestuur.

Daar worden deze jongelui geselecteerd en via het Young Global Leader programma voorbereid op de taak die ze later op een belangrijke positie voor de sekte mogen uitvoeren.

Let wel, deze jongelui zijn zelf geen lid van de sekte, maar zijn zo gebrand op macht en een briljante carrière dat ze zelfs hun eigen moeder zouden verkopen om mee te mogen doen.

Het opleidingsprogramma via het WEF loopt al sinds 1993 en nu is er eigenlijk voor het eerst een overzicht dat laat zien welke mensen dat zijn en ook welke functie ze nu bekleden.

Het overzicht is gemaakt door Richard Seagerdie hier veel tijd heeft ingestoken en verder nog iets noemenswaardig vermeldt.

In 1992 had Poetin een ontmoeting met een groep vertegenwoordigers van het WEF in St. Petersburg. Echter, het Young Global Leader programma ging pas in 1993 van start en daar komt hij nergens voor op de lijsten.

Dit betekent niet dat hij niet meewerkte met het WEF, maar formeel komt Poetin niet voor op de lijst met deze veelbelovende leiders.

Hierna volgt de lijst van Young Global Leaders sinds 1993 en de eerstvolgende keer dat je Klaus Schwab weer hoort opscheppen over hoeveel overheden ze wel niet hebben geïnfiltreerd, dan weet je dat deze dat niet uit zijn duim zuigt.

Al 30 jaar lang zijn ze bezig om via het programma van de Young Global Leaders de juiste poppetjes op de juiste plek te krijgen. En dat is belangrijk als je een Great Reset van deze planeet wilt uitvoeren.

De lijst begint in 1993, het jaar waarin je Angela Merkel ziet verschijnen als Young Global Leader en loopt door tot en met 2021.

Zo zie je bijvoorbeeld in 2008 Karien van Gennip verschijnen als Young Global Leader. Nu is ze minister in het huidige sloopkabinet, bijgenaamd Schwab I.

Hier volgt de lijst:

Aho Esko Tapani 1993 Executive Vice-President, Nokia Corporation

Alaton Leyla 1993 Owner and Manager Megatrend Public Relations

Alexander Stephen H. 1993

Amson George L. Van 1993

Arapoglou Efstratios G. 1993

Aspe Armella Pedro 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive Protego

Aubry Martine 1993 Mayor of Lille Office of the Mayor of Lille

Auquier Antoine A. 1993

Aznar José María 1993

Bahar Adnan A. Al 1993 Chairman and Managing International Investor

Baird Zoë 1993 President Markle Foundation

Bajaj Niraj 1993 Chairman and Managing Mukand Limited

Barad Jill E. 1993

Barber Stephen D. 1993 Executive Director Pictet Asset Management UK

Barroso José Manuel 1993 President European Commission

Beliz Gustavo 1993

Bernstein Daryl 1993 Chief Operating Officer Global Video Inc.

Birla Chandrakant 1993 Chairman Hindustan Motors Limited

Blair Tony 1993 United Nations Middle East The Office of Tony Blair UK

Blouin MacBain Louise T. 1993 Chairman LTB Limited

Bod Peter A. 1993 Former Chairman, Hungarian

Bolloré Vincent 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive Bolloré Group

Bolona Carlos A. 1993

Bono 1993 Lead singer of U2 and Co- ONE & wanker Ireland

Booth Anna 1993

Bosack Leonard 1993 President XKL Inc.

Boutros-Ghali Youssef 1993

Branson Richard 1993 Founder and Chairman Virgin Group Ltd Uk

Bronfman Edgar 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive Warner Music Group (WMG)

Brown Gordon 1993 Prime Minister of the United Kingdom UK

Buldanlioglu Hasan Hasip 1993 USED TO BE IN MARMARA BANK

Calatrava Santiago 1993 General Manager Calatrava Valls SA

Cashin Dick 1993 Managing Partner, One Equity Highbridge Capital Management

Ch'ien Raymond K. F. 1993 Executive Chairman CDC Corporation

Chang Dae-Whan 1993 Chairman and Publisher Maekyung Media Group

Chubais Anatoly B. 1993 Chief Executive Officer OJSC RUSNANO

Cooper Jim 1993 NOT RE-ELECTED. INFO HM.

Cortázar René 1993 Director Centre for Labour Studies Alberto

Davies Howard 1993 Professor of Practice Fondation Nationale des Sciences

Davis Mick L. 1993 Chief Executive Officer Xstrata Plc

Dell Michael S. 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive Dell Inc.

Desmarais Paul 1993 Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Power Corporation of Canada

Dewes Whaimutu K. 1993 Chairman Ngati Porou Whanui Forests Ltd NZ

Dimitrov Filip 1993 Chairman of the National Union of Democratic Forces (UDF)

Dlouhy Vladimir 1993 International Adviser Goldman Sachs International

Doernberg Ernst-Adrian von 1993 Formerly with Kühne & Nagel,

Dolgos Lubomir 1993 . University of Economics Bratislava Slovakia

Donatsch Reto 1993

Doshi Maitreya V. 1993 Chairman of the Board and The Premier Automobiles Ltd (PAL)

Eierhoff Klaus 1993

Ferrero Pietro 1993

Filali Fouad 1993 Former President, Groupe ONA

Flores Nano Lourdes 1993 President Alianza Unidad Nacional

Forneri Jean-Marc 1993

Fujita Kazunori 1993 x-Pres., Fujita, Japan Japan

Garzarelli Elaine 1993 President Garzarelli Capital Management Inc.

Gates William H. 1993 Co-Chair Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation United States

Geren Pete 1993

Gilding Paul 1993

Godsell Robert M. 1993 Chairman Business Leadership South Africa

Goehner Reinhard 1993 Member of the Federal Federal Assembly of Germany

Goenka Sanjiv 1993 Chairman RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group

Goldstein Steven D. 1993

Gondokusumo Suyanto 1993

Hawkins Trip 1993 Chairman 3DO COMPANY

Hermosilla Edmundo 1993 Managing Director Empresas Dersa

Hintze Peter 1993 Parliamentary Secretary of State Federal Ministry of Economics and

Ho Kwon-Ping 1993 Chairman Singapore Management University Singapore

Hooper Michele J. 1993

Hsui Ken 1993 Vice-Chairman Cosmos Bank

Huntsman Jon M. 1993 Founder and Chairman Huntsman Corporation

Inoguchi Kuniko 1993 Member of the House of House of Councillors of Japan

Jaksity Gyorgy 1993 Executive Manager Concorde Erekpapir Ugynokseg Ktf

Johansson Leif 1993 Chairman Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson

Kahn Philippe 1993

Kamhi Cefi J. 1993 Member of the Board Profilo Holding

Katz Lawrence 1993 Professor of Economics Harvard University USA

Kennedy Joseph P. 1993 Chairman and President Citizens Energy Corporation USA

Kim Seung Youn 1993 Chairman Hanwha Group

Kirloskar Atul 1993 Chairman and Managing Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd

Koç Mustafa V. 1993 Chairman of the Board Koç Holding AS

Koike Yuriko 1993 Chairperson, General Council Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

Kopp Wendy 1993 Chief Executive Officer and Co- Teach For All

Kortüm Franz-Josef 1993 Chairman of the Management Webasto AG

Krarup Thorleif 1993

Kubicki Wolfgang 1993 Member of the Assembly State of Schleswig-Holstein

Kumcu M. Ercan 1993 Chairman Makro Consulting and Advisory

Kwok Raymond P. 1993 Chairman Sunevision Holdings Ltd

Kwok Thomas 1993 Joint Vice-Chairman and Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd

Lacroix Christian 1993 Fashion Designer Christian Lacroix

Lauvergeon Anne 1993

Lee Hsien-Loong 1993 Prime Minister of Singapore Office of the Prime Minister of

Lerner Sandra 1993 Member of the Board of XKL Inc.

Leung Antony 1993 Senior Managing Director and The Blackstone Group (HK) Limited

Leutheusser- Sabine 1993 Federal Minister of Justice Federal Ministry of Justice of

Levine Robert 1993 Former President and Chief

Li Richard T. 1993 Chairman PCCW Limited

Li Tzar-Kuoi Victor 1993 Deputy Chairman and Managing Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd

Lim Thian Kiat 1993 x-Exec.Chrm,Multi-Purpose

Lipp Ernst-Moritz 1993 Managing Partner Odewald & Compagnie GmbH

Lopez Murphy Ricardo 1993

Lundberg Fredrik 1993 President and Chief Executive L E Lundbergföretagen AB

Lundberg Lance 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive iSolve Inc.

Ma Yo-Yo 1993 Cellist

Maddams Patrick 1993 Chief Executive Officer Beachcroft Stanleys

Madge Robert 1993 Chairman Madge Networks Ltd

Mailman Josh 1993 President Sirius Business Inc.

Marre Beatrice 1993 NO LONGER "CHEF DE CABINET"

Martensson Arne 1993

Marx Daniel 1993 Economist AGM Finanzas

McNealy Scott G. 1993 Chairman Sun Microsystems Inc.

Menchu Tum Rigoberta 1993 President and Nobel Peace Prize Fundacion Rigoberta Menchu Tum

Mendoza Eugenio A. 1993 Chairman Mendoza Enterprises

Merkel Angela 1993 Federal Chancellor Federal Chancellery of Germany Germany

Messier Jean-Marie 1993 Chairman Messier Partners LLC

Mohammed Bin Fahd 1993 Governor of the Eastern Office of the Governor of the

Moreau Gary L. 1993

Musetti Plinio 1993 Partner JPMorgan

Nastase Adrian 1993

Nemtsov Boris 1993

Nicolet Patrick 1993 Chief Executive Officer, Capgemini

Nolte Claudia 1993 Former Federal Minister for

Norman Archie J. 1993 Executive Chairman ITV Plc

O'Donovan Kathleen 1993

O'Neal Stan 1993 Former Chief Executive Officer of

O'Neill Martin A. 1993 President and Chief Executive Hi-Touch International

Obuchowski Janice I. 1993 President Freedom Technologies Inc.

Odier Patrick 1993 Senior Partner Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch &

Okri Ben 1993 Author

Ollila Jorma 1993 Chairman Royal Dutch Shell Plc

Orban Viktor 1993 Prime Minister of Hungary Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary

Passera Corrado 1993 Minister of Economic Ministry of Infrastructure and

Patrick Dennis R. 1993 Senior Adviser AOL Inc.

Portillo Michael 1993 Former Defence Secretary

Ramaphosa Cyril M. 1993 Executive Chairman Shanduka Group (Pty) Ltd

Ramirez Pedro J. 1993

Regling Klaus P. 1993 Chief Executive Officer The European Financial Stability

Reiner Gary M. 1993 Chief Information Officer and General Electric Company

Reiten Eivind 1993 Chairman of the Board of Norske Skogindustrier ASA

Repse Einars 1993

Riady James T. 1993 Chief Executive Officer Lippo Group

Roberts Brian L. 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive Comcast Corporation

Rogozinski Jacques 1993 General Manager Inter-American Investment

Rokita Jan Maria 1993 Former Member of the

Rupert Johann 1993 Chairman and Chief Executive Richemont International Ltd

Sahlin Mona 1993

Santos Juan Manuel 1993 President of Colombia Office of the President of Colombia

Sarkozy Nicolas 1993 President of France Presidency of the Republic of France

Savir Uriel 1993 President The Peres Center for Peace

Allen Charles L. 1994 Chief Executive Officer EMI Music

Ambani Mukesh D. 1994 Chairman and Managing Reliance Industries Limited

Azimov Rustam S. 1994

Barilla Guido Maria 1994 Chairman and Group President Barilla Holding SpA

Beschloss Afsaneh Mashayekhi 1994 President and Chief Executive The Rock Creek Group

Besselsen Ivo 1994 ** GLT ** No longer with Daly

Bhutto Mohtarma Benazir 1994 sacked as PM of Pakistan, and

Bokros Lajos 1994 Former Minister of Finance,

Boyner Cem 1994 Chief Executive Officer Boyner Holding AS

Browner Carol M. 1994 Assistant to the President for Office of the President of the

Charest Jean 1994 Premier of Quebec Government of Quebec

Chitrakar Anil 1994 No track for pers/comp.(191/E-

Cohen Ben 1994 Chairman Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc. USA

Conte Lisa 1994 President and Chief Executive Shaman Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Copps Sheila 1994

Cottani Joaquin A. 1994

de Saint-Malo Roberto 1994 Adviser ADARA


Fakeih Adel M. 1994 Minister of Labour Ministry of Labour and Social

Feng Yushu 1994 Adviser Ministry of Finance of the People's

Francioni Reto 1994 Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Börse AG

Fries Alexis R. 1994

Fumagalli Romario Aldo 1994 Chairman and Managing Sol SpA

Fyodorov Boris G. 1994

Gabr M. Shafik 1994 Chairman and Managing ARTOC Group for Investment and

Gomes Ciro Ferreira 1994 Member of the Chamber of Chamber of Deputies

Granados Otto 1994 Director, Institute of Public Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey

Gronkiewicz-Waltz Hanna 1994 Mayor City of Warsaw

Grossmann Jürgen R. 1994 President and Chief Executive RWE AG

Hague William J. 1994 Secretary of State for Foreign Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Haney William M. 1994 Chairman, President and Chief MOLTEN METAL TECHNOLOGY INC.

Hess John B. 1994 Chairman and Chief Executive Hess Corporation

Hillis Danny 1994 Co-Chairman and Chief Technical Applied Minds Inc.

Hood John A. 1994 President and Chief Executive Robertson Foundation

Jallaf Anis Al 1994

Kapaz Emerson 1994 Member of the Chamber of Chamber of Deputies

Khakamada Irina 1994

Kostrzewa Wojciech J. 1994 President and Chief Executive ITI Corporation Sp.zo.o.

Kwasniewski Aleksander 1994 President of Poland (1995-2005) Chancellery of the President of the Poland

Levi Michael 1994 President Nilit Ltd

Li Ka-Cheung Eric 1994 Senior Partner LI TANG CHEN AND CO.

Lim Hng Kiang 1994 Minister of Trade and Industry Ministry of Trade and Industry of

Loh Christine 1994 Founder and Chief Executive Civic Exchange

Manuel Trevor 1994 Minister of the National The Presidency of South Africa

Massenberg Hans-Joachim 1994 Former Member of the Ex.

Massenberg Jost A. 1994 Member of the Executive Board Thyssen Krupp Stahl

Maude Francis 1994 Member of Parliament for House of Commons of the United

Mayo John C. 1994

McNamee Brian 1994 Chief Executive Officer and CSL Limited

Mehrotra Rajiv 1994 Trustee/Secretary Foundation for Universal

Mohd. Nadzmi Bin 1994 Executive Chairman Trisilco Folec Sdn Bhd

Morita Masao 1994

Mota Isabel 1994 Member of the Board of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Moyo Nkosana D. 1994 Founder and Executive Chair Mandela Institute for Development

Mullen John P. 1994 Chief Executive Officer Asciano Limited

Ng Stephen T. H. 1994 Chairman, President and Chief i-Cable Communications Limited

Nishi Kazuhiko 1994

Parker Tim 1994 Ex-Chief Executive, Kenwood

Pastrana Andrés 1994 Member of the International Zurich Financial Services

Patel Ebrahim 1994 Minister of Economic Ministry of Economic Development

Patricio Jose 1994 Country Manager BP Angola

Polo Marco E. 1994 Former Managing Director and

Poon Dickson 1994 Group Executive Chairman Dickson Concepts International

Prestat Alain 1994

Rattle Simon 1994 Principal Conductor Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

Rattner Steven 1994 Chairman Willett Advisors LLC

Reichenberger Wolfgang H. 1994

Rohrbasser Markus 1994 Former CFO of Zurich Financial

Salinas Pliego Ricardo B. 1994 Chairman TV Azteca SA de CV

Sanghvi Vir 1994 Editorial Adviser The Hindustan Times

Schwarz Stefan 1994

Shakhrai Sergei M. 1994 Special Adviser on Legal Affairs Office of the President of the

Sim Wong-Hoo 1994 Chairman and Chief Executive Creative Technology Ltd

Sithanen Ramakrishna 1994 Consultant

Sophonpanich Chartsiri 1994 President Bangkok Bank Public Company

Springman Sarah 1994 Professor ETH Zurich Switzerland

Stypulkowski Cezary 1994

Takaichi Sanae 1994

Tan Climaco Gloria L. 1994 President and Chief Executive Crown Equities Inc.

Tavares Carlos 1994

Umpujh Supaluck 1994 Executive Vice-President Mall Group Co. Ltd

Verwaayen Ben J. 1994 Chief Executive Officer Alcatel-Lucent

Vossoughi Sohrab 1994 President Ziba Design Inc.

Wallenberg Marcus 1994 Chairman Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

Wang Xuebing 1994

Weck Roger de 1994 Director General SRG SSR Idee Suisse

Wieduwilt Margrit 1994 Managing Partner DWG Gesellschaft für Beratung und

Wuffli Peter A. 1994 Member of the Board of Partners Group

Yavlinsky Grigory A. 1994 Leader Russian Democratic Yabloko Party Russia

Zhang Shon-Ying 1994 GLT , no longer with Dadi

Abdul Razak Baginda 1995 Executive Director Malaysian Strategic Research

Aleman Magnani Miguel 1995

Allamand Andres 1995 Minister of National Defence Ministry of National Defence of

Allen Paul G. 1995 Chairman Vulcan Inc.

Andrews Robert E. 1995 Congressman from New Jersey United States House of USA

Angkosubroto Husodo 1995 Chairman PT Gunung Sewu Kencana

Asava-Aree Praphant 1995 Chief Executive Officer Mice Management Co. Ltd

Ashutosh Dayal 1995 President Info USA Inc.

Ballmer Steven Anthony 1995 Chief Executive Officer Microsoft Corporation USA

Barcena Ibarra Alicia 1995 Executive Secretary United Nations Economic

Benhamou Eric A. 1995 Chairman and Chief Executive Benhamou Global Ventures LLC

Björkman Nils 1995 Executive Vice-President Tetra Pak International SA

Bloomer Jonathan 1995

Boiko Oleg 1995 No more at Concern Olbi

Case Steve 1995 Chairman The Case Foundation

Chaudhary Binod K. 1995 President and Managing Director Chaudhary Group

Cheung Barry 1995 Chief Executive FORTUNE OIL PLC

Cho Soo-Ho 1995

Dabbagh Amr A. Al 1995 Governor Saudi Arabian General Investment Saudi Arabia

Darwish Hasan Ali 1995

Demszky Gabor 1995 Mayor of Budapest City of Budapest Hungary

Djojohadikusumo Hashim S. 1995

Douste-Blazy Philippe 1995 Undersecretary-General for United Nations

Exel Audette 1995

Fan Gang 1995 Director, National Economic China Reform Foundation

Farman-Farma Amir Ali 1995 Managing Director CASPIAN PETROLEUM COMPANY

Figueres José María 1995 Managing Partner IJ Partners

Fisher Robert J. 1995 Member of the Board Gap Inc.

Ford William Clay 1995 Executive Chairman Ford Motor Company

Forester Lynn 1995 Founder and Co-Chairman LNG Holdings S.A.

Frater Stephen 1995

Friedman Thomas L. 1995 Columnist, Foreign Affairs The New York Times USA

Garg Ashutosh 1995

Garza-Medina Dionisio 1995 Chairman Grupo Sigma Alimentos

Ghosn Carlos 1995 Chairman and Chief Executive Renault-Nissan Alliance

Gruben Roger 1995 formerly president of Inuvialuit

Halim Saad 1995

Howell Rupert 1995

Isman Hayono 1995 Former State Minister for Sports

Jenkins Kevin J. 1995 President and Chief Executive World Vision International

Juncker Jean-Claude 1995 Prime Minister of Luxembourg Office of the Prime Minister of

Kalsi Ajay 1995 Managing Director Phoenix Overseas Ltd

Khalaf Hunaidi Rima 1995 Under-Secretary-General and United Nations Economic and

Khursheed Salman 1995 Minister of Law and Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice of India India

Kohjima Takeshi 1995 President and Chief Executive Seiyo Food-Compass Group Inc.

Krugman Paul 1995 Professor of Economics Princeton University USA

Kudelski André 1995 Chairman of the Board and Chief Kudelski Group

Küsel Ottmar C. 1995 Chief Executive Officer ROSENTHAL AG

Kux Barbara 1995 Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG

Lim Tik-En David 1995

Lu Jian 1995 President China International Futures Co. Ltd

Lukiyanova Nadezhda 1995

Mallya Vijay 1995 Group Chairman The UB Group

Maroni Roberto 1995

Mboweni Tito 1995 Chairman AngloGold Ashanti Ltd

McGrath Judith 1995

Mudavadi Wycliffe Musalia 1995 Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government of

Nelson Michael R. 1995

Ng Robert 1995 Chairman Sino Group

Ng Chee Tat Philip 1995 Chief Executive Officer Far East Organization Centre Pte

Ng Thow Hing Mary 1995 Member of the Board, State Bank of Mauritius Ltd (SBM)

Noyola Pedro 1995

O'Brien Michael 1995 Ex-Managing Director, Goldman

O'Chee William G. 1995 Principal Investment Strategist Mughal Capital Limited

Olivennes Denis 1995

Olson Molly Harriss 1995 Director Eco Futures Pty Ltd

Ong Teck Mong Timothy 1995 Co-Chairman Asia Inc.

Opaswongkarn Kongkiat 1995 Chief Executive Officer Asia Plus Securities Public Co. Ltd

Pawlak Waldemar 1995 Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Economy of Poland

Playford Nigel 1995

Poe Sheri 1995 ex-Chief Executive Officer of

Rahmani Tahar 1995 Director 3Ci Association

Richardson Hartley T. 1995 Chairman Canadian Council of Chief

Rotyis Jozsef 1995 Left First Washington Associates,

Sachs Jeffrey D. 1995 Director, The Earth Institute Columbia University USA

Salim Anthoni 1995 President and Chief Executive Salim Group

Samar Sima 1995 Chairperson Afghan Independent Human Rights

Sandelin Fredrik 1995

Scott Richard L. 1995 Former Chairman and Chief

Shilowa Mbhazima 1995 Deputy President Congress of the People (COPE)

Silva Carlos Moreira da 1995 Chairman Barbosa & Almeida SA

Soldatov Vasili V. 1995 former President, Russian Russia

Stollmann Jost 1995

Sudikoff Jeffrey P. 1995 Ex- Owner, the Los Angeles USA

Sule Sadanand B. 1995 Director Laguna International Pte Ltd

Sun Chanthol 1995 Senior Minister and Vice- Council for the Development of

Tanaka Akihiko 1995 Professor of International The University of Tokyo Japan

Thani Hamad Bin Jassim Bin 1995 Prime Minister and Minister of Office of the Prime Minister of

Tian Yuan 1995 Chairman China International Futures Co. Ltd

Vasiliev Dmitry V. 1995 Executive Director The Institute of Corporate Law and

Wang Cher 1995 Chairman HTC-VIA

Wang Boming 1995 Editor-in-Chief Caijing Magazine

Wei Wen Yuan 1995 x-Shanghai Securities

Wicks Pippa 1995

Wulff Christian 1995 President of Germany Office of Presidential Affairs of

Yeoh Sock Ping Francis 1995 Managing Director YTL Corporation Berhard

Zeitz Jochen 1995 Executive Chairman PUMA SE

Zobel de Ayala Jaime Augusto 1995 Chairman and Chief Executive Ayala Corporation

Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive Kingdom Holding Co.

Andreessen Marc 1996 Chairman and Co-Founder Opsware Inc.

Auerbach Daniel E. 1996 Managing Partner FIL Capital Management (Hong

Augustsson Peter 1996 President and Chief Executive Saab Automobile AB

Baroin François 1996 Minister of Economy, Finance Ministry of Economy, Finance and

Barrett Peter 1996 Founder and President Net Positive

Bayh Evan 1996

Bedingham Mark F. 1996 Regional Managing Director Moet-Hennessy Asia Pacific

Belluzzo Richard E. 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive Quantum Corporation

Berrard Steven R. 1996 Chairman of the Board of Gerald Stevens Inc.

Bhartia Shobhana 1996 Member of Parliament HT Media Limited

Bonadurer Werner 1996 .

Botín Ana Patricia 1996 Member of the Board Banco Santander SA

Bowman Robert A. 1996

Boza Dibos Beatriz 1996 Executive Manager Ciudadanos al Día

Braga Maria Almeida 1996 Director Bank Icatu

Byanyima Winnie 1996 Director, Gender Team, Bureau United Nations Development

Cadbury Matthew J. 1996

Cañedo White Guillermo 1996 Executive Director Desarrollo Axis S.C.

Chen Zhangliang 1996 Vice-Governor of Guangxi Guangxi People's Government

Coleman Colin 1996 Head and Managing Director Goldman Sachs

Csanyi Sandor 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive OTP Bank Plc

Daggatt Russell 1996

Demel Herbert 1996 President, Magna China, India, Magna International Inc.

Dimon James 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Diniz Ana Maria 1996 Co-Founder Greentech

Dorman David W. 1996 Chairman Motorola Inc.

Eloff Theuns 1996 Vice-Chancellor and Principal North West University

Etrillard Gilles 1996 Managing Partner Lazard

Ferren Bran 1996 Chairman and Chief Creative Applied Minds Inc.

Filizzola Pallares Carlos A. 1996 Senator Senate of Paraguay

Foster Jodie 1996 Actress PMK/HBH USA

Fribourg Paul J. 1996 Chairman, President, and Chief Contigroup Companies Inc.

Funada Hajime 1996

Garzón Baltasar 1996 High Court Judge Audiencia Nacional

Gill Timothy E. 1996

Grabiner Stephen 1996 Member of the Global Executive Apax Partners LLP

Hampton Philip 1996 Chairman Royal Bank of Scotland Group

Hulan Hashbat 1996

Hunziker Erich 1996

Hutter Heidi E. 1996

Irvin Patricia L. 1996 Executive Vice-President and

Ith Vichit 1996 .

Jawa Ahmed J. 1996

Jermoluk Thomas A. 1996

Jordan Boris 1996 President and Chief Executive The Sputnik Group

Khoury-Machool Makram 1996 Researcher, Middle East University of London

Kim Suk-Joon 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive Ssangyong Engineering &

Korotkov Peter A. 1996 President RUSSIAN NATIONAL COMMERCIAL

Koss Johann O. 1996 President and Chief Executive Right To Play International

Kotak Uday S. 1996 Vice-Chairman and Managing Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd

Kunz Heidi 1996 Member of the Board of Agilent Technologies Inc.

Lakatos Peter 1996 Vice-President and Member of Videoton Holding RT

Landuyt William M. 1996

Langlois Daniel 1996 President and Founder Softimage Inc.

Lee Hsien-Yang 1996 Chairman Fraser and Neave Limited

Lee Jay-Hyun 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive CJ Corporation

Leung C. Y. 1996 Chairman DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited

Little Rick R. 1996 Chairman of the Board Silatech

Lo Wing Yan William 1996

Lukhele Andrew K. 1996 Chairman National Stokvels Association of

Mark Rebecca P. 1996

McGinty Kathleen 1996

Medina Tellez Monica 1996 President Fundación Reciprocidad

Michelin Edouard 1996

Moffett Carol 1996 Managing Director MOFFETT ENGINEERING LTD

Myhrvold Nathan 1996 Chief Executive Officer Intellectual Ventures Lab

Ngiam Patrick 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive IPC CORPORATION

Ngiam Mia Kiat Benjamin 1996 Managing Director IPC CORPORATION

Nieter Ulrike 1996

O'Brien Denis 1996 Chairman Island Capital Ltd

Osyka Serhiy 1996 Former Minister of Foreign

Pathy Rajshree 1996 Chairman and Managing Rajshree Sugars & Chemicals Ltd

Piramal Ajay G. 1996 Chairman Piramal Healthcare Limited (PHL)

Polanco Liliana 1996 President PROMOTORA MERCANTIL EIRL

Prabhakar Arati 1996 Ex-SVP and CTO, Raychem, USA

Prod'Hom Chantal 1996 Director Musée de Design et d'Arts

Riboud Franck 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive DANONE

Riehle Wolfgang 1996

Rohatyn Nicolas S. 1996 Chief Executive Officer and Chief The Rohatyn Group

Roxas Manuel Araneta 1996 Senator Senate of the Philippines

Ruiz-Gallardon Alberto 1996 Mayor of Madrid City of Madrid

Saez Irene 1996

Samuel-Johnson Kim 1996 Director Samuel Group of Companies

Schopper Doris 1996 Honorary President Médecins Sans Frontières

Schörghuber Stefan 1996

Setubal Roberto Egydio 1996 Chief Executive Officer and Vice- Banco Itaú Unibanco SA

Shobokshi Hussein 1996 Bureau Chief, Kingdom of Saudi Al Arabiya

Smith Michael J. 1996

Steilmann Britta 1996 Managing Director B.S.S.D. GmbH & Co.KG

Thompson David W. 1996 Chairman and Chief Executive Orbital Sciences Corp.

Turner J. Adair 1996 Chairman Financial Services Authority (FSA)

Videnov Zhan 1996 x-Prime Minister, Bulgaria

Vieira Paulo Afonso 1996

Vinogradov Vladimir V. 1996 Former President of Inkombank

Wang Titang 1996 General Manager Xiamen International Airport

Wee Ee-Cheong 1996 Chief Executive Officer United Overseas Bank Ltd

Windhorst Lars 1996 Chairman Vatas Holding GmbH

Appleton Steve R. 1997

Arteaga Serrano Rosalia 1997 President Consultora Arteaga - Arteaga &

Attal Jocelyne 1997

Bakala Zdenek 1997 Chairman Patria Finance AS

Barlow Simon W. 1997 Owner Rustenberg Wine Estate

Benetton Alessandro 1997 Managing Director 21, Investimenti SpA

Benjumea Felipe 1997 Executive Chairman Abengoa SA

Bertarelli Ernesto 1997 Chairman Kedge Capital Partners Limited

Birla Kumar M. 1997 Group Chairman The Aditya Birla Group

Bjelland Christian 1997 President Chr. Bjelland & Co. ASA

Blom Peter 1997 Chairman of the Executive Board Triodos Bank

Bours Eduardo 1997

Brenneman Gregory D. 1997

C. Galvão Filho Paulo Sérgio 1997 Chairman Klabin SA

Calderón Felipe 1997 President of Mexico Mexican Presidency

Case Daniel H. 1997

Chitiga Liz 1997

Chung Bo Keun 1997 GLT - His comp. Hanbo is

Chung Mong-Gyu 1997

Derby Peter 1997 Chairman and Chief Executive Dialogbank

Dickie Brian N. 1997

Doerken Uwe 1997 Managing Director DHL Worldwide Network NV/SA

Ducharme Bruno 1997

Enany Amr 1997 Vice-Chairman Enany Group of Companies

Escarrer Jaume Sebastián 1997 Vice-Chairman and Co-Chief Grupo Sol Melia SA

Eyre Richard 1997

Fassbind Renato 1997

Feely Nicole 1997 Chief Executive Officer Victorian Employers' Chamber of

Filo David 1997 Chief and Co-Founder Yahoo! Inc.

Firmage Joseph P. 1997

Goschorski Marek 1997

Guichot Isabelle 1997 Chief Executive Officer Balenciaga

Harrell Andre 1997

Harsev Emil 1997 Managing Partner Harsev Co. Unlimited

Hejka-Arczynska Anna K. 1997 Chairman and Chief Executive Heyka Group

Johnson Robert A. 1997 President Bottled Magic Music

Joly Hubert 1997 President and Chief Executive Carlson

Khemka Shiv V. 1997 Vice-Chairman SUN Group

Kim Seok-Dong Milton 1997

Kim Sung-Joo 1997 Chairperson and Chief Executive Sungjoo Group and MCM Group

Klagsbrun Harry 1997

Kofler Georg 1997

Kohout Susanne 1997

Koo Jeffrey J. L. 1997

Kraemer Harry 1997

Ku Karen 1997 Chief Executive Officer Plustek Inc.

Lee Mie-Kyung 1997 Vice-Chairwoman CJ Media

Leptos Chris B. 1997

Loo Carl A. 1997 Chairman NextEd Limited

Losada Moreno Angel 1997 General Director and President Grupo Gigante SAV de CV

Lubetzky Daniel 1997 Chief Executive Officer and KIND Healthy Snacks

Lucas Patrick Larragoiti 1997 Chairman Sul America Seguros

Luhabe Wendy 1997 Founder Defining Moments

Luniku Kristaq 1997

Lynton Michael 1997 Chairman and Chief Executive Sony Pictures Entertainment

Macozoma Sakumzi 1997 Chairman Liberty Holdings

Maes Pattie 1997 Assistant Professor Massachusetts Institute of

Makatiani Ayisi 1997 Managing Partner and Chief Fanisi Capital Ltd

Marcegaglia Emma 1997 President Confederation of Italian Industries

Marhoul Vaclav 1997 Former Chief Executive Officer of

Marsalis Wynton 1997 Artistic Director Jazz Lincoln Center

Masar Vladimir 1997 Chairman Deloitte

Mubarak Gamal H. 1997


Murdoch Lachlan 1997

Nadelmann Ethan A. 1997 Executive Director Drug Policy Alliance

Naidoo Jay 1997 Director J&J Group

Nowais Hussain J. Al 1997 Chairman and Managing Emirates Holdings

Pique Camps Josep 1997 President Vueling Airlines SA

Potanin Vladimir 1997 President Interros Company

Pushkov Alexey 1997 Author, Anchor and Executive TV-Center (TVC)

Rai Anil 1997 Co-Chairman, Governing Council Institute for Integrated Learning in

Renschler Andreas 1997 Member of the Board of Daimler AG

Romanovsky Alexander 1997 General Director RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION

Roth Kenneth 1997 Executive Director Human Rights Watch

Roxas-Yang Emilia "Bien Bien" 1997 Chairman of the Board Asiaworld Internationale Group

Saffo Paul L. 1997 Author and Forecaster Discern Analytics

Sagan Paul 1997 Chief Executive Officer Akamai Technologies Inc.

Sarnoff Richard 1997

Schmidt Eric 1997 Executive Chairman Google Inc.

Schumacher Ulrich 1997

Segev Gonen 1997 Director, Energy, Water and Gas More Energy

Shongwe Isaac O. 1997 Managing Director Letsema Consulting Company

Shriver Timothy P. 1997 Chairman of the Board and Chief Special Olympics Inc.

Silva Marina 1997 Environmental Activist

Simor András 1997 Governor National Bank of Hungary

Slatkin Nora R. 1997 Programme Manager Citi

Somody Imre 1997 President and Chief Executive Pharmavit Ltd

Stonesifer Patricia Q. 1997

Thapar Gautam 1997 Chairman and Chief Executive Avantha Group

Toulin Dmitry V. 1997 Partner ZAO Deloitte & Touche CIS

Vecchio Claudio Del 1997 President and Chief Executive Casual Corner Group

Veltroni Walter 1997

Vitorino Antonio Manuel 1997

Wachsstock Francine 1997

Wagner Daniel 1997

Walker Don J. 1997 Chief Executive Officer Magna International Inc.

Westerwelle Guido 1997 Federal Minister of Foreign Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Wicker-Miurin Fields 1997 Managing Director and Chief Vesta Group

Yan Richard C. L. 1997 Chairman and Chief Executive Richina Group Limited

Achleitner Ann-Kristin 1998 Scientific Director Center for Entrepreneurial and

Alweendo Tom K. 1998 Director-General National Planning Commission

Beese J. Carter 1998 President Riggs Capital Partners

Bezos Jeff 1998 Founder and Chief Executive

Bornhausen Paulo R. 1998

Botero Ana M. 1998

Breton Thierry 1998 Chairman and Chief Executive Atos Origin

Brevnov Boris A. 1998 .

Budinsky Petr 1998 .

Caio Francesco 1998

Chatterjee Vinayak 1998 Chairman Feedback Infrastructure Services

Chu Victor L. L. 1998 Chairman and Chief Executive First Eastern Investment Group

Chung Mong Hyuck 1998 Chiarman and Chief Executive Hyundai Corporation

Cooper Eric C. 1998 Chairman Marconi Communications

Costello Peter 1998 Australia

Dard Guillaume 1998 Chairman and Chief Executive Banque du Louvre

Federici Elia 1998 Chief Executive Officer Safe SpA

Franco Gustavo 1998 Co-Chief Executive Officer Rio Bravo Investimentos Ltda

Frering Guilherme 1998

Fridman Mikhail 1998 Chief Executive Officer and TNK-BP

Go Patrick L. 1998 Chairman Paramount Insurance Companies

Goldin Ian 1998 Director and Professor Oxford Martin School, University of

Gordon Pamela 1998 Leader of the Opposition Bermuda Government Opposition BERMUDA

Gorenflos Reinhard 1998 Director Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Ltd

Greenberg Evan G. 1998 Chairman, President and Chief ACE Limited

Gross Bill 1998 Co-Founder and Chairman Idealab

Gutierrez Campos Francisco R. 1998 Manager of Institutional Affairs Nucleo SA

Haji-Ioannou Stelios 1998 Chairman easyGroup IP Licensing Ltd

Hassett Christopher R. 1998

Hayashi Yoshimasa 1998 Member of the House of House of Councillors of Japan JAPAN

Hishammuddin Bin Tun 1998 Minister of Home Affairs Ministry of Home Affairs of

Holliday Shaun P. 1998

Jaafar Mohammad 1998 Chairman and Managing The Kuwaiti Danish Dairy Company Kuwait

Jackson Michael R. 1998 USA

Jiang Guofang 1998

Johnson Abigail 1998 President, Fidelity Personal and FMR Corporation - Fidelity

Jung Andrea 1998 Chairman and Chief Executive Avon Products Inc.

Kailis George M. 1998 Head, School of Management University of Notre Dame

Katz Jeffrey G. 1998

Kerzner Butch 1998

Khimji Pankaj Kanaksi 1998 Director Khimji Ramdas LLC

Khumalo Mzi 1998 Chairman Metallon Corporation

Kielburger Craig 1998 Founder and Chairperson Kids Can Free The Children

Kudrin Alexey 1998 Professor, Dean of the Faculty Saint Petersburg State University Russia

Kundrun Bernd 1998 President and Chief Executive Grüner und Jahr AG & Co. KG

Lagumdzija Zlatko 1998 Minister of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

Lauder William P. 1998 Executive Chairman Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Lee Hwa-Kyung 1998 Vice-President Orion Corporation

Lippe Stefan 1998

Luksic Craig Guillermo 1998 Chairman of the Board Quineñco SA

Lutnick Howard W. 1998 Chairman and Chief Executive Cantor Fitzgerald LP

Lyubinin Dmitry A. 1998 Director-General UES Settlements Center JSC

Maffei Gregory B. 1998 President and Chief Executive Liberty Media Corporation

Mamboleo Dorika 1998 .

Mauchaza Chiwenga Jocelyn 1998 Managing Director Zimsafe (Pvt) Limited

Mejdell Dag 1998 Chief Executive Officer Norway Post AS

Menell Rick 1998 Chairman The Carrick Foundation

Midori 1998 Violinist and Founder Midori Foundation

Mihailova Nadezhda 1998

Moreira Salles Pedro 1998 Chairman of the Board Banco Itaú Unibanco SA

Naidoo Jayendra 1998 Executive Chairman J&J Group

Noerhadi D. Cyril 1998

Nyemba William T. 1998 Group Chief Executive Officer Trust Holdings Ltd

Packer James D. 1998 Executive Deputy Chairman Consolidated Media Holdings Australia

Papazov Victor 1998 Founder and Chairman of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange and

Pélisson Gilles 1998

Perez Mackenna Francisco 1998 Chief Executive Officer Quineñco SA

Pilip Ivan 1998 Vice-President European Investment Bank (EIB)

Pino Rafael del 1998 Chairman Ferrovial SA

Polese Kim 1998

Prussak Mikhail 1998

Quiroga R. Jorge F. 1998 President of Bolivia (2001-2002) Club de Madrid

Ramos Maria 1998 Group Chief Executive Absa Group Ltd

Revuelta del Peral Javier 1998

Salah Omar Z. 1998

Sato Kumi 1998 President Cosmo Public Relations

Schapiro Mary L. 1998 Chairman US Securities and Exchange

Schmid Andreas G. 1998

Servitje Daniel 1998 Chief Executive Officer Grupo Bimbo

Shalon Dari 1998

Sherman Aliza 1998 Co-Founder, Creator and Cybergrrl Inc.

Shi Yuzhu 1998 Chairman Giant Group

Singh Inderdeep 1998 President and Executive Director Continental Device India Limited

Solo David 1998 Chief Executive Officer Julius Baer Asset Management Ltd

Sternlicht Barry S. 1998 Chairman and Chief Executive Starwood Capital Group

Tahija George S. 1998 President Director PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya

Téllez Kuenzler Luis 1998 Chief Executive Officer Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SA de

Tharoor Shashi 1998 Minister of State for External

Thiam Tidjane 1998 Group Chief Executive Prudential Plc

Tian Edward S. 1998 Chairman China Broadband Capital Partners

Tong Kooi-Ong 1998 Chief Executive Officer Ltd

Voynet Dominique 1998

Vries Gijs M. de 1998 Senior Fellow Netherlands Institute of

Wakata Koichi 1998

Wellauer Thomas 1998 Chief Operating Officer Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd

Wior Mauricio E. 1998 Director IRSA Inversiones y

Wong Wai-kwun Frances 1998 . Independent Schools Foundation

Yeh V'Nee 1998 Deputy Chairman Hsin Chong Construction Group

Yip Amy 1998 Chief Executive Officer DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Alexander Helen 1999 Deputy President Confederation of British Industry

Argüden Yilmaz 1999 Chairman ARGE Consulting

Azcárraga Jean Emilio 1999 President Grupo Televisa SAB

Ba Hassan 1999 Special Assistant to the Office of the President of Senegal

Bajaj Rajiv 1999 Managing Director Bajaj Auto Ltd

Bannister Matthew 1999 Radio Presenter, Radio 5 Live BBC World News

Bayar Ugur 1999 Managing Director, Head of Credit Suisse

Belhaj Ali 1999 President Association Maroc 2020

Bernstein Mark W. 1999 Chief Executive Officer Bernstein Ventures

Best Simon G. 1999 Entrepreneur in Residence TVM Capital GmbH

Bories Christel 1999 Senior-Vice-President, Rio Tinto Alcan Inc.

Brenninkmeijer Michiel R. P. M. 1999 Member of the Board Cardex Group (Asia)

Cassani Barbara 1999

Chetty Deena 1999

Chikhaoui Arslan 1999 Chairman Nord-Sud Ventures

Chitalu Valentine 1999 Chairman Kabwe Industrial Fabrics Limited

Cueto Plaza Enrique 1999 Chief Executive Officer Lan Airlines SA

De Leo Francesco 1999 Chairman and President MonteCarlo Sat

Derajic Svjetlana 1999 Project Manager, European European Human Rights

Dommermuth Ralph 1999 Chief Executive Officer 1&1 AG & Co. KG&A

Durkan Mark 1999 Leader Social Democratic and Labour

Dzhandosov Uraz 1999

Ebrahim Zohra B. 1999 Executive Chairman Organisation Development Africa

Ebtekar Masoumeh 1999 President Center for Peace and

Eliasch Johan 1999 Chairman and Chief Executive Head NV

Esty Dan 1999 Commissioner Connecticut Department of

Ferrazzi Keith E. 1999 Chief Executive Officer Ferrazzi Greenlight

Fischer Andrea 1999 .

Fischer Leonhard H. 1999

Freiche Dominique-Henri 1999 .

Galloway Scott 1999 Chief Executive Officer Brand Farm

Generalov Sergey 1999 President Industrial Investors Llc.

Glaser Robert 1999 Chairman RealNetworks Inc.

Gokongwei Lance 1999 President and Chief Operating JG Summit Holdings Inc.

Grandi Filippo 1999 Commissioner-General United Nations Relief and Works

Holtzman Marc L. 1999 Vice-Chairman Barclays

Ioschpe Salomão 1999 President and Chief Executive Iochpe-Maxion Group

Ismaily Salem Ben Nasser Al 1999 Chairman Public Authority for Investment

Jack Bradley H. 1999 Member of the Executive Lehman Brothers Inc.

Jacob Philippe-Loïc 1999

Jacomet Dominique 1999 Managing Director Devanlay SA

Jang Heung-Soon 1999 President Turbotek Co. Ltd

Kar Pradeep 1999 Founder, Chairman and Microland Limited

Knutzen Tom 1999

Kolber Jonathan 1999

Kostin Andrey L. 1999 Chairman and Chief Executive JSC VTB Bank

Kumar Sanjay 1999

Kurtsan Meltem 1999 President Kurtsan Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Liu Hong Henry 1999

Livermore Ann 1999 Executive Vice-President, Hewlett-Packard Company

Mackenzie Doug 1999 Partner Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers

Maren Mani 1999

Marques Maria Silvia Bastos 1999 President Icatu-Hartford

Masri Bashar 1999 General Director Massar International

Matic Veran 1999 Editor-in-Chief and Chief Radio and Television B92

Meigas Helo 1999 Independent Consultant

Minor Halsey 1999

Moragoda Milinda 1999 Senior Adviser to President Office of the President of Sri

Motsepe Patrice T. 1999 Founder and Executive African Rainbow Minerals Ltd

Muftic Edin 1999 Chief Executive Officer Raiffeisen Bank d.d. BiH

Müller Jan 1999

Murdoch Elizabeth 1999 Chairman and Chief Executive Shine Group UK

Nawakwi Edith Z. 1999 .

Nini Achinoam (Noa) 1999 Singer and Songwriter More Productions B.P. Ltd

Noda Seiko 1999 Member of the House of House of Representatives of

Ofori-Atta Kenneth 1999 Executive Chairman Databank Financial Services Ltd

Omidyar Pierre 1999 Founder and Chairman eBay Inc. USA

Onyango-Obbo Charles 1999 Editor The Monitor Publications

Pagani Luis A. 1999 President Arcor SAIC

Pangestu Mari Elka 1999 Minister of Tourism and Ministry of Tourism and Creative

Pieper Roel 1999 Managing Director Insight Capital Partners Europe

Piva Horácio Lafer 1999 Member of the Board Klabin SA

Profumo Alessandro 1999 Owner and Chief Executive Appeal Strategy & Finance

Quadir Iqbal Z. 1999 Director, Program in Massachusetts Institute of

Roekke Kjell Inge 1999

Rouvillois Samuel 1999 Father Community of St-John

Ryzhkov Vladimir 1999 Member of the State Duma State Duma of the Russian

Schöpf Peter 1999 Secretary-General Swiss National Bank

Sidler Bruno 1999

Sielicki Tomasz 1999 Group President Sygnity SA

Singhvi Abhishek Manu 1999 Member of Parliament and Supreme Court of India

Sturzenegger Federico 1999 President Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos

Surroi Veton 1999 Chairman Koha Ditore

Tarses Jamie 1999

Torvalds Linus 1999 OSDL Fellow OSDL

Tu Guangshao 1999 Vice-Mayor of Shanghai Shanghai Municipal Government

Vagnorius Gediminas 1999 Former Prime Minister of

Vardi Arik 1999 Co-Founder ICQ Ltd

Vejjajiva Abhisit 1999 Leader Democratic Party of Thailand

Votis George T. 1999 Chairman and Chief Executive Galt Industries Inc.

Vucinic Sasa 1999 Managing Director Media Development Loan Fund

Waheed Alli 1999 Chairman ASOS plc

Werner Martin 1999 Managing Director The Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

Windolph John 1999

Wisniewska Maria 1999

Yang Yuanqing 1999 Chairman and Chief Executive Lenovo

Young Simone 1999 General Manager and Music

Zungu Sandile 1999 Executive Chairman Zungu Investments Company

Abiola-Costello Hafsat 2000 Special Adviser on Millennium Development Goals Ogun State Government

Abu Issa Issam A. Salam M. 2000 Chairman of the Board and General Manager Palestine International Bank (PIB)

Ahlvarsson Ola 2000 Chairman and Founder Result

Amadi Manny 2000 "Founder and Chief Executive

Officer Cause & Effect Limited"

Aman Karim Sarina 2000 "Vice-President Multimedia Development


Arnold Jeff 2000 Chief Executive Officer The Convex Group

Arnoldi Massimo 2000 Chief Executive Officer Lifeware SA

Arredondo Fabiola R. 2000 Founder FRA Holdings LLC

Barrales Ruben 2000 "Assistant to the President and Director, Intergovernmental

Affairs Office of the President of the United States"

Basaran-Symes Cansen 2000 Territory Senior Partner PwC

Beeson Ann 2000 Litigation Director, Technology and Liberty Program American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Benabbés-Taarji Jalil 2000 Director-General Tikida Hotels

Bhatia Sabeer 2000 Chairman Bhatia Enterprises

Birgersson Jonas 2000 "Founder and Chief Executive

Officer Labs2"

Brewer Eric 2000

Bulkeley Jonathan 2000 Chairman QXL.COM

Cain Steven 2000 Co-Founder Goingreen

Chepkong'a Samuel 2000

Cohon Craig 2000 Executive Director Globalegacy London Ltd

Covey Joy 2000 .

Dalmia Gaurav 2000 Director Dalmia Group

Demotte Rudy 2000 "Minister-President Ministry of the Walloon Region

of Belgium"

Deripaska Oleg V. 2000 President EN+Group

Elsztain Eduardo S. 2000 "Chairman IRSA Inversiones y

Representaciones SA"

Elzvik Eric 2000

Espuelas Fernando 2000 Chairman and Co-Founder Voy Group LLC

Felgueras Cecilia 2000

Fernández González Carlos 2000 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Grupo Modelo SA de CV"

Fouse Jacqualyn A. 2000 "Senior Vice-President and

Chief Financial Officer Celgene Corporation"

Freeland Chrystia 2000 Digital Editor Thomson Reuters

Gálvez Ruiz Xóchitl 2000 Head National Commission for the Development of Indigenous People

Ganswindt Thomas 2000

Garotinho Anthony 2000 .

Gattung Theresa 2000

Ghillani Paola 2000 Founder Paola Ghillani & Friends AG

Gordhan Ketso 2000 Head, Private Equity Rand Merchant Bank

Gounden Vasu 2000 "Founder and Executive

Director African Centre for the

Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)"

Green Harriet 2000 Group Chief Executive Premier Farnell Plc

Greiner Helen 2000 Co-Founder and Chairman iRobot Corporation

Habash Lily 2000 Founder and Head of the Board of Directors PARTNERS

Habeenzu Shuller 2000 "Chief Executive Officer and

Controller The Communications Authority"

Haefliger Michael E. 2000 Executive and Artistic Director Lucerne Festival

Hands Guy 2000 Group Chairman and Chief Investment Officer Terra Firma Capital Partners Limited

Holmes Deborah K. 2000 "Global Corporate

Responsibility Leader Ernst & Young"

Hore Barry John Stuart 2000

Hung Huang 2000 Chief Executive Officer China Interactive Media Group

Ivancic Viktor 2000

Karachinsky Anatoly 2000 "President and Chief Executive

Officer IBS Group"

Kennedy Charles 2000

Kim Min-Seok 2000

Komitova Irena 2000 "Consultant, Leadership

Seminar, Executive MBA Program American University in Bulgaria"

Krzanowski Adam 2000 President and Founder Nowy Styl Group Sp. z o.o.

Kuyl Chris van der 2000 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Vis Entertainment Plc"

Lam Dennis S. C. 2000 "Chairman and Professor,

Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences The Chinese University of Hong


Lederhausen Mats 2000 Managing Director, McDonald's Ventures McDonald's Corporation

Legarda Loren 2000

Lehtonen Heikki 2000 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Componenta Corporation"

Levin David S. 2000 Group Chief Executive UBM Plc

Makhmalbaf Samira 2000 Film Director Makhmalbaf Productions

Mallin Liavan 2000 "Chairperson and Chief

Executive Officer Zalco Investments"

Malmgren K. Philippa 2000 President Canonbury Group

Mansson Fabian 2000

Manzoni John 2000 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Talisman Energy Inc."

Mattrick Donald A. 2000 "Senior Vice-President,

Interactive Entertainment Business, Entertainment and Devices Division Microsoft Corporation"

Meacham Jon 2000 Managing Editor Newsweek

Mihas Constantine 2000 Principal GTCR Golder Rauner LLC

Miklos Ivan 2000 "Deputy Prime Minister and

Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance of Slovakia"

Mills Jonathan 2000 "Adjunct Professor,

Environmental Acoustics "

Mohebbi Afshin 2000

Monreal Ávila Ricardo 2000

Mulgan Geoff 2000 Director The Young Foundation

Navarro Rodrigo 2000 "Managing Director CAF Latin American Development


Núñez de Reyes Gabriela 2000

O'Connor Kevin 2000 Chairman DoubleClick Inc.

Omoigui Okauru Marina Ifueko 2000 "Executive Chairman Federal Inland Revenue Service


Oz Mehmet C. 2000 "Professor of Surgery and Vice-

Chairman, Cardiovascular Services New York Presbyterian Hospital"

Péladeau Pierre Karl 2000 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Quebecor Inc."

Piskorski Pawel B. 2000 "Member of the European

Parliament European Parliament"

Ramo Joshua Cooper 2000 Vice Chairman Kissinger Associates Inc.

Rees Joanna 2000 Founder and Managing Partner VSP Capital

Ridgeway Aden 2000

Roy Arundhati 2000 Author

Ryan Patrick G. 2000 Founder and President Inner-City Teaching Corps

Said Salvador 2000 Executive Director Grupo Said

Sanchez Gijon Aitana 2000 "Actress and President,

Academia del Cine Espanol Academia del Cine Espanol"

Sardesai Rajdeep 2000 "Chief Editor Network 18 Media & Investments


Shigeta Yasumitsu 2000 Chief Executive Officer Hikari Tsushin Inc.

Stout Chris E. 2000 "Clinical Professor University of Illinois College of


Tagare Neil M. 2000 Chief Executive Officer Research4 Inc.

Tay Simon S. 2000 "Chairman Singapore Institute of

International Affairs (SIIA)"

Valk Christiaan van der 2000 "E-Business Rapporteur International Chamber of

Commerce (ICC)"

Varsavsky Martin 2000 Chief Executive Officer Fon

Waitt Ted 2000

Wolf Michael 2000 "President and Chief Executive

Officer ACTIVATE Inc."

Yap Michael K. 2000 "Deputy Chief Executive Officer Media Development Authority of


Zittrain Jonathan 2000 "Professor of Law and Professor

of Computer Science Harvard University"

Abdullah Omar 2001 "Chief Minister of Jammu and

Kashmir Government of Jammu and


Adeniji Segun 2001

Adès Thomas 2001 Pianist and Composer Faber Music

Aggad Tarek 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Arab Palestinian Investment Co.


Alami Amyn 2001 Chairman Casablanca Finance Group

Appleton Barry 2001 "Managing Partner Appleton & Associates

International Lawyers"

Ardalan Parvin Najafgholi 2001 Author and Essayist

Baggio Rodrigo 2001 Executive Director Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI)

Bahl Raghav 2001 Managing Director Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd

Batran Manal El 2001 "Senior Specialist, Department

of Technical Affairs, New Urban Communities Ministry of Housing, Utilities and

Urban Communities of Egypt"

Battelle John 2001 Chairman and Publisher Federated Media

Bernoussi Hassan 2001 "Executive Director, Foreign

Investments Foreign Investments Department"

Bhatnagar Sanjay 2001 Chief Executive Officer WaterHealth International

Biaudet Eva 2001 "Special Representative on

Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)"

Bitar Hania 2001 Director-General Pyalara

Bonas Dafna C. 2001 Partner Eden McCallum

Browder William F. 2001 "Chief Executive Officer Hermitage Capital Management


Casares Wenceslao 2001 Co-Chief Executive Officer Bling Nation Inc.

Chanakira Nigel 2001 "Founder and Director Kingdom Financial Holdings


Charnley Irene 2001 Chief Executive Officer Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd

Conn Iain 2001 "Chief Executive, Refining and

Marketing BP Plc"

Cooper Yvette 2001 "Shadow Secretary of State for

Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Labour Party"

Costa Climent Juan 2001 Member Partido Popular

Cunha André 2001 President Alldix

Czechowicz Tomasz 2001 "Chief Executive Officer and

Founder MCI Management SA"

Didiza Thoko 2001

Döpfner Mathias 2001 Chief Executive Officer Axel Springer AG

Druckman Myles C. 2001 "Vice-President, Medical

Assistance International SOS"

Dunstone Charles 2001

Fields Mark 2001 Executive Vice-President and President, The Americas Ford Motor Company

Frankel David 2001 Executive Chairman Altirah Capital

Freitag Sebastian 2001 Managing Director Freitag & Co. GmbH

Gomez Junco Enrique 2001 Chief Executive Officer Optima Energia SA de CV

González Estrada Tomás 2001 Research Fellow University of London

Grove Patrick 2001 Group Chief Executive Officer Catcha Media Group

Hadfield Tom 2001 Serial Entrepreneur Impactanation

Halstead Ted 2001 Founder New America Foundation

Harthy Assilah Z. Al 2001

Hayat Nezha 2001 "Member of the Management

Board Société Générale Maroc"

Hidary Jack D. 2001 Global EV Leader Hertz Global Holding Inc.

Hobson Mellody 2001 President Ariel Capital Management Inc.

Jackson Tim 2001 Trustee Argentarius Foundation

Kamenetzky David 2001

Kempff Bruno Carlos E. 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Santa Monica Cotton"

Lam Joy-Shan 2001 Managing Director Hong Kong Economic Journal

Larsson Per E. 2001

Lee Jaewoong 2001 Founder and Senior Partner sopoong ventures

Leisztinger Tamas 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Arago Holding"

Li Lu 2001 Founding General Partner Himalaya Capital

Ma Yun Jack 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Alibaba Group"

Mallinckrodt Edward 2001 Partner Mauryan Capital

Malomo Olukunle 2001 "Director, CEB Solutions The Corporate Executive Board

Company (CEB)"

Marshall Melanie D. 2001 Producer BBC World News

Martinez Staines Javier 2001 Director-General, Editorial Editorial Televisa

Matsumoto Oki 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Monex Group Inc."

Mavuso Mbatha Zanele 2001 Managing Director Dema Capital

McLaughlin Andrew 2001 .

Mesa Zuleta Gabriel 2001 Secretary-General Grupo Aval

Mikitani Hiroshi 2001 "Chairman, President and Chief

Executive Officer Rakuten Inc."

Mkhize Imogen N. 2001 Director Sasol Limited

Nanda Nikhil 2001 Joint Managing Director The Escorts Group

Nasreen Taslima 2001 Author

Neivelt Indrek 2001

Newmark Evan M. 2001 .

Nowak Arkadiusz 2001 "President Instytut Praw Pacjenta I Edukacji


Ó'Lachtnáin Antóin 2001 .

Obaseki Godwin N. 2001 "Founder and Chief Executive

Officer Afrinvest West Africa Limited"

Obrist Hans U. 2001 "Curator Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville

de Paris"

Rana Siddhartha S. J. B. 2001 President The Soaltee Group

Rodriguez Zapatero José Luis 2001

Rottenberg Linda 2001 "Co-Founder and Chief

Executive Officer Endeavor"

Rudasingwa Theogène 2001

Rui Chenggang 2001 Director and Anchor China Central Television (CCTV)

Saunders Vicki A. 2001 Chief Executive Officer Impactanation

Stanek Roman 2001 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Systinet Corporation"

Stott Despoja Natasha 2001 "Parliamentary Leader and

Senator Australian Democrats"

Subkhanberdin Nurzhan S. 2001 Chairman of the Board Kazkommertsbank

Szwajcowski Jacek 2001 Chief Executive Officer Pelion Healthcare Group SA

Tananbaum Jim 2001 Managing Director Prospect Venture Partners

Tenberken Sabriye 2001 Programme Coordinator Braille without Borders

Terselic Vesna 2001 "Founder and Executive

Director Center for Peace Studies (CMS)"

Thibaudeau Nicola 2001 Consultant GTEC SA

Tjan Anthony 2001 "Vice-Chairman and Senior

Partner The Parthenon Group"

Trindade Reinaldo L. S. 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Mestres & Serviços Lda"

Vardanian Ruben K. 2001 "Chairman of the Board and

Chief Executive Officer Troika Dialog"

Venus Anthony 2001 "Chief Executive Officer and

Executive Director Strategic Intelligence Research"

Victoria of Sweden 2001 "Crown Princess Office of H.M. the King of


Wang Zhidong 2001 General Manager Beijing Dianji Technology Ltd

Webb David M. 2001 Editor

Wong Toon-King 2001 "Chairman and Managing

Director Silkroute Holdings Pte Ltd"

Zakaria Fareed 2001 Anchor, Fareed Zakaria - GPS CNN

Zayat Ahmed 2001

Zhang Charles C. Y. 2001 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Inc."

Zhao Min 2001 Founder and Chairman Adfaith Consulting

Zhuravskaya Ekatherina 2001 "Academic Director Centre for Economic and

Financial Research (CEFIR)"

Zilwa Sindi 2001 National Managing Partner SizweNtsaluba VSP

Abdel-Wadood Mustafa 2002 Chief Executive Officer Abraaj Capital Limited

Abu Zayyad Said Fuad 2002 Vice-Chairman FIRST Holdings

Adeyemo Oyenike 2002 Director Africa Infrastructures Foundation

Ahmad Kamal 2002 Vice-Chairman Asian University for Women

Ansari Anousheh 2002 Co-Founder and Chief Prodea Systems Inc.

Apostolov Apostol 2002 Executive Director Bulgarian Privatization Agency

Appendino Michele 2002 Co-Founder and Managing Net Partners Ventures

Ayouch Khalid 2002 Chief Executive Officer Finaccess Six Telekurs MENA

Barnett Roger 2002 Chairman and Chief Executive Shaklee Corporation

Benioff Marc R. 2002 Chairman and Chief Executive

Bilgi Elif 2002 Chief Executive Officer HC Istanbul Menkul Degerler

Blecher Taddy 2002 Chief Executive Officer Maharishi Institute of

Blevins Tony 2002

Bohmer Martin 2002 Dean Universidad de Palermo

Brand Christoph 2002

Cabrera Ángel 2002 President Thunderbird School of Global

Capehart Jonathan 2002 Deputy Editorial Page Editor The New York Daily News

Chaddha Navin 2002 Managing Director Mayfield Fund

Corriero Jennifer 2002 Co-Founder and Executive TakingITGlobal

Cosgrove Clayton 2002 Member of Parliament Parliament of New Zealand

Davis Christopher 2002 Chief Executive Officer and The Davis Fund

Dergunova Olga 2002 Member of the Board JSC VTB Bank

Diakité Louis N. 2002 Chief Executive Officer Monicash

Djelic Bozidar 2002 Member of the Counseling European Bank for

Dutt Barkha 2002

Eddy Randolph P. 2002

Enonchong Rebecca 2002 Chief Executive Officer AppsTech

Espinosa Jiménez Alfredo 2002 Chief Executive Officer Fundacion Mexicana para el

Farith Rithauddeen 2002 President Skali Group

Forsyth Justin 2002 President, Save the Children Save the Children International

Freeman Catherine 2002 Olympic game Gold medal

Freire Andy 2002 Chief of Staff of Advisors Propuesta Republicana - PRO

Goolsbee Austan 2002 Professor of Economics University of Chicago

Gülek Tayyibe 2002 Honorary Chairman International Strategic Research

Gümüstekin Tulu 2002 Founder and Director-General CPS Advisory Group

Hahn Marocco Pia L. 2002 Chief Executive Officer Allegra Hicks Ltd

Hertz Noreena 2002 Associate Director, Centre for University of Cambridge

Herz J. C. 2002 Designer Joystick Nation

Horowitz Sara 2002 Founder and Executive Freelancers Union

Ito Joichi 2002 Director, Media Lab Massachusetts Institute of

Jay François M. 2002 Investment Officer Agence Française de

Johnson Hilde F. 2002 Deputy Executive Director United Nations Children's Fund

Jones Van 2002 Senior Fellow The Center for American Progress

Kapusta Marek 2002

Kariithi Kibuga Kinyua 2002

Kearns Jordan Kristin 2002 Founder and Executive Bronx Preparatory Charter School

Khilji Rehana Bibi 2002 Manager, Gender and Strengthening Participatory

Korobkov Dmitry 2002 Founder and Chairman ADV Marketing Communications

Kreiz Ynon 2002

Kwakwa Kofi 2002 Chief Executive Sagevest Holdings Limited

Lammy David 2002 Minister of State for Higher Department for Business,

Lauder Aerin 2002 Senior Vice-President, Global Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Le Meur Loïc 2002 Founder and Chief Executive Seesmic

Leichner Reynal Maria 2002 Executive Director Fundacion Ecos

Lejon Britta 2002 Member of Parliament House of Parliament of Sweden

Liu Eric 2002 Founder and Director How We Teach Initiative

Lomborg Bjorn 2002 Author and Associate Professor University of Aarhus

Lozada Carlos 2002 Managing Editor Foreign Policy Magazine

Madié David 2002 Founder and Director

Magaço Luis 2002 Managing Director Austral Consulting Group

Maischberger Sandra 2002 Moderator ZDF

Marcus Lucy P. 2002 Founder and Chief Executive Marcus Venture Consulting Ltd

Mello Pedro 2002 Social Entrepreneur Rasga Mato

Meta Ilir 2002 Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Economy, Trade and

Metzler Ruth 2002

Meyer Julie 2002 Founder and Chief Executive Ariadne Capital

Mills Heather 2002 Founder Heather Mills McCartney

Mistri Shaheen 2002 Managing Director and Akanksha Foundation

Monroy Marco G. 2002 President and Chief Executive MGM International Ltda

Mordashov Alexei A. 2002 Chief Executive Officer Severstal

Mousavizadeh Nader 2002 Chief Executive Officer Oxford Analytica Ltd

Ng'weno Amolo 2002 Managing Director Digital Divide Data Kenya Ltd

Nguyen Bill 2002

Nicolae Serban 2002 Member of the Government Office of the Prime Minister of

Obuchi Yuko 2002 Member of the House of House of Representatives of

Oppenheimer Jonathan Ernest 2002 Head, Chairman's Office De Beers Group of Companies

Özdemir Cem 2002 Member of the European European Parliament

Page Larry 2002 Co-Founder and Chief Google Inc.

Parekh Michelle 2002 .

Quandt Stefan 2002 Deputy Chairman of the BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke

Ribeiro Humberto Luiz 2002 National Secretary of Ministry of Development,

Roets Johan 2002 Director, Direct Distribution The Standard Bank Group Limited

Romero Fernando 2002 President Laboratory of Architecture SA de

Rowling Joanne Kathleen 2002 Co-founder and chair Lumos Foundation

Salm Christiane zu 2002 Media Entrepreneur

Schneider Gregorio 2002 Managing Director, Head, Och-Ziff Capital Management

Schulze Kirsten E. 2002 Lecturer, International History London School of Economics and

Shi Lihong 2002 Founder and Executive Officer Green Plateau Institute

Shimkin Christopher 2002 Founder and Executive Global Village Engineers

Singh Jagdeep 2002 President, Chief Executive Infinera

Siu Yat 2002 Chief Executive Officer Outblaze Limited

Stronach Belinda 2002

Thornton John D. 2002 General Partner Austin Ventures LP

Tsehai Elizabeth 2002 Founder and President E.T. Communications

Ung Loung 2002 National Spokesperson Vietnam Veterans of America

Volpi Michelangelo 2002 Chief Executive Officer Joost NV

Wolfensohn Sara 2002 Director Wolfensohn Family Foundation

Zungu Sandile 2002 Executive Chairman Zungu Investments Company

Amegashie Dzifa 2003 Partner Tertium Consulting

Araujo Maria Consuelo 2003

Armstrong Lance 2003 Founder and Chairman LiveSTRONG

Artoni Anna Maria 2003 President Confederation of Italian Industries (Confindustria

Azalina Binti Othman Said 2003 Head Puteri UMNO

Bahwan Hind S. 2003 Chairperson Bahwan Cyber Tek Group

Block Susan 2003

Bonchristiano Antonio 2003 Co-Chief Executive Officer GP Investimentos

Borde Laurence M. 2003 "Founder and Chief Executive

Officer Media Tree Limited"

Botton Alain de 2003 Philosopher, Author

Boyd Stacey 2003 Chief Executive Officer Global Learning Ventures

Brglez Alja 2003 Director and Founder Institute for Civilization and

Caille Jérôme 2003

Chandra Vikram 2003 Presenter and Editor New Delhi Television (NDTV)

Chernukhin Vladimir A. 2003

Chino Mitsuru Claire 2003 Corporate Counsel Itochu Corporation

Crampton Thomas 2003 "Asia Pacific Director,

Social@Ogilvy Ogilvy"

Danel Carlos 2003 "Executive Vice-President

and Co-Founder Compartamos, Sociedad

Anónima Bursátil de Capital"

Dennis Carina L. 2003 Senior Editor Nature Magazine

Ding James 2003 Chairman of the Board AsiaInfo Holdings Inc.

Ding Haisen 2003 "Chairman, Founder and

Chief Executive Officer Global Manufacturer

System Limited"

Domae Nobuo 2003 Executive Vice-President Fast Retailing Co. Ltd

Dua André 2003 Principal McKinsey & Company

Eide Espen Barth 2003 Minister of Defence Ministry of Defence of

Forbes Kristin J. 2003 Professor of Economics MIT - Sloan School of

Fourquet Jose A. 2003 "Managing Director, Private

Investment Management Lehman Brothers"

Frederik of Denmark 2003 Prince of Denmark Office of H.M. the Queen of

Gadhia Jitesh 2003 Senior Managing Director The Blackstone Group

Gruenberg Christian 2003 Director Poder Ciudadano

Harding Daniel 2003 Conductor

Harris Eva 2003 Assistant Professor University of California,

Himanen Pekka 2003 Professor HIIT

Houlihan Kathleen 2003 "Executive Director Chicago Sister Cities

International Program"

Hoxby Caroline 2003 Professor of Economics Stanford University

Hui Harry 2003

Hunt Gregory A. 2003 "Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Environment and

Water Liberal Party of Australia"

Ibrahim Lisa Bte Dato Paduka 2003 "Founder and Chief Executive

Officer Lils Management Services"

Iseux Jean-Christophe 2003 "Director, Research, Institute

of World Economy Renmin University of China"

Jacq François 2003 "Chief Executive Officer Agence Nationale de

Gestion des Déchets"

Joy Larissa 2003 Chief Operating Officer Weber Shandwick

Karabell Zachary 2003 President River Twice Research

Katainen Jyrki Tapani 2003 Prime Minister of Finland Office of the Prime Minister

Kawar Karim 2003 "Chairman, EDAMA Initiative,

Jordan; President Kawar Group"

Kelly Ruth 2003 "Member of Parliament for

Bolton West House of Commons of the

United Kingdom"

Kirsch Vanessa 2003 President and Founder New Profit Inc.

Kjaer Henriette 2003

Koh Joshua 2003 Managing Director The SeekSense Group

Krawcheck Sallie 2003

Krishna Srivatsa 2003 "Member, Collaboratory for

Research on Global Projects Stanford University"

Kwelagobe Mpule 2003 "Goodwill Ambassador United Nations Population

Fund (UNFPA)"

Lewis William 2003 Group General Manager News International Trading

Lopez-de-Silanes Florencio 2003 "Professor, Finance and Economics and Director, International Institute for

Corporate Governance Yale School of Management"

MacKinnon Rebecca 2003 Author, Journalist

Mathews Burwell Sylvia 2003 "President, Global

Development Program Bill & Melinda Gates


May Brendan 2003 Chief Executive Officer Marine Stewardship Council

Meyer Paul 2003 "Co-Founder, Chairman and

President Voxiva Inc."

Mitsotakis Kyriakos 2003 "Member of Parliament, New

Democracy Hellenic Parliament"

Monckeberg Nicolas 2003 Congressman Chamber of Deputies of

Moody James 2003 "Executive Director, Development Commonwealth Scientific

and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)"

Moody Leslie 2003 President Denver Area Labour

Motwani Sulajja F. 2003 Managing Director Kinetic Motor Company Ltd

Mulligan Casey 2003 "Associate Professor of

Economics University of Chicago"

Nakada Hiroshi 2003 Chairman The Spirit of Japan Party

Neilson Trevor 2003 "Senior Adviser and Member APCO Worldwide, International Advisory

Council APCO Worldwide Inc."

Nelson Curtis 2003 "President and Chief

Operating Officer Carlson"

Newton-King Nicky 2003 Chief Executive Officer JSE Ltd

Nwuneli Ndidi O. 2003 "Founder and Director Leadership Effectiveness Accountability and

Professionalism (LEAP)"

O'Reilly Gavin K. 2003 Chief Operating Officer Independent News & Media

Ojuland Kristiina 2003

Oliveira Jr Constantino de 2003 "President, Chief Executive

Officer and Director Gol Linhas Aéreas

Inteligentes SA"

Oranje Mabel van 2003 Chief Executive Officer The Elders

Özer Yaprak 2003 "Founder and General

Manager Indeks Icerik Iletisim

Danismanlik Ltd Sti."

Peters Teresa 2003 Board Member and Adviser

Photpipat Nusorn 2003

Power Samantha 2003 "Senior Director, Multilateral

Affairs and Human Rights National Security Council


Renner Tim 2003

Rohner Marcel 2003

Salzhauer Amy 2003 "Founder and Managing

Director Ignition Ventures"

Samuelsson Marcus 2003 Chef and Owner, Red Marcus Samuelsson Group

Sanjaasuren Oyun 2003 Member of Parliament Parliament of Mongolia

Schwartz Daniel I. 2003 "Founder, Chairman and

Chief Executive Officer Dynamica Inc."

Shuttleworth Mark 2003 Founder and Chairman The Shuttleworth

Shwed Gil 2003 "Founder, Chairman and

Chief Executive Officer Check Point Software

Technologies Ltd"

Singh Reuben 2003 "Founder and Chief Executive


Sukma Rizal 2003 "Executive Director Centre for Strategic and

International Studies (CSIS)"

Susov Mikhail 2003

Taarji Dounia 2003

Tanovic Danis 2003 Director

Timba Patterson F. 2003 .

Veltchev Milen 2003 "Member of Parliament National Assembly of the

Republic of Bulgaria and"

Villarreal Estela 2003 "Founder and Managing

Director UNIDOS Lo Lograremos A.C"

Vilsmeier Stefan 2003 "Chief Executive Officer and

Founder BrainLAB AG"

Werner Richard A. 2003 Professor University of Southampton

Zadek Simon 2003 Senior Visiting Fellow Global Green Growth

Zaidi Hasan 2003 Executive Producer Tamarind Media

Zients Jeffrey 2003 Chairman Advisory Board Company

Zuckerman Ethan 2003 Co-Founder Global Voices

Moody James Bradfield 2005 "Chief Executive Officer and Director Space and Environmental

Technologies" Australia

Guthrie Michelle 2005 Chief Executive Officer Star Group Limited Hong Kong SAR

Li Tzar-kuoi Victor 2005 "Deputy Chairman and Managing

Director Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd" Hong Kong SAR

Wang Sing 2005 "Chief Executive Officer and

Executive Director TOM Group Limited" Hong Kong SAR

Webb David M. 2005 Editor Hong Kong SAR

Arifin Nurul 2005 Actress Indonesia

Asao Keiichiro 2005 "Member of the House of Councillors,

DJP House of Councillors of Japan" Japan

Chino Mitsuru C. 2005 Corporate Counsel Itochu Corporation Japan

Domae Nobuo 2005 Vice-President Fast Retailing Co. Ltd (UNIQLO) Japan

Furukawa Motohisa 2005 "Member of the House of

Representatives House of Representatives of

Japan" Japan

Hori "Kazutomo

Robert" 2005 Chief Executive Officer Cybird Co. Ltd Japan

Kondo James M. 2005 Associate Professor University of Tokyo Japan

Matsuzaki Misa 2005 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Agasta Co. Ltd" Japan

Mikitani Hiroshi 2005 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Rakuten Inc." Japan

Nakada Hiroshi 2005 Mayor of Yokohama Office of the Mayor of Yokohama Japan

Tsuruho Yosuke 2005 Member of the House of Councilors House of Councillors of Japan Japan

Fernandes Anthony F. 2005 Chief Executive Officer AirAsia Bhd Malaysia


Nazir Tun Abdul Razak" 2005 Chief Executive Officer Commerce International Merchant Bankers Bhd Malaysia

Cosgrove Clayton 2005 Member of Parliament Parliament of New Zealand New Zealand

Chen Tianqiao Timothy 2005 Chief Executive Officer Shanda Networking Development People's Republic of China

Ding James 2005 "Chairman of the Board AsiaInfo Technologies (China)

Inc." "People's Republic

of China"

Fang Xinghai 2005 Deputy Chief Executive Officer Shanghai Stock Exchange "People's Republic

of China"

"Lu Hao

Ma Lianjie" 2005 "Vice-Mayor of Beijing

Director, Urban Management, School of Public Administration Beijing Municipal Government

Huazhong University of Science and Technology" "People's Republic

of China

People's Republic of China"

Ma Yun Jack 2005 Chief Executive Officer (China) Technology Corp. Ltd People's Republic of China

Wang Lifen 2005 Director CCTV 2 "People's Republic

of China"


Zhenmin" 2005 "Law Professor and Vice-Dean of

Qinghua University Law School Qinghua University" "People's Republic

of China"

Zhang Charles C. 2005 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Inc." "People's Republic

of China"

Zhang Xin 2005 Co-Chief Executive Officer Soho China Limited People's Republic of China



Kim Mi- Hyung" Ryan 2005 "Chairman, Chief Executive Officer

and Publisher

Executive Vice-President and General Counsel Herald Media

Kumho Asiana Business Group" "Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea"

Kim Taek-Jin 2005 President and Chief Executive Officer NCSoft Republic of Korea

Lee Jihyun Julianne 2005 "Spokesperson National Security Council of the

Republic of Korea" Republic of Korea

"Lee Jae-

Woong" 2005 "President and Chief Executive

Officer Daum Communications Corp." Republic of Korea

"Won Hee-

Ryong" 2005 Member of the National Assembly National Assembly Republic of Korea

Yoon Suk- Mynn 2005 Chief Executive Officer and President SBS Seoul Broadcasting System (SBSi) Republic of Korea

Low Penny 2005 Member of Parliament Parliament of Singapore Singapore

Tan Cheng Han 2005 "Associate Professor, Dean and

Head Senior Counsel National University of Singapore" Singapore

Ying Jackie Y. 2005 "Executive Director Institute of Bioengineering and

Nanotechnology" Singapore

Vejjajiva Abhisit 2005 Member of Parliament and Deputy Leader Democratic Party of Thailand Thailand

Majko Pandeli 2005 Minister of Defense Ministry of Defence of Albania Albania

Dirie Waris 2005 Founder Waris Dirie Foundation Austria

Penninger Josef 2005 "Scientific and Administrative Director Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian

Academy of Sciences" Austria

Miller Axel 2005 Chairman of the Managing Board Dexia Belgium

Veltchev Milen 2005 Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria Bulgaria

"Frederik of

Denmark" 2005 "Prince of Denmark Office of H.M. the Queen of

Denmark" Denmark

Lomborg Bjorn 2005 Author and Associate Professor University of Aarhus Denmark

Parts Juhan 2005 Prime Minister of Estonia Office of the Prime Minister of Estonia Estonia

Himanen Pekka 2005 Philosopher Finland

Katainen Jyrki 2005 "Chairman of the Committee for the

Future and Chairman of the National

Coalition Party, MP National Coalition Party" Finland

Kauppi Piia-Noora 2005 Member of the European Parliament European Parliament Finland

Decaux Jean-Charles 2005 Chairman of the Board and Co-Chief Executive Officer JCDecaux SA France

Guez Laurent 2005 General Manager Le Figaro France

Guichot Isabelle 2005 Chief Executive Officer Van Cleef and Arpels France

Le Meur Loïc 2005 Executive Vice-President Six Apart France

Sichel Olivier 2005 Chief Executive Officer Groupe Wanadoo SA France

Saakashvili Mikheil 2005 "President of Georgia Office of the President of

Georgia" Georgia

Agassi Shai 2005 Member of the Executive Board SAP AG Germany

Koch-Mehrin Silvana 2005 Member of the European Parliament European Parliament Germany

Peters Jan-Eric 2005 Editor-in-Chief Die Welt Germany

Reichart Marcel S. 2005 "Managing Director, Marketing and

Communications Hubert Burda Media" Germany


Tenberken" "Oliver

Sabriye" 2005 "Co-Founder and Chief Executive


Programme Coordinator jamba! AG

Braille without Borders" "Germany


"Weder di

Mauro" Beatrice 2005 "Professor of Economics Johannes Gutenberg University

Mainz" Germany

"Haji- Ioannou

Björgolfsson" "Stelios

Bjögolfur Thor" 2005 "Chairman

Chairman of the Board easyGroup

Actavis Ltd" "Greece


Arpe Matteo 2005 Chief Executive Officer Capitalia SpA Italy

Guerra Andrea 2005 Chief Executive Officer Luxottica Group SpA Italy

Trussardi Beatrice 2005 Chief Executive Officer Trussardi Group Italy

Dombrovskis Valdis 2005 Member of the European Parliament European Parliament Latvia

Slesers Ainars 2005 "Minister of Transport and

Communications Ministry of Transport and

Communications of Latvia" Latvia

Sekerinska Radmila 2005 Deputy Prime Minister Government of the Republic of Macedonia Macedonia, FYR

Oranje Mabel van 2005 Director, EU Affairs Open Society Institute Netherlands


Alexander of the Netherlands" 2005 Prince of the Netherlands Secretariat of the Prince of Oranje Netherlands

"Haakon of

Norway" 2005 "Crown Prince of Norway Office of H.M. the King of

Norway" Norway

Tetzchner Jon S. von 2005 "Chief Executive Officer and Co-

Founder Opera Software ASA" Norway

Piskorski "Pawel

Bartlomiej" 2005 Member of the European Parliament European Parliament Poland

Szwajcowski Jacek 2005 "President of the Board and Chief

Executive Officer Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna

SA" Poland

Bershidsky Leonid 2005 Publisher Newsweek "Russian


Browder William F. 2005 "Chief Executive Officer Hermitage Capital Management

Ltd" "Russian


Dergunova Olga K. 2005 Chairman Microsoft "Russian


Dvorkovich Arcady 2005 "Head, Expert Department Office of the President of the

Russian Federation" "Russian


Ryzhkov Vladimir 2005 "Member of the State Duma State Duma of the Russian

Federation" "Russian


Djelic Bozidar 2005 President and Founder Altis Consulting Serbia and Montenegro

Brglez Alja 2005 "Director Institute for Civilization and

Culture" Slovenia

Nieto Juan Jose 2005 "Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer Palmera Capital y Servicios -

Madrid" Spain

"Victoria of

Sweden" 2005 "Crown Princess Office of H.M. the King of

Sweden" Sweden

Zennström Niklas 2005 Co-founder and CEO Skype Technologies SA Sweden

Kern Georges 2005 Chief Executive Officer IWC International Watch Co. Switzerland

Mumenthaler Christian 2005 "Chief Risk Officer and Member of

the Executive Board Swiss Re" Switzerland

Scala Domenico 2005 "Chief Financial Officer and Member

of the Executive Committee Syngenta AG" Switzerland

Babacan Ali 2005 Minister of State for Economy Office of the Prime Minister of Turkey Turkey


Sahenk" "Ali Y.

Ferit F." 2005 "President, Koç Information

Technology Group

Chairman Koç Holding AS

Dogus Holding AS" "Turkey


Yalçindag Arzuhan 2005 Chief Executive Officer Kanal D Turkey


Balls" "Matthew

Edward" 2005 "Chief Executive, Asia Pacific and


Member Ogilvy Public Relations

Worldwide Labour Party" "United Kingdom

United Kingdom"

Bishop Matthew 2005 Business Editor The Economist United Kingdom

Cooper Yvette 2005 "Member of Parliament House of Commons of the

United Kingdom" United Kingdom

Donohoe Suzanne 2005 Managing Director Goldman Sachs Asset Management International United Kingdom

Freeland Chrystia 2005 Deputy Editor The Financial Times United Kingdom

Hashemi Sahar 2005 Co-Founder Coffee Republic United Kingdom

Helal Ibrahim 2005 Project Director BBC World Service Trust United Kingdom

Hertz Noreena 2005 Author University of Cambridge United Kingdom

Khemka Uday H. 2005 Managing Director SUN Group of Companies United Kingdom

Kheraj Naguib 2005 Group Finance Director Barclays Bank Plc "United Kingdom

United Kingdom"

Mayo Ed 2005 "Chief Executive National Consumer Council


Mittal Aditya 2005 "President and Group Chief Financial

Officer Mittal Steel Company" United Kingdom

O'Reilly Anthony 2005 Chief Executive Officer Wedgwood United Kingdom

Richards Anne 2005 Chief Investment Officer Aberdeen Asset Management United Kingdom

Rothschild Nathaniel 2005 President Atticus Capital LLC United Kingdom

South Martin 2005 Chief Executive Officer Zurich International Businesses United Kingdom

Palla Sebastian 2005 "Undersecretary of Finance Ministry of the Economy and

Production of Argentina" Argentina

Pescarmona Lucas E. 2005 "President Mercantil Andina Compania de

Seguros" Argentina

Saguier Luis M. 2005 Chief Executive Officer La Nación Argentina

Sturzenegger Federico 2005 Director Universidad Torcuato di Tella Argentina

Baggio Rodrigo 2005 "Executive Director Committee for Democracy In

Information Technology" Brazil

Chalita Gabriel 2005 "Secretary of Education Secretariat of Education of the

State of São Paolo" Brazil

Monckeberg Nicolas 2005 Congressman Chamber of Deputies of Chile Chile

Araujo Maria Consuelo 2005 Minister of Culture Ministry of Culture of Colombia Colombia

Saca Elias Antonio 2005 "President of El Salvador Office of the President of El

Salvador" El Salvador

Jagdeo Bharrat 2005 "President of Guyana Office of the President of

Guyana" Guyana

Danel Carlos 2005 Co-Chief Executive Officer Financiera Compartamos Mexico


Staines" Javier 2005 Editorial Director Expansion Mexico

Ramírez Alejandro 2005 Chief Operating Officer Organización Ramírez Mexico


Arregui" Alvaro 2005 Chief Financial Officer Vitro Mexico

Machado Maria Corina 2005 Founder and Managing Director Asociación Civil Súmate Venezuela

Mendoza Lorenzo 2005 Chief Executive Officer Empresas Polar Venezuela

Janahi Esam 2005 "Chairman Bahrain Financial Harbour (BFH)

Holding Co." Bahrain

Ezzat Heba R. 2005 Lecturer Cairo University Egypt

Mohieldin Mahmoud Safwat 2005 Minister of Investment Ministry of Investment of Egypt Egypt


Berwari" "Nesreen

Mustafa" 2005 "Minister of Public Works Ministry of Municipalities and

Public Works" Iraq


Joo" Fatemeh 2005 "Professor, Educational Sciences and

Psychology Shahid Beheshti University" "Islamic Republic of


Lasky Gaby 2005 Activist Israel

Nini Achinoam (Noa) 2005 Singer and Songwriter More Productions B.P. Ltd Israel

Awadallah Bassem I. 2005 "Minister of Planning and

International Cooperation Ministry of Planning of Jordan" Jordan


Hussein" "Salah Eddin

Zeid Raad Al-" 2005 "Minister of Justice

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Jordan to the

United Nations Ministry of Justice of Jordan

Permanent Mission of Jordan" "Jordan


Kawar Karim T. 2005 "Ambas sador of the Hashemite

Kingdom of Jordan Embassy of the Hashemite

Kingdom of Jordan" Jordan

Jamai Aboubakr 2005 Editor-in-Chief Le Journal Morocco

Darwish "Lujaina Mohsen

Haider" 2005 "Member Consultative Council (Majlis al-

Shura)" Oman

Harthy Assilah Z. al 2005 Head, Corporate Affairs Oman Oil Company SAOC Oman

Habash Lily 2005 "Special Assistant to the Bureau

Chief, Office of the Prime Minister Palestinian National Authority" "Palestinian


Tarazi Michael 2005 Legal Adviser PLO Negotiation Affairs Department Palestinian Authority

Al Faisal "Mohammed bin

Khalid bin Abdullah" 2005 President Al Faisaliah Group Holding Co. Ltd Saudi Arabia

Faisal Bandar bin Khalid Al 2005 Chairman Investment Enterprises Saudi Arabia

Ghurair Majid Saif Al 2005 Chief Executive Officer Al-Ghurair Group of Companies "United Arab


Appleton Barry 2005 "Managing Partner Appleton & Associates

International Lawyers" Canada

Brison Scott 2005 "Minister of Public Works and

Government Services Ministry of Public Works and

Government Services" Canada

Buriak Jillian 2005 "Professor of Chemistry and Senior Research Officer, National Institute

of Nanotechnology University of Alberta" Canada

Corriero Jennifer 2005 Co-Founder and Executive Director TakingITGlobal Canada

Mattrick Donald A. 2005 "President, World Wide Studios Electronic Arts Worldwide

Studios" Canada

Stronach Belinda 2005 "Member of Parliament of the New

Market-Aurora House of Commons" Canada

Battelle John 2005 "Visiting Professor and Director,

Business Reporting Program University of California" USA

Begley Charlene 2005 President and Chief Executive Officer GE Transportation USA

Belcher Angela 2005 "Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Biological

Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology" USA


Brin" "Marc R.

Sergey" 2005 "Chairman and Chief Executive


Co-Founder and President, Technology

Google Inc." "USA


Bryant John 2005 Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Operation Hope Inc. USA

Burgess Brandon 2005 "Executive Vice-President, Business

Development NBC Universal Inc." USA

Butte Amy S. 2005 "Chief Financial Officer and

Executive Vice-President New York Stock Exchange Inc." USA

Cabrera Angel 2005 "President Thunderbird, The Garvin School

of International Management" USA

Caputo Lisa 2005 President and Chief Executive Officer Women & Co. USA

Crampton Thomas 2005 Correspondent The New York Times USA

deJongh LaMae Allen 2005 Partner Accenture USA

Demaine Eric 2005 "Assistant Professor of Computer

Science Massachusetts Institute of

Technology" USA

Ferguson Niall 2005 Professor of History Harvard University USA

Forbes Kristin 2005 "Member, Council of Economic

Advisers Office of the President of the

United States" USA

Forbes Miguel R. 2005 "Vice-President, New Business

Development Forbes Inc." USA

Fox Justin 2005 Editor Fortune Magazine USA

Goolsbee Austan 2005 Professor of Economics University of Chicago USA

Greiner Helen 2005 Founder and Chairman iRobot Corporation USA

Halstead Ted 2005 President and Chief Executive Officer The New America Foundation USA

Hobson Mellody 2005 President Ariel Capital Management Inc. USA

Hoffen Howard 2005 Partner Metalmark Capital LLC USA

Jones Van 2005 Founder and National Executive Director Ella Baker Center for Human Rights USA

Jurvetson Steve 2005 Managing Director Draper Fisher Jurvetson USA

Kantor Jodi 2005 Editor "Arts & Leisure" The New York Times USA

Kopp Wendy 2005 Founder and President Teach For America USA

Kremer Michael 2005 "Gates Professor of Developing

Societies Harvard University" USA


Leschly" "Aerin

Stig" 2005 "Senior Vice President, Global

Creative Directions

Founder and Pr esident Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Compass School" "USA


Levitt Steven 2005 Professor of Economics University of Chicago USA


Mays" "Sylvia

Mark P." 2005 "Chief Operating Officer and

Executive Director

President and Chief Executive Officer Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Clear Channel Communications Inc." "USA


Meyer Paul 2005 Chief Executive Officer Voxiva USA

Molavi Afshin 2005 Author and Journalist The New America Foundation USA

Neilson Trevor 2005 Executive Director The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS USA

Nelson Curtis 2005 President and Chief Operating Officer Carlson Companies Inc. USA


Nguyen" "Gavin

Bill" 2005 "Mayor of the City and County of San


Founder, Chairman and Co - Chief Executive Officer City and County of San


Seven Networks Inc." "USA


Ormond Julia 2005 Actress and Co-Chair FilmAid International USA


Powell" "Larry

Dina H." 2005 "Co-Founder and President, Products

Assistant to the US President for Presidential Personnel Google Inc.

Office of the President of the United States" "USA


Power Samantha 2005 Founding Executive Director Carr Center for Human Rights USA

Rottenberg Linda 2005 "Co-Founder and Chief Executive

Officer Endeavor Global Inc." USA

Ryan Patrick G. 2005 Founder and President 21st Century Urban Schools USA

Schwab Keith 2005 Senior Physicist National Security Agency USA

Shriver "Anthony

Kennedy" 2005 Founder and Chairman Best Buddies International USA

Soros Jonathan 2005 Deputy Chairman Soros Fund Management LLC USA


Stephens" "William

Bret" 2005 "OGHA Director and Special Assistant to the Secretary for International Affairs

Member of the Editorial Board US Department of Health and Human Services

The Wall Street Journal" "USA


Sununu John E. 2005 Senator from New Hampshire (R) United States Senate USA

Verjee Zain 2005 Anchor CNN International USA

Wood John 2005 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Room to Read USA

Zakaria Fareed 2005 Editor Newsweek International USA

Zittrain Jonathan 2005 "Faculty Co-Director and Jack N. and

Lillian R. Berkman Assistant

Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies The Berkman Center for Internet & Society" USA

Zuckerman Ethan 2005 "Fellow The Berkman Center for Internet

& Society" USA

Sobhan Zafar 2005 Assistant Editor The Daily Star Bangladesh

Bajaj Rajiv 2005 Joint Managing Director Bajaj Auto Ltd India

Birla "Kumar

Mangalan" 2005 Chairman Aditya Birla Group India


Motwani" Sulajja F. 2005 Joint Managing Director Kinetic Engineering Ltd India

Gandhi Rahul 2005 Congress Member of Parliament Parliament of India India

Maran Dayanidhi 2005 Minister of Communications and Information Technology Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of India India

Singh "Malvinder

Mohan" 2005 President, Pharmaceuticals Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India

Shah Nafisa 2005 Mayor of Khairpur City of Khairpur Pakistan

Moragoda Asoka Milinda 2005 Member of Parliament Parliament of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Mutombo Dikembe 2005 Founder Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Congo (Dem Rep)

Awotwi Violet E. 2005 "Executive Director Women's Initiative for Self

Empowerment" Ghana

Githongo John 2005 Permanent Secretary for Governance Office of the President of Kenya Kenya

Leakey Louise N. 2005 Paleontologist Leakey Foundation Kenya

Makatiani Ayisi 2005 Chief Executive Officer Gallium Capital Partners Kenya

Nwuneli Ndidi O. 2005 "Founder and Chief Executive Officer Leadership Effectiveness

Accountability and Professionalism (LEAP) Africa" Nigeria

Obaseki Godwin N. 2005 "Founder and Chief Executive Officer Securities Transactions & Trust

Company Limited" Nigeria

Wiwa Ken 2005 "Writer Munk Centre for International

Studies" Nigeria

Ndiaye Papa Madiaw 2005 Director Emerging Markets Partnership Senegal

Blecher Taddy 2005 Chief Executive Officer CIDA City Campus South Africa

Didiza Thoko 2005 "Minister of Agriculture and Land

Affairs Ministry of Agriculture and Land

Affairs of South Africa" South Africa

Molo i Gugu 2005 Chief Executive Officer Umgeni Water South Africa

Naidoo Kumi 2005 "Secretary-General and Chief

Executive Officer Civicus: World Alliance for

Citizen Participation" South Africa

Newton-King Nicky 2005 "Deputy Chief Executive Officer JSE Securities Exchange South

Africa" South Africa

Oppenheimer Jonathan 2005 Managing Director De Beers Group of Companies South Africa

Zungu Sandile 2005 Group Chairman Denel (Pty) Ltd South Africa

Chanakira Nigel 2005 "Executive Deputy Chairman Kingdom Financial Holdings

Limited" Zimbabwe

Kagoro Brian 2005 Founder and Coordinator Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition Zimbabwe

Oxenford Alec 2006 IT-Information Technology Argentina Latin America YGL - Business

Burzaco Eugenio 2006 NA-Not Applicable Argentina Latin America YGL - Societal

Darbinian Armen 2006 NA-Not Applicable Armenia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Societal

Hockey Joe 2006 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Political & Government

Koenigsfest Kurt 2006 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Bolivia Latin America YGL - Business

Bonchristiano Antonio 2006 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Odebrecht Marcelo Bahia 2006 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Oung Chanthol 2006 NA-Not Applicable Cambodia Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Nkontchou Cyrille 2006 PS-Professional Services Cameroon Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Alexander Christopher 2006 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Societal

Manji Irshad 2006 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Intellectual

Gill Mack 2006 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Canada North America YGL - Business

Akhavan Payam 2006 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Intellectual

Pirouz Rouzbeh 2006 PI-Private Investors Canada North America YGL - Business

Brûlé Tyler 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Canada North America YGL - Business

Eichholz Juan Carlos 2006 NA-Not Applicable Chile Latin America YGL - Intellectual

Escobar Paula 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Chile Latin America YGL - Opinion & Media

Plata Luis Guillermo 2006 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Colombia Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Al Hadidi Lamees A. 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Egypt Middle East YGL - Opinion & Media

Ojanpera Tero 2006 TC-Telecommunications Finland Western Europe YGL - Business

Duflo Esther 2006 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Krings Frank 2006 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Daimagüler Mehmet Gürcan 2006 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Societal

Justus Philipp 2006 PS-Professional Services Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Yat Siu 2006 IT-Information Technology Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Business

Wu Thomas 2006 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Business

Járóka Livia 2006 NA-Not Applicable Hungary Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Bullain Nilda 2006 NA-Not Applicable Hungary Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Societal

Eliasson Olafur 2006 NA-Not Applicable Iceland Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Kejriwal Manish 2006 II-Institutional Investors, Sovereign Funds, Family Offices India South Asia YGL - Business

Meswani Nikhil 2006 OG-Oil & Gas India South Asia YGL - Business

Nursalim Cherie 2006 MI-Multi Industry Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Colondam Veronica 2006 NA-Not Applicable Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Casey Caroline 2006 NA-Not Applicable Ireland Western Europe YGL - Societal

Lanzarini Paola 2006 AU-Automotive Italy Western Europe YGL - Societal

Kengaku Mineko 2006 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Intellectual

Cubeisy Emile Najib 2006 HO-Holding, Trade, Import/Export Jordan Middle East YGL - Business

Tabaza Khaldoon 2006 PI-Private Investors Jordan Middle East YGL - Business

Githuku Ndungi 2006 NA-Not Applicable Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

Cheah Hanson 2006 PI-Private Investors Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Leong Justin 2006 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Zarur Andrey 2006 PI-Private Investors Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Sanjaasuren Oyun 2006 NA-Not Applicable Mongolia Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Charas Erik 2006 PI-Private Investors Mozambique Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Kuzmanovic Maja 2006 NA-Not Applicable Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Adesina Debo 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Abiola-Costello Hafsat 2006 PS-Professional Services Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Adelegan Joseph 2006 UN-Unknown Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Koss Johann O. 2006 NA-Not Applicable Norway Western Europe YGL - Societal

Shao Bo 2006 HE-Global Health & Healthcare People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Fan He 2006 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Intellectual

Min Qin 2006 PS-Professional Services People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Ming Xu 2006 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Aquino IV Paolo Benigno 2006 PI-Private Investors Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Olechowski Jacek 2006 PS-Professional Services Poland Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Monteiro Tiago 2006 NA-Not Applicable Portugal Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Vardanian Ruben K. 2006 PI-Private Investors Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Guriev Sergei 2006 NA-Not Applicable Russian Federation Russia YGL - Intellectual

S. Bahamdan Kamal A. 2006 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Nawwab Nimah I. 2006 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Arts & Culture

Hallowell Elvis Gbanabom 2006 NA-Not Applicable Sierra Leone Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Chua Chim Kang 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Opinion & Media

Horvat Darko 2006 PS-Professional Services Slovenia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Molefe Brian 2006 LT-Logistics & Transportation South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Kapelus Paul 2006 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Taljaard Raenette 2006 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Maphanga Treasure 2006 NA-Not Applicable Swaziland Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Nevado John 2006 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Sweden Western Europe YGL - Business

Beck Christophe 2006 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Blumer David J. 2006 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Chappatte Patrick 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Thewphaingarm Nahathai 2006 NA-Not Applicable Thailand Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Sarayli Murat 2006 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Boyner Osman F. 2006 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Dinçer Suzan Sabanci 2006 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Shevchenko Igor 2006 NA-Not Applicable Ukraine Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Gooch Charmian 2006 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Cottam Hilary 2006 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Forsyth Justin 2006 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Garrett-Cox Katherine 2006 BK-Banking & Capital Markets United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Read Mark 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Punt Richard 2006 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Bird Adam C. 2006 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Jacobs Alice 2006 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Mehta Amish 2006 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Behlendorf Brian 2006 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Business

Lathan Corinna E. 2006 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Wenig Devin 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Darkoh Ernest 2006 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Saeed Faiza 2006 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Kanafani Hakam 2006 TC-Telecommunications USA North America YGL - Business

Kim J. Joseph 2006 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Mountain Janet 2006 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Osborn John B. 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Blanco Jorge R. 2006 TC-Telecommunications USA North America YGL - Business

Ramo Joshua Cooper 2006 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Martin Kevin J. 2006 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Bartiromo Maria 2006 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Anestis Matthew 2006 IS-Insurance & Asset Management USA North America YGL - Business

Auslin Michael R. 2006 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Rubin Nilmini G. 2006 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Freidheim Scott J. 2006 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods USA North America YGL - Business

Idriss Shamil 2006 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Rokerya Shezad 2006 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Smith Tad 2006 TC-Telecommunications USA North America YGL - Business

Gwiyo Collen 2006 NA-Not Applicable Zimbabwe Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Fadell Tony 2007 IT-Information Technology YGL - Business

Cohen Andrew L. 2007 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Schläffer Christopher 2007 RS-Renewable Energy Shapers Austria Western Europe YGL - Business

Al Khalifa Hessa Khalifa 2007 NA-Not Applicable Bahrain Middle East YGL - Societal

Bin Essa Al Khalifa Sheikh Mohammed 2007 IN-Institutional Bahrain Middle East YGL - Business

Mathilde of Belgium H.R.H. Princess 2007 NA-Not Applicable Belgium Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Junior Carlos Jereissati 2007 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Madeira Fernando 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Amorim Renato 2007 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Brazil Latin America YGL - Societal

Bly Adam 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Canada North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Kielburger Marc 2007 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Societal

Beltran Eduardo Navarro 2007 EN-Energy Chile Latin America YGL - Business

Duque Catalina Cock 2007 NA-Not Applicable Colombia Latin America YGL - Societal

Laserna Juan Mario 2007 NA-Not Applicable Colombia Latin America YGL - Societal

Casas-Zamora Kevin 2007 NA-Not Applicable Costa Rica Latin America YGL - Political & Government

van der Horst Andrés A. 2007 NA-Not Applicable Dominican Republic Caribbean YGL - Political & Government

Abdel-Wadood Mustafa 2007 PI-Private Investors Egypt Middle East YGL - Business

Demarolle Alain 2007 PI-Private Investors France Western Europe YGL - Business

Michel-Kerjan Erwann 2007 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Seiman Fabrice 2007 PI-Private Investors France Western Europe YGL - Business

Naujoks Henrik 2007 PS-Professional Services Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Rosenfeld Klaus 2007 AU-Automotive Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Krause Michael 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Würtenberger Peter 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Burman Amit 2007 HE-Global Health & Healthcare India South Asia YGL - Business

Scindia Jyotiraditya M. 2007 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Kannan Madhu 2007 BK-Banking & Capital Markets India South Asia YGL - Business

Jindal Naveen 2007 MM-Mining & Metals India South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Reddy Satish 2007 HE-Global Health & Healthcare India South Asia YGL - Business

Dubash Tanya 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods India South Asia YGL - Business

Khanna Tarun 2007 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Intellectual

Salbi Zainab 2007 NA-Not Applicable Iraq Middle East YGL - Societal

McWilliams David 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Ireland Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Walsh Siobhan 2007 NA-Not Applicable Ireland Western Europe YGL - Societal

Ansari Anousheh 2007 IT-Information Technology Islamic Republic of Iran Middle East YGL - Business

Galloni Alessandra 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Italy Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Ribotta Paolo 2007 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Okajima Etsuko May 2007 PS-Professional Services Japan Japan YGL - Business

Tsumura Keisuke 2007 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Nishiyama Kohei 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Japan Japan YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Takashima Kohey 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Japan Japan YGL - Business

Matsuda Kouta 2007 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Tsunoda Kumi Fujisawa 2007 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Kawada Ryuhei 2007 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Nishimoto Tomomi 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Japan Japan YGL - Arts & Culture

Rimawi Ennis 2007 PI-Private Investors Jordan Middle East YGL - Business

Husseini Kamel A. 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Jordan Middle East YGL - Societal

Mikati Azmi 2007 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Lebanon Middle East YGL - Business

Rachlin Julian 2007 NA-Not Applicable Lithuania Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Mustapha Omar 2007 PS-Professional Services Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Nieto Enrique Peña 2007 IN-Institutional Mexico Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Cruz Idalia 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Oostrom Coen van 2007 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Business

Jaime de Bourbon Parme H.R.H. Prince 2007 NA-Not Applicable Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Jong Ronald De 2007 IT-Information Technology Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Business

Tinubu Jubril Adewale 2007 OG-Oil & Gas Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Oruene Osayi Alile 2007 NA-Not Applicable Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Jun Feng 2007 IT-Information Technology People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Wenzi Li 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Arts & Culture

Yunsong Wen 2007 PI-Private Investors People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Llosa Álvaro Vargas 2007 NA-Not Applicable Peru Latin America YGL - Intellectual

Leguía Orezzoli Joaquín F. 2007 NA-Not Applicable Peru Latin America YGL - Societal

Lis Tomasz 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Poland Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Intellectual

Cho H. S. 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Ivlev Alexander 2007 PS-Professional Services Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Sulayman Muna Abu 2007 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Societal

Payet Rolph Antoine 2007 NA-Not Applicable Seychelles Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Ramon Christine 2007 OG-Oil & Gas South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Maasdorp Leslie W. 2007 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Simons Natalie 2007 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Malabie Phuti 2007 MI-Multi Industry South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Plaza Ana María 2007 IT-Information Technology Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Sachs Daniel 2007 PS-Professional Services Sweden Western Europe YGL - Business

Ospel-Bodmer Adriana 2007 PS-Professional Services Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Müller-Möhl Carolina 2007 PI-Private Investors Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Graf Felix R. 2007 EN-Energy Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Societal

Sunucu Ahmet Olcay 2007 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Rugasira Andrew 2007 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Uganda Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

To Christopher Wing 2007 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Rothschild David de 2007 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Jones Hannah 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Drummond Jamie C. 2007 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Garvey Kate 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Roberts Kate 2007 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Sherwood Michael 2007 BK-Banking & Capital Markets United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Boateng Ozwald 2007 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Campbell Rachel 2007 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Amin Salim 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Friedman Adena 2007 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Sorkin Andrew R. 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Brault Bethann 2007 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Shine Dan 2007 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Business

Lubetzky Daniel 2007 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage USA North America YGL - Societal

Bremmer Ian 2007 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Noujaim Jehane 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Wales Jimmy 2007 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Partilla John 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Sadjadpour Karim 2007 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Tilman Leo M. 2007 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Auerbach Lera 2007 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Ibrahim Lila 2007 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Lublin Nancy 2007 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Goldman Neal 2007 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Bharadwaj Neeraj 2007 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Menendez-Cambo Patricia 2007 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Thiel Peter A. 2007 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Bisanz Peter 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Claure R. Marcelo 2007 TC-Telecommunications USA North America YGL - Business

Shah Rajiv J. 2007 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Narisetti Raju 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Stromback Richard 2007 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Wiesenthal Robert 2007 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Sandberg Sheryl 2007 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Namazi Siamak 2007 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Dhar Subhash 2007 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Vollmer Alberto C. 2007 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Venezuela Latin America YGL - Business

Zubillaga Alex 2007 PS-Professional Services Venezuela Latin America YGL - Business

Romero Alfredo 2007 NA-Not Applicable Venezuela Latin America YGL - Societal

Hung Nguyen Thanh 2007 AU-Automotive Vietnam Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Hue Pham Thi 2007 NA-Not Applicable Vietnam Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Mutambara Arthur G. 2007 NA-Not Applicable Zimbabwe Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Timba Patterson F. 2007 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Zimbabwe Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Stewart Kirstine 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information YGL - Opinion & Media

Stewart Rory 2008 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Political & Government

Athey Susan 2008 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Intellectual

Bolloré Yannick 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information YGL - Opinion & Media

Nadery Ahmad Nader 2008 NA-Not Applicable Afghanistan South Asia YGL - Societal

Haxhia Gazmend 2008 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Albania Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Freire Andy 2008 PS-Professional Services Argentina Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Lousteau Martin 2008 UN-Unknown Argentina Latin America YGL - Societal

Cheok Adrian D. 2008 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Intellectual

Philips Jeremy 2008 PS-Professional Services Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Esteves André 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Marino Ricardo Villela 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Mendes Rodrigo Hübner 2008 NA-Not Applicable Brazil Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Leke Achankeng 2008 PS-Professional Services Cameroon Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Pereira Aaron 2008 UN-Unknown Canada North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Christensen Axel 2008 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Chile Latin America YGL - Societal

Bitar Cristina 2008 NA-Not Applicable Chile Latin America YGL - Societal

Ortiz Juan Carlos 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Colombia Latin America YGL - Business

Camargo Luis 2008 NA-Not Applicable Colombia Latin America YGL - Societal

Maykall Laura Alfaro 2008 NA-Not Applicable Costa Rica Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Estrella Darys 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Dominican Republic Caribbean YGL - Business

Condo Arturo 2008 NA-Not Applicable Ecuador Latin America YGL - Intellectual

Villemin Christophe 2008 MM-Mining & Metals France Western Europe YGL - Business

Naouri Gabriel 2008 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods France Western Europe YGL - Business

Elkeiy Mohamed 2008 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Krim Tariq 2008 IT-Information Technology France Western Europe YGL - Business

Lecomte Tristan 2008 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Hippe Alain 2008 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Czinczoll Björn 2008 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Ferstl Carola 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

von Rosen-von Hoewel David Frederik 2008 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Germany Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Hinrichs Lars 2008 IT-Information Technology Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Kreis-Wilczak Melanie 2008 LT-Logistics & Transportation Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Buberl Thomas 2008 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Kan Deborah 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Opinion & Media

Shankar Anoushka 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information India South Asia YGL - Arts & Culture

Dutt Barkha 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information India South Asia YGL - Opinion & Media

Madhukar C. V. 2008 PS-Professional Services India South Asia YGL - Societal

Parekh Sandeep 2008 PS-Professional Services India South Asia YGL - Business

Gopinath Suhas 2008 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Lutfi Muhammad 2008 NA-Not Applicable Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Lembong Thomas T. 2008 PI-Private Investors Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Ghobadi Bahman 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Islamic Republic of Iran Middle East YGL - Arts & Culture

Makihara Hideki 2008 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Mizutome Koichi 2008 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Business

Fujiwara Norika 2008 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Arts & Culture

Wataya Risa 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Japan Japan YGL - Arts & Culture

Otsuka Taku 2008 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Sato Teruhide 2008 IT-Information Technology Japan Japan YGL - Business

Salti Soraya 2008 NA-Not Applicable Jordan Middle East YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Shikwati James 2008 NA-Not Applicable Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Kibati Mugo 2008 NA-Not Applicable Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Alghanim Omar K. 2008 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Kuwait Middle East YGL - Business

Werner Alejandro 2008 NA-Not Applicable Mexico Latin America YGL - Political & Government

de Mola Carlos Loret 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Mexico Latin America YGL - Opinion & Media

Chadid Merieme 2008 NA-Not Applicable Morocco North Africa YGL - Intellectual

Lakshmi Rana Aashmi Rajya 2008 MI-Multi Industry Nepal South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Karpes Dennis 2008 NA-Not Applicable Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Gennip Karien van 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Business

Skilling David 2008 NA-Not Applicable New Zealand Australasia YGL - Business

Weldon Mark 2008 PI-Private Investors New Zealand Australasia YGL - Business

Karim Kola 2008 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Khar Hina Rabbani 2008 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Jahangir Munizae 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Pakistan South Asia YGL - Opinion & Media

Ferrer Alejandro 2008 PS-Professional Services Panama Latin America YGL - Business

Liang Lei 2008 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Arts & Culture

Bing Shen 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Opinion & Media

Jeri Carlos Añaños 2008 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Peru Latin America YGL - Business

Zavala Fernando 2008 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Peru Latin America YGL - Business

Holle Kurt 2008 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Peru Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Sadowska Ewa 2008 NA-Not Applicable Poland Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Cardoso Gustavo 2008 NA-Not Applicable Portugal Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Lee Ellana 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Opinion & Media

Sae-Hong Hur 2008 OG-Oil & Gas Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Androsov Kirill 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Russian Federation Russia YGL - Political & Government

Pryanishnikov Nikolay 2008 IT-Information Technology Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Batterjee Makarem 2008 UN-Unknown Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Wade Karim 2008 NA-Not Applicable Senegal Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Raiz Allon 2008 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Munro David 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Dlamini Kuseni Douglas 2008 IS-Insurance & Asset Management South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Kropman Lisa 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Williams Mark 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Jordaan Michael 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Steyn Sunette 2008 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Makgabo Tumi 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Cuba Yolanda 2008 MM-Mining & Metals South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Sala Enric 2008 NA-Not Applicable Spain Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Encinar Jesus 2008 IT-Information Technology Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Klum Mattias 2008 NA-Not Applicable Sweden Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Rimer Daniel 2008 PI-Private Investors Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Na Ayudhaya Kongpan Pramoj 2008 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Thailand Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Göksel Ayla 2008 NA-Not Applicable Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Societal

Özyegin Murat 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Kumcuoglu Umit 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Kolodyuk Andriy 2008 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Ukraine Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Alshaali Nasser 2008 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Business

McCormack Aaron 2008 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Sinclair Cameron 2008 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Jones David 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Mitchell Jamie 2008 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Gadhia Jitesh 2008 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Hampton Kate 2008 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Lloyd Liz 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Leonard Mark 2008 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Putnam Adam H. 2008 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Sanke Andrea 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Fischer Betsy 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Wasserman Casey 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Chao Charles 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Xiaowei Chen 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Shapiro Daniel 2008 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Chen Diana 2008 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Anderson Eric 2008 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism USA North America YGL - Business

Davis Geoff 2008 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Walker George 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Genser Jared 2008 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Societal

Elisseeff Jennifer 2008 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Korngold Jonathan 2008 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Sigelman Joseph 2008 EN-Energy USA North America YGL - Business

Polgreen Lydia 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Zyl Paul van 2008 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Gentin Pierre 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Hood Rodney E. 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Harvey Roy C. 2008 MM-Mining & Metals USA North America YGL - Business

Hart Stephanie Pullings 2008 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage USA North America YGL - Business

Akula Vikram K. 2008 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Foote William 2008 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Allen Wilmot 2008 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Koofi Fawzia 2009 NA-Not Applicable Afghanistan South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Nemat Orzala Ashraf 2009 NA-Not Applicable Afghanistan South Asia YGL - Societal

Gray Benjamin 2009 PI-Private Investors Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Douglass Hamish 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Yat-Sen Jason Li 2009 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Societal

Bell Karen 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Tan Le 2009 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Cannon-Brookes Michael 2009 IT-Information Technology Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Bassat Paul 2009 PS-Professional Services Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Knaus Verena 2009 NA-Not Applicable Austria Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Wutscher Werner 2009 NA-Not Applicable Austria Western Europe YGL - Societal

Dowla Arif 2009 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Bangladesh South Asia YGL - Business

Quadir Kamal 2009 IT-Information Technology Bangladesh South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Tsyvinski Aleh 2009 NA-Not Applicable Belarus Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Intellectual

De Souza Sandro José 2009 NA-Not Applicable Brazil Latin America YGL - Intellectual

Hockenstein Jeremy 2009 IT-Information Technology Cambodia Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Logan Christopher 2009 LT-Logistics & Transportation Canada North America YGL - Business

Champagne François-Philippe 2009 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Canada North America YGL - Business

Gosbee George 2009 PI-Private Investors Canada North America YGL - Business

McArthur John 2009 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Intellectual

McWhinney Patrick 2009 PS-Professional Services Canada North America YGL - Business

Ebrahim Salimah Yvette 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Canada North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Nutt Samantha 2009 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Societal

Maguire Yael 2009 IT-Information Technology Canada North America YGL - Business

Tezanos Matias De 2009 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Costa Rica Latin America YGL - Business

Skibsted Jens Martin 2009 PS-Professional Services Denmark Western Europe YGL - Business

de Barillas Marisol Argueta 2009 NA-Not Applicable El Salvador Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Ashenafi Tewodros 2009 EN-Energy Ethiopia Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Stubb Alexander 2009 NA-Not Applicable Finland Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Faye Julien 2009 PS-Professional Services France Western Europe YGL - Business

Weber Scott 2009 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Societal

Hermreck Immanuel 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Schweinsberg Klaus 2009 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Freise Philipp 2009 PI-Private Investors Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Manos Alexandros 2009 TC-Telecommunications Greece Western Europe YGL - Business

Paiz Salvador 2009 PI-Private Investors Guatemala Latin America YGL - Business

So Marie 2009 PS-Professional Services Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Mahtani Shalini 2009 NA-Not Applicable Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Societal

Wanchoo Amit 2009 HE-Global Health & Healthcare India South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Singh Bhavneet 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information India South Asia YGL - Business

Majumdar Boria 2009 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Intellectual

Mehra Malini 2009 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Societal

Shah Monisha 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information India South Asia YGL - Business

Jain Pooja 2009 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Abraham Reuben 2009 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Intellectual

Lal Siddhartha 2009 AU-Automotive India South Asia YGL - Business

Jindal Sminu 2009 MM-Mining & Metals India South Asia YGL - Business

Baswedan Anies 2009 NA-Not Applicable Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Manurung Butet 2009 NA-Not Applicable Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Dinata Nia 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Arts & Culture

Unggul Silverius O. 2009 NA-Not Applicable Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Gammell Damian 2009 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Ireland Western Europe YGL - Business

Peled Efrat 2009 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Israel Middle East YGL - Business

Goldfinger Yair 2009 IT-Information Technology Israel Middle East YGL - Business

Mosca Alessia Maria 2009 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Fiorese Marco 2009 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Societal

Regazzi Monica 2009 PS-Professional Services Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Bolle Roberto 2009 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Biffi Selene 2009 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Powell Richard 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Jamaica Caribbean YGL - Business

Funabashi Chikara 2009 PS-Professional Services Japan Japan YGL - Business

Inoue Hideyuki 2009 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Katsuma Kazuyo 2009 PS-Professional Services Japan Japan YGL - Business

Matsuko Nami 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Japan Japan YGL - Business

Hashimoto Toru 2009 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Asfour Samer I. 2009 PS-Professional Services Jordan Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Jarrar Yasar 2009 PS-Professional Services Jordan Middle East YGL - Business

Wanjohi James 2009 NA-Not Applicable Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Gichuru Julie 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Al Sabah Mubarak A. 2009 HO-Holding, Trade, Import/Export Kuwait Middle East YGL - Business

Saleh Musaed Al 2009 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Kuwait Middle East YGL - Business

Lisitsyna Maria 2009 NA-Not Applicable Kyrgyzstan Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Haddad Habib 2009 IT-Information Technology Lebanon Middle East YGL - Societal

Hutagt Ganhuyag Chuluun 2009 NA-Not Applicable Mongolia Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Lalami Laila 2009 NA-Not Applicable Morocco North Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

Faaij Andre 2009 NA-Not Applicable Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Everts Steven 2009 NA-Not Applicable Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Maradiaga Felix A. 2009 NA-Not Applicable Nicaragua Latin America YGL - Societal

Ojomo Akinwale 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Bangwell Kingsley 2009 NA-Not Applicable Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Reve Bjarte 2009 PS-Professional Services Norway Western Europe YGL - Business

Ali Imtiaz 2009 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Opinion & Media

Kasuri Kasim M. 2009 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Shusong Ba 2009 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Intellectual

Yaping Deng 2009 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Arts & Culture

Liu Dora 2009 PS-Professional Services People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Ruigang Li 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Zhouwei Liu 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Opinion & Media

Jia Ping 2009 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Societal

Bo Wen 2009 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Societal

Simoes Antonio 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Portugal Western Europe YGL - Business

Hoberman Brent 2009 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Portugal Western Europe YGL - Business

Jaeseung Jeong 2009 NA-Not Applicable Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Popescu Ioana 2009 NA-Not Applicable Romania Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Intellectual

Barmakova Elena 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Dmitriev Kirill 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Yudaeva Ksenia 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Soloviev Yuri 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Cheng Calvin 2009 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Souza Christopher De 2009 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Olsen Eunice 2009 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Huei-Min Lee 2009 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Arts & Culture

Sicáková-Beblavá Emilia 2009 NA-Not Applicable Slovakia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Nabergoj Andrej 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Slovenia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Greene Adria 2009 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Knott-Craig Alan 2009 TC-Telecommunications South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Miller Anthony 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Stirton Brent 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

Naidoo Euvin 2009 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Lingham Vinny 2009 IT-Information Technology South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Jack Vuyo 2009 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Garcia-Martinez Javier 2009 NA-Not Applicable Spain Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Santiso Javier 2009 TC-Telecommunications Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Abascal Jimena Blázquez 2009 NA-Not Applicable Spain Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Chandratillake Suranga 2009 IT-Information Technology Sri Lanka South Asia YGL - Business

Wenk Christian 2009 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Sutter Christoph 2009 PS-Professional Services Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Mallmann Francois-Xavier de 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Staub-Bisang Mirjam 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Bruderer-Wyss Pascale 2009 NA-Not Applicable Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Maag Seraina 2009 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Haykal Abdulsalam 2009 IT-Information Technology Syria Middle East YGL - Business

Sreesunpagit Kritaya 2009 NA-Not Applicable Thailand Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Ghobash Omar 2009 NA-Not Applicable United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Wales Andrew 2009 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Moyo Dambisa 2009 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Novak David 2009 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Rahman Faisel 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Jonah Fidel 2009 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Melville Jake Leslie 2009 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Cox Jo 2009 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Dowdney Luke 2009 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Oraibi Mina Al 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Chugani Neil 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Kafka Nik 2009 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Gadnis Ashish 2009 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Vemuri Ashok 2009 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Nikolic Boris 2009 IN-Institutional USA North America YGL - Societal

Boudreaux Caroline 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Hurley Chad 2009 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Chiu David 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Patel Eboo 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Seid Jacob Julius 2009 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Harris Jonathan 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Silverman Josh 2009 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Spear Josh 2009 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Rechberger Kristin 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Huddleson Lisa 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Hanis Mark 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Zuckerberg Mark 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Wucker Michele 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Allen Natalia 2009 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Chaddha Navin 2009 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Khanna Parag 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Liu Peggy 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Kellner Peter B. 2009 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Shah Premal 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Haji Priya 2009 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Avni Ronit 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Sosa Roy 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Khagram Sanjeev 2009 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Bhatti Shahzad A. 2009 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Wei Shen 2009 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Kennedy Teresa K. 2009 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Societal

Sehgal Zarrar 2009 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

la Rosa Marco De 2009 UT-Energy Utilities & Technology Venezuela Latin America YGL - Business

Thai David 2009 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Vietnam Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Hai Oanh Khuat Thi 2009 NA-Not Applicable Vietnam Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Knuth Marianne 2009 NA-Not Applicable Zimbabwe Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Rösler Philipp 2010 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Political & Government

Bullrich Esteban 2010 NA-Not Applicable Argentina Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Soemartopo Benjamin 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Thorpe Ian 2010 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Arts & Culture

Gifford James 2010 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Societal

Guli Mina 2010 PI-Private Investors Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Dichand Eva 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Austria Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Ypersele de Strihou Nathalie van 2010 NA-Not Applicable Belgium Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Quickenborne Vincent Van 2010 NA-Not Applicable Belgium Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Wangmo Tashi 2010 NA-Not Applicable Bhutan South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Lopes Christina K. 2010 PI-Private Investors Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Otto Jill 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Brito Rodrigo 2010 PS-Professional Services Brazil Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Kacou Eric 2010 PS-Professional Services Côte d'Ivoire Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

House Brett 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Canada North America YGL - Intellectual

McGraw Désirée 2010 UN-Unknown Canada North America YGL - Societal

Golberg Elissa 2010 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Political & Government

Leitch K. Kellie 2010 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Intellectual

Turrell Mark 2010 IT-Information Technology Canada North America YGL - Business

Patel Ricken 2010 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Societal

Aldunate Felipe 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Chile Latin America YGL - Opinion & Media

Schlesinger Leo 2010 PP-Pulp and Paper Chile Latin America YGL - Business

Simovic Irena Jolic 2010 TC-Telecommunications Croatia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Pojar Tomᚠ2010 NA-Not Applicable Czech Republic Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Ebrashi Raghda El 2010 NA-Not Applicable Egypt Middle East YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Poma Alejandro 2010 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development El Salvador Latin America YGL - Business

Gellaw Abebe 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Ethiopia Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Bradford Anu 2010 NA-Not Applicable Finland Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Besimi Fatmir 2010 NA-Not Applicable Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Hoke Dirk 2010 UT-Energy Utilities & Technology Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Peter Felicitas von 2010 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Hackmack Gregor 2010 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Bayer Jan 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Drexler Michael 2010 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Lehmkuhl Moritz 2010 PS-Professional Services Germany Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Niedermaier Oliver 2010 PS-Professional Services Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Kuenyehia Elikem Nutifafa 2010 PS-Professional Services Ghana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Cudjoe Franklin 2010 NA-Not Applicable Ghana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Ahn Luis Von 2010 NA-Not Applicable Guatemala Latin America YGL - Intellectual

Law James 2010 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Business

Landesz Tamas 2010 NA-Not Applicable Hungary Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Societal

Chandrasekaran Anand 2010 TC-Telecommunications India South Asia YGL - Opinion & Media

Aram Ashok 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets India South Asia YGL - Business

Durgesh Ashok Giri 2010 PS-Professional Services India South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Girotra Manisha 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets India South Asia YGL - Business

Naik Sandeep A. 2010 PI-Private Investors India South Asia YGL - Business

Varghese Sangeeth 2010 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Societal

Singh Sangita 2010 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Sanyal Sanjeev 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets India South Asia YGL - Societal

Chopra Tejpreet Singh 2010 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development India South Asia YGL - Business

Flood Tadhg 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Ireland Western Europe YGL - Business

Gamliel Gila Demri 2010 NA-Not Applicable Israel Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Remmert Consuelo 2010 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Serra Davide 2010 PI-Private Investors Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Tinagli Irene 2010 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Magnani Marco 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Malahoo Forte Marlene Patricia 2010 NA-Not Applicable Jamaica Caribbean YGL - Political & Government

Iwase Daisuke 2010 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Japan Japan YGL - Business

Nagamine Yoshinobu 2010 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Societal

Weeks Kimmie 2010 NA-Not Applicable Liberia Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Alias Suryani Senja 2010 II-Institutional Investors, Sovereign Funds, Family Offices Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Capote Alfredo 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Peralta Sanchez José Ignacio 2010 NA-Not Applicable Mexico Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Dashdorj Zorigt 2010 NA-Not Applicable Mongolia Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Douiri Ismail 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Morocco North Africa YGL - Business

Phan Zoya 2010 NA-Not Applicable Myanmar Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Hockings Lucy 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information New Zealand Australasia YGL - Opinion & Media

Power Simon J. 2010 NA-Not Applicable New Zealand Australasia YGL - Political & Government

Solis Lorna 2010 NA-Not Applicable Nicaragua Latin America YGL - Societal

Princess Mette-Marit of Norway H.R.H. Crown 2010 NA-Not Applicable Norway Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Jahangir Amir 2010 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Societal

Tabba Muhammad Ali 2010 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Saif Umar 2010 IT-Information Technology Pakistan South Asia YGL - Intellectual

Xi Xiang 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Opinion & Media

Davila Karen 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Opinion & Media

Damarillo Winston 2010 IT-Information Technology Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Morais Stephan 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Portugal Western Europe YGL - Business

Jeongdo Hong 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Voskresenskiy Stanislav 2010 NA-Not Applicable Russian Federation Russia YGL - Political & Government

Khalid Bin Bandar Bin Sultan H.R.H. Prince 2010 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Koh Daniel 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Hwee Tan Chin 2010 PI-Private Investors Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Peng Tan Ye 2010 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Msibi Jonitha Gugu 2010 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Dhlomo Khanyi 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Sibeko Mandla 2010 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Davies Martyn 2010 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Sebotsa Sonja 2010 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Vilakazi Zabulon 2010 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Barrabés Carlos 2010 PS-Professional Services Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Chacón Carme 2010 NA-Not Applicable Spain Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Pinas Marcel 2010 NA-Not Applicable Suriname Latin America YGL - Arts & Culture

Masha Lawrence Kego 2010 PS-Professional Services Tanzania Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Aydin Cenk 2010 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Timuray Serpil 2010 TC-Telecommunications Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Alyousuf Nabil 2010 NA-Not Applicable United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Intellectual

Awadhi Najla Al 2010 PS-Professional Services United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Opinion & Media

Stevens Anthony 2010 IS-Insurance & Asset Management United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Edwards Daniel 2010 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Pugh Lewis Gordon 2010 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Heydlauff Lisa 2010 UN-Unknown United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Tarnowski Lucian 2010 IT-Information Technology United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Lacy Peter 2010 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Spirit Scott 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Bishop Sebastian 2010 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Lambe Shauneen 2010 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Chin Calvin 2010 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Deri Christopher 2010 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Rosenberg David G. 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Maw Elizabeth 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Hu George 2010 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Fleming Heather 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Business

Hoang Henry Nguyen 2010 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Hsu Jacob 2010 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Lief Jacob 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Plunkett Jayne 2010 IS-Insurance & Asset Management USA North America YGL - Business

Viertel Josh 2010 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage USA North America YGL - Societal

Novy-Hildesley Julia 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Castro Julián 2010 UN-Unknown USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Grier Kelly 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Lu Kevin 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Witter Lisa 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Drakos Margo 2010 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Mayer Marissa 2010 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Rhee Michelle 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Wolfe Nathan D. 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Patil Pawan 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Societal

Corsell Peter L. 2010 RS-Renewable Energy Shapers USA North America YGL - Business

Ellis-Lamkins Phaedra 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Onie Rebecca D. 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Milk Roberto 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Figuera Rossanna 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Goldman Sam 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Gupta Sanjay 2010 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Singh Shamina 2010 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Business

Raghavan Sriram 2010 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Keinan Tal 2010 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Kuk Yi 2010 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods USA North America YGL - Business

O'Donnell Courtney 2011 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Political & Government

Vidal Maria Eugenia 2011 NA-Not Applicable Argentina Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Casares Wenceslao 2011 IT-Information Technology Argentina Latin America YGL - Business

Behrenbruch Christian 2011 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Hill David 2011 PS-Professional Services Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Moody Geraldine Chin 2011 PS-Professional Services Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Heimans Jeremy 2011 PS-Professional Services Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Pham Jimmy 2011 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Mulqueeny Kala 2011 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Societal

Sofizade Murad 2011 PI-Private Investors Azerbaijan Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Nenshi Naheed 2011 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Political & Government

Gilmore Scott 2011 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Societal

Keating Zoe 2011 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Parrado Eric 2011 NA-Not Applicable Chile Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Recart Tomás 2011 NA-Not Applicable Chile Latin America YGL - Societal

Pinzón Bueno Juan Carlos 2011 NA-Not Applicable Colombia Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Soljacic Marin 2011 NA-Not Applicable Croatia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Intellectual

Cruz Eduardo A. 2011 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Dominican Republic Caribbean YGL - Business

Khallaf Tamim 2011 NA-Not Applicable Egypt Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Alemu Bethlehem Tilahun 2011 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Ethiopia Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Oullier Olivier 2011 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Loesekrug-Pietri André 2011 PI-Private Investors Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Sitzberger Brigitte 2011 IN-Institutional Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Angermayer Christian 2011 PI-Private Investors Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Borchert Katharina 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Barysch Katinka 2011 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Ley Katrin 2011 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Seidenberg Martin 2011 LT-Logistics & Transportation Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Reichenbach Stefan 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Avgerinopoulou Dionysia-Theodora 2011 NA-Not Applicable Greece Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Biguria Salvador 2011 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Guatemala Latin America YGL - Business

Argueta Yara 2011 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Guatemala Latin America YGL - Business

Gunnsteinsdottir Hrund 2011 PS-Professional Services Iceland Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Acharya Anu 2011 HE-Global Health & Healthcare India South Asia YGL - Business

Turakhia Bhavin 2011 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Maini Chetan 2011 AU-Automotive India South Asia YGL - Business

Hooda Deepender Singh 2011 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Khera Manish 2011 BK-Banking & Capital Markets India South Asia YGL - Business

Mather Shaffi 2011 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Ramakarthikeyan Srikrishna 2011 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Rasjid P. Mangkuningrat M. Arsjad 2011 EN-Energy Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Shihab Najwa 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Opinion & Media

Casey Valerie 2011 NA-Not Applicable Ireland Western Europe YGL - Business

Eshed Ofra Anne 2011 NA-Not Applicable Israel Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Nieto Diana Verde 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Colombo Francesca 2011 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Lapenna Lily 2011 UN-Unknown Italy Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Salzano Pasquale 2011 OG-Oil & Gas Italy Western Europe YGL - Societal

Doi Kanae 2011 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Societal

Yamauchi Koichi 2011 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Yamazaki Naoko 2011 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Japan Japan YGL - Intellectual

Koizumi Shinjiro 2011 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Saito William H. 2011 PS-Professional Services Japan Japan YGL - Business

Tanaka Yoshikazu 2011 IT-Information Technology Japan Japan YGL - Business

Okolloh Ory 2011 IT-Information Technology Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Mutawa Naif Al 2011 NA-Not Applicable Kuwait Middle East YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Harik Georges 2011 UN-Unknown Lebanon Middle East YGL - Business

Maktabi Rima 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Lebanon Middle East YGL - Opinion & Media

Yu Cheng Ming 2011 NA-Not Applicable Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Mota Carlos 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Mexico Latin America YGL - Opinion & Media

Romo Guillermo 2011 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Delgado Carrillo Mario Martin 2011 NA-Not Applicable Mexico Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Tiwari Ashutosh 2011 UN-Unknown Nepal South Asia YGL - Societal

Simons Lucas 2011 PS-Professional Services Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Business

Rodin David 2011 NA-Not Applicable New Zealand Australasia YGL - Intellectual

Dang Pham Mitchell Khoa 2011 IT-Information Technology New Zealand Australasia YGL - Business

Terán Ricardo Terán 2011 NA-Not Applicable Nicaragua Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Iyanda Funmi 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Rahman Mir Ibrahim 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Ali Saleem 2011 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Intellectual

Long Annabelle 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Yingxia Liu 2011 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Haidong Pan 2011 IT-Information Technology People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Xun Zhou 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Arts & Culture

Bernardo Rex 2011 NA-Not Applicable Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Marcelo Sheila Lirio 2011 PS-Professional Services Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Abdulla bin Ali Al Thani H.E. Sheikh 2011 IN-Institutional Qatar Middle East YGL - Societal

Sung-Kyun Na 2011 IT-Information Technology Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Ristic Milos 2011 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Republic of Serbia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Elinson Andrei 2011 MM-Mining & Metals Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Rasheed Fahd Al 2011 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Bakr Loulwa M. 2011 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Dabbagh May Al 2011 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Intellectual

Wade Magatte 2011 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Senegal Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Loo Areena 2011 IT-Information Technology Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Fernandes Carlos 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Halstead Avril 2011 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Kumalo Basetsana 2011 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Societal

Skwambane Tebogo 2011 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Kahla Vuyo D. 2011 OG-Oil & Gas South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Mkhwanazi Zibusiso 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Ser David del 2011 IT-Information Technology Spain Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Carné Lucas 2011 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Beslik Sasja 2011 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Sweden Western Europe YGL - Business

Kanza Elsie S. 2011 NA-Not Applicable Tanzania Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Mashibe Susan 2011 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism Tanzania Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Pisalyaput Nick 2011 NA-Not Applicable Thailand Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Karahan-Ay Asli 2011 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Denizmen Ozlem 2011 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Jafar Badr 2011 OG-Oil & Gas United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Business

Al Siksek Zaid Daoud 2011 NA-Not Applicable United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Watson Caroline 2011 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Lockhart Clare 2011 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Azami Dawood 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Mortensen Gemma 2011 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Cashmore Pete 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Raad Rani 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Frost Stephen 2011 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Werbach Adam 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Tobel Alexa von 2011 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Cousteau Alexandra 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Lee Andrew 2011 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Rinne April 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Rutstein Charles 2011 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Senor Dan 2011 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Intellectual

boyd danah 2011 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Cruise Daniel 2011 MM-Mining & Metals USA North America YGL - Business

Taylor Dylan E. 2011 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development USA North America YGL - Business

Skinner E. Benjamin 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Gonda Ellen 2011 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism USA North America YGL - Business

Muslim Fawad Ahmad 2011 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Gopinath Gita 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Nicolette Grace Chiang 2011 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Nack Jaime 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Business

Larkins Jamail 2011 AT-Aviation, Travel & Tourism USA North America YGL - Business

McGonigal Jane 2011 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Martin Jayme 2011 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods USA North America YGL - Business

Hyun-Jung Kang 2011 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development USA North America YGL - Business

Gil Liliana 2011 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Heinrich Margaret de 2011 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Walker Melanie 2011 IN-Institutional USA North America YGL - Societal

Canner Niko 2011 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Barcott Rye 2011 UT-Energy Utilities & Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Chatterjee Sandeep 2011 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Ear Sophal 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Kundra Vivek 2011 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Moore Westley 2011 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Yanovskiy Yan E. 2011 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Musiitwa Jacqueline 2011 PS-Professional Services Zambia Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Garreton Facundo 2012 IT-Information Technology Argentina Latin America YGL - Business

McCluskey Amanda 2012 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Sriskandarajah Dhananjayan 2012 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Intellectual

Reen Kathleen 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Australia Australasia YGL - Opinion & Media

MacCallum Carter Lisa 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Makhupe Olebile 2012 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Botswana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Hertz David 2012 NA-Not Applicable Brazil Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Minev Denis B. 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Elia Samuel 2012 NA-Not Applicable Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Vilela Vanessa 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Buhrer Tavanier Yana 2012 NA-Not Applicable Bulgaria Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Cheng Adrian 2012 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Canada North America YGL - Business

Boehmer David 2012 PS-Professional Services Canada North America YGL - Business

Stroumboulopoulos George 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Canada North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Hamlin Kaliya 2012 IT-Information Technology Canada North America YGL - Business

Saxe Rebecca 2012 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Intellectual

Khoreibi Sami 2012 EN-Energy Canada North America YGL - Business

Wu Tim 2012 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Political & Government

Kast Sommerhoff Felipe 2012 NA-Not Applicable Chile Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth of Denmark H.R.H. 2012 NA-Not Applicable Denmark Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Gourani Soulaima 2012 PS-Professional Services Denmark Western Europe YGL - Business

Moncayo Carlos 2012 PS-Professional Services Ecuador Latin America YGL - Business

Ismail Ayman 2012 NA-Not Applicable Egypt Middle East YGL - Intellectual

de Sola Diego 2012 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development El Salvador Latin America YGL - Societal

Bonte Alexis 2012 IT-Information Technology France Western Europe YGL - Business

Heydemann Christel 2012 TC-Telecommunications France Western Europe YGL - Business

Ramdani Nabila 2012 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Joseph Sandrine 2012 TC-Telecommunications France Western Europe YGL - Business

Kobalia Vera 2012 NA-Not Applicable Georgia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Stürmer Andrea 2012 IS-Insurance & Asset Management Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Wessels Christian 2012 PS-Professional Services Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Bahr Daniel 2012 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Simons Bright 2012 IT-Information Technology Ghana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Swaniker Fred 2012 NA-Not Applicable Ghana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Kuenyehia Sr Kimathi 2012 PS-Professional Services Ghana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Ngai Wah Sing Francis 2012 NA-Not Applicable Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Sze Ping Lo 2012 NA-Not Applicable Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Societal

Kumar Adarsh 2012 PI-Private Investors India South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Kshirsagar Alok 2012 PS-Professional Services India South Asia YGL - Business

Naik Ashwin 2012 HE-Global Health & Healthcare India South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Job Binoy 2012 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Rajawat Chhavi 2012 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Political & Government

(Raja) Somasundaram Rajamanohar 2012 TC-Telecommunications India South Asia YGL - Business

Rai Sanjiv 2012 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Chandran Subhashini 2012 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage India South Asia YGL - Business

R. Ferose V. 2012 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Haryopratomo Aldi 2012 IT-Information Technology Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Siregar Ananda 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Dunne Niall 2012 TC-Telecommunications Ireland Western Europe YGL - Business

Beer Eli 2012 NA-Not Applicable Israel Middle East YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Adiri Jonathan 2012 AU-Automotive Israel Middle East YGL - Business

Morelli Angela 2012 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Kondo Junya 2012 IT-Information Technology Japan Japan YGL - Business

Iemoto Kentaro 2012 IT-Information Technology Japan Japan YGL - Business

Shimada Kunihiko 2012 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Kobayashi Lin 2012 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Intellectual

Izumo Mitsuru 2012 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Japan Japan YGL - Business

Yamamoto Satoru 2012 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Japan Japan YGL - Business

Suda Shokei 2012 IT-Information Technology Japan Japan YGL - Business

Nakamura Toshihiro 2012 IT-Information Technology Japan Japan YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Shoman Dina 2012 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Jordan Middle East YGL - Business

Hourani Lama 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Jordan Middle East YGL - Business

Nyong'o Isis 2012 TC-Telecommunications Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Sim Chee Keong Steven 2012 NA-Not Applicable Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Ricardo Lozoya Austin Emilio 2012 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Badenoch Gina 2012 PS-Professional Services Mexico Latin America YGL - Arts & Culture

Cosio Pando Santiago 2012 TC-Telecommunications Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Bouaida Mbarka 2012 NA-Not Applicable Morocco North Africa YGL - Political & Government

Boonstra Claire 2012 IT-Information Technology Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Business

Bradoo Privahini 2012 MM-Mining & Metals New Zealand Australasia YGL - Business

Nelly Rivas Maria 2012 NA-Not Applicable Nicaragua Latin America YGL - Societal

Anyanwu Ikemba Akudo 2012 NA-Not Applicable Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Alabi Biola 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Kolawole Simon 2012 PS-Professional Services Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Khan Nauman 2012 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Dawood Shahzada 2012 CH-Chemicals Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Haj Mohammed Shahin Nisreen 2012 NA-Not Applicable Palestinian Territories Middle East YGL - Societal

Freire Carolina 2012 NA-Not Applicable Panama Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Yang Ning Nick 2012 PI-Private Investors People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Ning Tian 2012 IT-Information Technology People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Shuo Wang 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Opinion & Media

Balares Analisa 2012 NA-Not Applicable Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Carandang Benedict 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Opinion & Media

Rey Banatao Diosdado 2012 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Fernandez-Ruiz Therese 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Krupinski Michal 2012 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Poland Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Hana Kim 2012 NA-Not Applicable Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Hwang Eun Young Rebeca 2012 IT-Information Technology Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Morozov Denis 2012 NA-Not Applicable Russian Federation Russia YGL - Societal

Dobrovolskiy Nick 2012 IT-Information Technology Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Akamanzi Clare 2012 NA-Not Applicable Rwanda Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Hott Amadou 2012 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Senegal Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Yinglan Tan 2012 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Tong Joo Chuan Victor 2012 IT-Information Technology Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Kwong Weng Yap 2012 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Societal

Bruncko Martin 2012 NA-Not Applicable Slovakia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Nyker Jasandra 2012 EN-Energy South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Gumede Oya-Hazel 2012 PS-Professional Services South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Fernández Ibáñez Alvaro 2012 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Abeyagoonasekera Asanga 2012 NA-Not Applicable Sri Lanka South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Jal Emmanuel 2012 NA-Not Applicable Sudan Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

Ohlsson Birgitta 2012 NA-Not Applicable Sweden Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Bakhtiar Pasha 2012 PI-Private Investors Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Business

Dewji Mohammed 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods Tanzania Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Lawson Cina 2012 NA-Not Applicable Togo Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Al Roumi Ohood 2012 NA-Not Applicable United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Political & Government

J. Thakkar Ashish 2012 IT-Information Technology United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Cox Brendan 2012 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Cohen Danny 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Pearman Ian 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Burston Jane 2012 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Bendell Jem 2012 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Siddiqi Lutfey 2012 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Berry Maggie 2012 IT-Information Technology United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Lane Fox Martha 2012 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Newton-Smith Rain 2012 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Dey Rajeeb 2012 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Scott Robyn 2012 IT-Information Technology United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Nash Roland 2012 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Gregory Sam 2012 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Comonte Tara 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Levene Tim 2012 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Hulme Tom 2012 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Lowry Adam 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods USA North America YGL - Business

Mullins Aimee 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Niambi Brown Binta 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Chang Candy 2012 OG-Oil & Gas USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Conde Cesar 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Mogahed Dalia 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Hanley Dave 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Fischer David 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Wayne Callaway David 2012 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Societal

Kataoka Drue 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Nuekie Cofie Eunice 2012 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Benardete Georgie 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

McKeown Gregory 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Ahmed Lashuel Hilal 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Marie Chen Jane 2012 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Legend John 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Levin Jonathan 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Dubois Joshua 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

G. James Joshua 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Howery Ken 2012 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Groos Richmond Kristin 2012 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage USA North America YGL - Business

Setrakian Lara 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Janel Bansal Lena 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Loo Lynn 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Blumenthal Neil 2012 RC-Retail & Consumer Goods USA North America YGL - Business

Sabeti Pardis 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Sterne Rachel 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Khan Salman 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Harrison Scott 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Ehlers Suzanne 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Keller Valerie 2012 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Goyal Vandana 2012 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Kajese Vimbayi 2012 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Zimbabwe Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Amamou Slim 2012 IT-Information Technology YGL - Business

Abrahams Tony 2013 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Australia AI-MEDIA

Balkin Jeremy 2013 President Australia Karma Capital

Botsman Rachel 2013 Founder Australia Collaborative Lab

Howard Jeremy 2013 President and Chief Scientist Australia Kaggle

Hughes Gordon 2013 Managing Director Australia Rhythmscape Publishing

McAdam Jane 2013 Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow Australia University of New South Wales

Wyatt Alex 2013 Chief Executive Officer Australia Climate Bridge

Chheang Vannarith 2013 Executive Director Cambodia Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace

Fernando Dumith 2013 Managing Director, Regional Chief Operating Officer Asia Pacific Hong Kong SAR Credit Suisse

Hsu Claire 2013 Co-Founder and Executive Director Hong Kong SAR Asia Art Archive (AAA)

Zhu Scott Jennifer 2013 Founder and Managing Partner Hong Kong SAR Establish Asia

P. Rachmat Arif 2013 Chief Executive Officer Indonesia PT Triputra Investindo Arya (Triputra Group)

Komatsu Masami 2013 President and Chief Executive Officer Japan Music Securities, Inc.

Matsumoto Shoukei 2013 Managing Director and Buddhist Monk Japan Japan Fellowship of Buddhists

Otsuka Taro 2013 President Japan Otsuka-Warehouse Co., Ltd.

Shibasaki Yohei 2013 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Japan Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation

Suzuki Naomichi 2013 Mayor of Yubari Japan

Tsuda Daisuke 2013 Journalist, Media Activist and Chief Executive Officer Japan Neo-logue inc.

Neoh Joel 2013 Chief Executive Officer Malaysia Groupon Malaysia

Tunku Ali Redhauddin Tuanku Muhriz HH 2013 Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Malaysia Negeri Sembilan

Jigmiddash Bayartsetseg 2013 Secretary of State Mongolia Ministry of Justice

Ko Thura 2013 Founder and Managing Director Myanmar YGA Capital Limited

Win Tint Win 2013 Managing Director Myanmar City Mart Holdings Co Ltd

Anderlini Jamil 2013 Beijing Bureau Chief New Zealand The Financial Times

Bridges Simon 2013 Minister of Labour and of Energy and Resources New Zealand

Cao Ron 2013 Co-Founder and Managing People's Republic of China Lightspeed China Partners

Lin Chen Richard 2013 Managing Director Yifei Group People's Republic of China

Qiqing Chen 2013 Deputy Director Central Party School of the Communist Party of China People's Republic of China

Leissner Judy 2013 Chief Executive Officer Grace Vineyard People's Republic of China

Jun Qin 2013 Chairman Tuspark Technology Innovation Co.,Ltd. People's Republic of China

Huanguang Qiu 2013 Associate Professor Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP) People's Republic of China

Tailei Wan 2013 Head of International Cooperation Department National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) People's Republic of China

Yan Wang Ninie 2013 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Pinetree Senior Services Pte Ltd People's Republic of China

Ma Wenyan Winston 2013 Managing Director and Deputy Chief Representative China Investment Corporation (CIC) People's Republic of China

Fuli Zong 2013 President Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co. People's Republic of China

Echauz John 2013 Executive Vice President Standard Insurance Co., Inc. Philippines

Mendoza Ronald 2013 Executive Director AIM Policy Center, Asian Institute of Management Philippines

Dong Kwan Kim 2013 Managing Director Hanwha Group Republic of Korea

Joosung Lee 2013 Director SeAH Group Republic of Korea

Pin Koh Lian 2013 Assistant Professor of Applied Ecology and Conservation ETH Zürich Singapore

Maniam Aaron 2013 Director Institute of Policy Development, Singapore Civil Service College Singapore

Diskul Dispanadda 2013 Chief Development Officer Doi Tung Development Project Thailand

Karoonuthaisiri Nitsara 2013 Head, Microarray Laboratory National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) Thailand

Tu Trung Gian 2013 Education Activist Institute for Research on Educational Development (IRED) Vietnam

Thi Thu Thuy Le 2013 Vice-Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer Vingroup Joint Stock Company Vietnam

Buytaert Dries 2013 Founder and Project Lead Drupal Belgium

Zejnilagic Almira 2013 Director FTI Consulting Bosnia & Herzegovinia

Buch Jesper 2013 Angel and Seed investor Jesper Buch Denmark

Auken Ida 2013 Minister of the Environment Denmark

Jannick Johansen Lars 2013 Chief Executive Officer The Social Capital Fund Denmark

Paet Urmas 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs Estonia

Beltran Jacques 2013 Senior Vice-President, Europe, CIS, Turkey Alstom International France

Mandl Christian 2013 Chairman Maporama Solutions France

Puyfaucher Laetitia 2013 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Pelham Media France

Vallaud-Belkacem Najat 2013 Minister of Women's Rights of France and Spokesperson of the French Government France

Ventura Arnaud 2013 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer PlaNet Finance France

Verzelen Florence 2013 Managing Director GDF SUEZ France

Atzberger Alexander 2013 China Strategy Head SAP AG Germany

Henckel von Donnersmarck Florian 2013 Writer and Film Director Germany

Graeff Christine 2013 Director-General, Communications and Language Services European Central Bank Germany

Park Eun-Kyung 2013 Managing Director, Sixx Prosiebensat.1 Media AG Germany

Schröder Kristina 2013 Federal Minister of Family Affairs and Senior Citizens Germany

Lindal Elinros 2013 Chief Executive Officer, Creative Director and Founder ELLA Iceland

Pollock Mark 2013 Adventurer, Athlete and Author MarkPollock.Com Ireland

Campelli Fabrizio 2013 Chief Strategy Officer, Head of Strategy and Planning Deutsche Bank AG Italy

Console Battilana Silvia 2013 Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Auctionomics (and xSwan) Italy

Martone Michel 2013 Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Policies Italy

Viarengo Martina 2013 Assistant Professor, International Economics The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Italy

Luksic Igor 2013 Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Montenegro

Jan Flach Philipp 2013 Managing Director DeSeizoenen Netherlands

Lingeman Judith 2013 Head of Charities Dutch Postcode Lottery (Nationale Postcode Loterij) Netherlands

E. de Vries Catherine 2013 Professor of European Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations University of Oxford Netherlands

Vallestad Silje 2013 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Bipper Norway

Wilhelmsen Thomas 2013 Chief Executive Officer Wallenius Wilhelmsen Group Norway

Jeremic Vuk 2013 President United Nations General Assembly , 67th Session Republic of Serbia

Popovic Srdja 2013 Executive Director CANVAS Republic of Serbia

Costache Dana 2013 Founder, Global Culture and Leadership Consultant MindSpeaker Global Culture and Leadership Romania

Pascu Codrut 2013 Managing Partner, Black Sea Region Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Romania

Nikiforov Nikolay 2013 Minister of Communications and Mass Media Russian Federation

Osetinskaya Elizaveta 2013 Editor-in-Chief Forbes Russia Russian Federation

Mentré Gilles 2013 Special Advisor Lazard Slovakia

Sánchez-Andrade Nuño Bruno 2013 Director, Science and Technology Global Adaptation Institute (GAIN) Spain

Ek Daniel 2013 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Spotify Ltd Sweden

Maudet Pierre 2013 Member of the Executive Council of the State of Geneva in Charge of Security City of Geneva Switzerland

Parish Matthew 2013 Partner Holman Fenwick Willan LLP Switzerland

Sallin Aymeric 2013 Founder and Chief Executive Officer NanoDimension Switzerland

Herweijer Celine 2013 Partner PwC United Kingdom

Jackson Katie 2013 Senior Vice-President, Mergers and Acquisitions Statoil (UK) Limited United Kingdom

Madnani Deepak 2013 Founder and Managing Director Solar Exports Ltd United Kingdom

Marrs Anna 2013 Group Head of Strategy and Corporate Development Standard Chartered United Kingdom

Middleton Melisande 2013 Founder and Director Center for International Media Ethics (CIME) United Kingdom

Pota Vikas 2013 Chief Executive Officer Varkey GEMS Foundation United Kingdom

Renfrew Magnus 2013 Director, Asia Art Basel United Kingdom

Nathanael Wei Ming- Yan Lord 2013 Member of the House of Lords United Kingdom

Mater Ahmed 2014 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Arts & Culture

Campbell Ailish 2014 IN-Institutional Canada North America YGL - Business

Ricks Alan 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Geiser Alexander 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

J. Siddiqui Ali 2014 MI-Multi Industry Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Loat Alison 2014 PS-Professional Services Canada North America YGL - Political & Government

J.C. Cuddy Amy 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Pasinetti Andrea 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Jasmine Kairuki Angellah 2014 NA-Not Applicable Tanzania Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Ratnaker Rao Anoop 2014 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Societal

Smare Anthony 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Papua New Guinea Asia Pacific YGL - Business

du Plessis Anton 2014 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Bugg-Levine Antony 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Thakur Anurag 2014 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Political & Government

Siddiki Asma 2014 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Townsend Klinge Augusto 2014 PI-Private Investors Peru Latin America YGL - Opinion & Media

Ramirez Austin 2014 SCT-Supply Chain & Transportation USA North America YGL - Business

Davda Avani 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle India South Asia YGL - Business

Geretzki Banafsheh 2014 PS-Professional Services Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Byambasaikhan Bayanjargal 2014 PS-Professional Services Mongolia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Parmar Belinda 2014 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Dapaah Bernice 2014 NA-Not Applicable Ghana Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Hein Bettina 2014 IT-Information Technology Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Ellison Brooke 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Beaumont Candice 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Chiu Cassandra 2014 PS-Professional Services Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Howarth Catherine 2014 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Wei Chen 2014 HO-Holding, Trade, Import/Export People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Sarkar Chiki 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information India South Asia YGL - Business

Hernandez Gallardo Christian 2014 PI-Private Investors El Salvador Latin America YGL - Business

Belmont Claudia 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle Peru Latin America YGL - Business

Sender Ramirez Claudia 2014 AT-Aviation &Travel; Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Leimkuhler Courtney 2014 IS-Insurance & Asset Management USA North America YGL - Business

Ballou-Aares Daniella 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Verheijen Danladi 2014 PI-Private Investors Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Roberts Daron 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Duarte Dave 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Berry David 2014 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Karp David 2014 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Poon Dee 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Business

Fei Deng 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Societal

Raj Devesh 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Business

Patil Dhanurjay 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Anglade Dominique 2014 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Business

Yang Dongning 2014 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Political & Government

Sun Dorjee 2014 EU- Energy Utilities Australia Australasia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

M. Valencia Earl 2014 NA-Not Applicable Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Suzuki Eikei 2014 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Gura Eyal 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Israel Middle East YGL - Business

Franzen Fabrice 2014 PS-Professional Services Belgium Western Europe YGL - Business

Carlesi Francesca 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

McDonagh Francesca 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Vanchig Ganzorig 2014 AU-Automotive Mongolia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Al Kibsi Gassan 2014 PS-Professional Services Yemen Middle East YGL - Business

Boccaletti Giulio 2014 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Societal

Begazo Gonzalo 2014 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Peru Latin America YGL - Business

Nxiweni Gugu 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

van Beijma Hajo 2014 TC-Telecommunications Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Prinsloo Hanli 2014 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

Rupert Hanneli 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

El Houry Hassan 2014 AT-Aviation &Travel; Lebanon Middle East YGL - Business

Warren Hayley 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Liu Ida 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Chantzos Ilias 2014 IT-Information Technology Greece Western Europe YGL - Business

Anghel-Enescu Irina 2014 PI-Private Investors Romania Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Societal

Vatchkov Ivan 2014 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Aso Iwao 2014 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Japan Japan YGL - Business

Ardern Jacinda 2014 NA-Not Applicable New Zealand Australasia YGL - Political & Government

Moore James 2014 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Political & Government

Cohen Jared 2014 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Business

Nichols Jennifer 2014 IS-Insurance & Asset Management USA North America YGL - Business

Long Jessica 2014 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Weber Johannes 2014 PI-Private Investors Germany Western Europe YGL - Societal

Rake Jonathan 2014 IS-Insurance & Asset Management South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Enrique Concejo Jose 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Nesbit Josh 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Andrea R. Abad Julia 2014 NA-Not Applicable Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Bacha Julia 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

R. Greer Julia 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Steimer Julien 2014 IS-Insurance & Asset Management France Western Europe YGL - Business

Hector Estrada Julio 2014 NA-Not Applicable Guatemala Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Mutooni Kanini 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Pisarska Katarzyna 2014 NA-Not Applicable Poland Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Dovey Kathryn 2014 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Patel Kavita 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Goda Keisuke 2014 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Intellectual

Endo Ken 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Japan Japan YGL - Intellectual

Tun Ken 2014 EN-Energy Myanmar Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Ichiki Kentaro 2014 PS-Professional Services Japan Japan YGL - Opinion & Media

Jin Keyu 2014 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Intellectual

Alkhudair Khalid 2014 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Zaw Latt Khin 2014 NA-Not Applicable Myanmar Asia Pacific YGL - Arts & Culture

Boyle Kieron 2014 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Parry Kitty 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Busque Leah 2014 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Xiaodong Lee 2014 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Political & Government

Hoteit Leila 2014 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Velez Leila 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Brazil Latin America YGL - Business

Ng Lena 2014 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Preston Lila 2014 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

H. Neghesti Luca 2014 SCT-Supply Chain & Transportation Tanzania Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Jurich Lynn 2014 EN-Energy USA North America YGL - Business

Doris Dumlao Maria 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Opinion & Media

Teresa Kumar Maria 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

McIntosh Robinson Mariame 2014 PI-Private Investors Jamaica North America YGL - Business

Schaake Marietje 2014 NA-Not Applicable Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Poetz Marion 2014 NA-Not Applicable Austria Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Parker Marlon 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Ziegler Maseena 2014 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Acton Smith Michael 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Macharia Michael 2014 IT-Information Technology Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Zatlyn Michelle 2014 IT-Information Technology Canada North America YGL - Business

Joshi Mohit 2014 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Al Marri Mona 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Opinion & Media

Zaidi Mosharraf 2014 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Opinion & Media

Piramal Nandini 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare India South Asia YGL - Business

Vodianova Natalia 2014 NA-Not Applicable Russian Federation Russia YGL - Arts & Culture

Morris Nate 2014 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Dauriac-Stoebe Nathalie 2014 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Business

Hoang Long Nguyen 2014 NA-Not Applicable Vietnam Asia Pacific YGL - Political & Government

Shea Carey Nicolás 2014 NA-Not Applicable Chile Latin America YGL - Business

Harper Niel 2014 NA-Not Applicable Barbados North America YGL - Intellectual

Angelkova Nikolina 2014 NA-Not Applicable Bulgaria Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Jensen Nina 2014 NA-Not Applicable Norway Western Europe YGL - Societal

Mashiya Nkosana 2014 IN-Institutional South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

Mobisson-Etuk Nneka 2014 NA-Not Applicable Nigeria Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Al Kaabi Noura 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Business

Leland Olivia 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Khelifa Omezzine 2014 NA-Not Applicable Tunisia North Africa YGL - Political & Government

S. Aiyar Pallavi 2014 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Opinion & Media

Shahani Parmesh 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle India South Asia YGL - Arts & Culture

Cobian Patricia 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Allen Patrick 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Missfelder Philipp 2014 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Kosciusko Morizet Pierre 2014 PS-Professional Services France Western Europe YGL - Business

Chong Rachael 2014 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Carrell Rachel 2014 HE-Global Health & Healthcare New Zealand Australasia YGL - Business

Pant Rajiv 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Yoganathan Ratheesan 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Sri Lanka South Asia YGL - Business

Tong Zhilei Ray 2014 IT-Information Technology People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Opinion & Media

Ghani Rayid 2014 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Weintraub Rebecca 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Redzepi René 2014 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Denmark Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Wong Ricky 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Premji Rishad 2014 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Teijeiro Rodrigo 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Argentina Latin America YGL - Business

Silva Rohan 2014 PI-Private Investors United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Ciurysek-Gedir Roksana 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Poland Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Nadar Malhotra Roshni 2014 IT-Information Technology India South Asia YGL - Business

Mahmud Sabeen 2014 NA-Not Applicable Pakistan South Asia YGL - Arts & Culture

Chao Sabrina 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Hong Kong SAR Greater China YGL - Business

Bansal Sachin 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle India South Asia YGL - Business

Chertorivski Woldenberg Salomon 2014 NA-Not Applicable Mexico Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Venkatachalam Sandhya 2014 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Salsano Sandro 2014 PI-Private Investors Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Menker Sara 2014 PI-Private Investors Ethiopia Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Sutton Fell Sara 2014 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Blakemore Sarah-Jayne 2014 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Rafati Shahrzad 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Islamic Republic of Iran Middle East YGL - Business

Kang So-Young 2014 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Swimmy Minami Soichiro 2014 PS-Professional Services Japan Japan YGL - Business

Medina Sonia 2014 IN-Institutional Spain Western Europe YGL - Societal

Kapoor Sony 2014 PS-Professional Services United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Intellectual

Darabi Soraya 2014 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle USA North America YGL - Business

Mekhennet Souad 2014 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information Germany Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Fulop Steven 2014 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Lacerda Prazeres Tatiana 2014 NA-Not Applicable Brazil Latin America YGL - Political & Government

Aeschi Thomas 2014 NA-Not Applicable Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Agustiono Kurniawan Tonni 2014 NA-Not Applicable Indonesia Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Feldmann Valerie 2014 ET- Energy Technologies Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Masías Vania 2014 NA-Not Applicable Peru Latin America YGL - Arts & Culture

W. Bagiire Vincent 2014 NA-Not Applicable Uganda Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Political & Government

(Vish) Narain Vishwarupe 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets India South Asia YGL - Business

Klitschko Wladimir 2014 PS-Professional Services Ukraine Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Gao Xiaohong 2014 BK-Banking & Capital Markets People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Political & Government

Mukaetov Zhivko 2014 PS-Professional Services Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Alaoui Abdelmalek 2015 PS-Professional Services Morocco North Africa YGL - Business

Butt Abid 2015 SCT-Supply Chain & Transportation Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Grant Adam 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Ghosh Aditya 2015 AT-Aviation &Travel; India South Asia YGL - Business

Alemanno Alberto 2015 NA-Not Applicable Italy Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

De Croo Alexander 2015 NA-Not Applicable Belgium Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Torrenegra Alexander 2015 IT-Information Technology USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Zwane Alix 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Societal

Armani Andrea 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Intellectual

Cooper Andrea 2015 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Simon Gonzalez-Silen Andres 2015 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Italy Western Europe YGL - Business

Bastawrous Andrew 2015 HE-Global Health & Healthcare United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

De Vos Asha 2015 NA-Not Applicable Sri Lanka South Asia YGL - Intellectual

Goyal Ashish 2015 PI-Private Investors India South Asia YGL - Business

Korkmaz Bengi 2015 PS-Professional Services Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Al Qasimi Bodour 2015 NA-Not Applicable United Arab Emirates Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Forde Brian 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Gallant Brian 2015 NA-Not Applicable Canada North America YGL - Political & Government

Geris Burcu 2015 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Business

Mateos Carlota 2015 AT-Aviation &Travel; Spain Western Europe YGL - Business

Berube Caroline 2015 PS-Professional Services Canada North America YGL - Business

Roosegaarde Daan 2015 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Netherlands Western Europe YGL - Arts & Culture

Trump Ivanka 2015 NA-Not Applicable United States North America

Gabbard Tulsi 2015 Congresswoman from Hawaii (D), 2nd District United States North America

Leong Dana 2015 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Bezantakou Danae 2015 SCT-Supply Chain & Transportation Greece Western Europe YGL - Business

Patrick Lim Donald 2015 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information YGL - Business

Macharia Edwin 2015 PS-Professional Services Kenya Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Aldhubaib Fahad 2015 NA-Not Applicable Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Montjane Funeka 2015 BK-Banking & Capital Markets South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Business

Barazzone Guillaume 2015 NA-Not Applicable Switzerland Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

A. Stordalen Gunhild 2015 NA-Not Applicable Norway Western Europe YGL - Societal

Hai Helen 2015 IN-Institutional United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Lind Henrik 2015 PI-Private Investors Denmark Western Europe YGL - Business

Fung Teh Hua 2015 PI-Private Investors YGL - Business

Whalan Hugh 2015 EU- Energy Utilities YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Walsh Ian 2015 PS-Professional Services Ireland Western Europe YGL - Business

Szabó de Carvalho Ilona 2015 NA-Not Applicable Brazil Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Duncan-Price Imani 2015 NA-Not Applicable Jamaica North America YGL - Political & Government

Chau James 2015 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Opinion & Media

Liu Jean 2015 AU-Automotive YGL - Business

Tau Hoong Lim Jeffrey 2015 PI-Private Investors Malaysia Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Chan Juliana 2015 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Smolyansky Julie 2015 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage USA North America YGL - Business

Kaladze Kakha 2015 NA-Not Applicable Georgia Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Beumelburg Katharina 2015 ET- Energy Technologies Germany Western Europe YGL - Business

Al Sabawi Khaled 2015 IU-Infrastructure & Urban Development Canada North America YGL - Business

Parker Kirsten 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Business

Karanth Krithi 2015 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Societal

Meng Wei Kuok 2015 PI-Private Investors Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Signe Landry 2015 NA-Not Applicable Cameroon Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Intellectual

Koopman Lauren 2015 PS-Professional Services USA North America YGL - Business

Ben Mhenni Lina 2015 NA-Not Applicable Tunisia North Africa YGL - Opinion & Media

Felipe Carrillo Luis 2015 EU- Energy Utilities Peru Latin America YGL - Business

Antonia Arroyo Maria 2015 PS-Professional Services Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Kolesnik Marina 2015 PS-Professional Services Russian Federation Russia YGL - Business

Tilleard Matthew 2015 BK-Banking & Capital Markets Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Liu Max 2015 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Neukirchen Max 2015 BK-Banking & Capital Markets USA North America YGL - Business

Yetken Melike 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Political & Government

Liu Meng 2015 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Political & Government

Dipp Michelle 2015 HE-Global Health & Healthcare USA North America YGL - Business

Makeka Mokena 2015 NA-Not Applicable South Africa Sub-saharan Africa YGL - Arts & Culture

Mokass Mustapha 2015 NA-Not Applicable Morocco North Africa YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Saqqaf Nadia 2015 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Political & Government

Koshi Naomi 2015 NA-Not Applicable Japan Japan YGL - Political & Government

Sadri Nariman 2015 HE-Global Health & Healthcare Islamic Republic of Iran Middle East YGL - Business

Bin Nasser Nasser 2015 NA-Not Applicable Jordan Middle East YGL - Political & Government

Kirpal Neha 2015 NA-Not Applicable India South Asia YGL - Arts & Culture

Hazard Nicolas 2015 NA-Not Applicable France Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Jenkins Pablo 2015 IN-Institutional Costa Rica Latin America YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Salazar Rojo Pablo 2015 PS-Professional Services Mexico Latin America YGL - Business

Jiang Pan 2015 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Political & Government

Yu-Hyun Park 2015 NA-Not Applicable Republic of Korea Asia Pacific YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Dwyer Patricia 2015 PS-Professional Services Philippines Asia Pacific YGL - Business

Marcela Moreno Zapata Paula 2015 NA-Not Applicable YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Tinari Philip 2015 NA-Not Applicable USA North America YGL - Arts & Culture

Thum Pingtjin 2015 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Schutt Rachel 2015 ME-Media, Entertainment & Information USA North America YGL - Opinion & Media

Akhali Rafat 2015 NA-Not Applicable Yemen Middle East YGL - Societal

Bint Bandar Al-Saud Reema 2015 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle Saudi Arabia Middle East YGL - Business

Hunter Rory 2015 RC-Retail, Consumer Goods & Lifestyle Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Bashir Ruzwana 2015 IT-Information Technology United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Gillani Sadiq 2015 AT-Aviation &Travel; United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Business

Pavey Safak 2015 NA-Not Applicable Turkey Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Hickok Sheri 2015 AU-Automotive USA North America YGL - Business

Keller Ska 2015 NA-Not Applicable Germany Western Europe YGL - Political & Government

Mocan Stela 2015 NA-Not Applicable Moldova Central/Eastern Europe YGL - Political & Government

Arora Steve 2015 IS-Insurance & Asset Management USA North America YGL - Business

Cook Stuart 2015 FB-Agriculture, Food & Beverage Australia Australasia YGL - Business

Nielsen Tinna 2015 NA-Not Applicable Denmark Western Europe YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Stuart Tristram 2015 NA-Not Applicable United Kingdom Western Europe YGL - Societal

Lama Tshering 2015 NA-Not Applicable Nepal South Asia YGL - Social Entrepreneur

Ransom Victoria 2015 IT-Information Technology YGL - Business

Claire Liew Vivian 2015 NA-Not Applicable Singapore Asia Pacific YGL - Intellectual

Lin Yang 2015 NA-Not Applicable People's Republic of China Greater China YGL - Business

Bogue Zachary 2015 PI-Private Investors USA North America YGL - Business

Butt Zoe 2015 NA-Not Applicable Australia Australasia YGL - Arts & Culture

Ali Bader Zulfikar 2015 PS-Professional Services Pakistan South Asia YGL - Business

Awobokun Abayomi 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Oando Downstream Nigeria YGL -

Osakwe Ada 2016 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Agrolay Ventures Ghana YGL -

Ategeka Christopher 2016 Founder and CEO, Rides for Lives Uganda YGL -

Bedwei Farida 2016 Co-founder and Chief Technical Officer, Logiciel Ltd Ghana YGL -

Mworia James 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Centum Investment Company Limited Kenya YGL -

Rotich Juliana 2016 Venture Partners, Africa Technology Ventures Kenya YGL -

Vilakazi Mary 2016 Group Chief Financial Officer, MMI Holdings Limited South Africa YGL -

Umar-Sadiq Muntaqa 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria Nigeria YGL -

Elbagir Nima 2016 Senior International Correspondent, CNN International Sudan YGL -

Ochen Victor 2016 Executive Director, African Youth Initiative Network-Uganda Uganda YGL -

Siyotula Zukie 2016 Executive Head: Oil and Gas, Thebe Investment Corporation South Africa YGL -

Hirdaramani Aroon 2016 Owner/Director, Hirdaramani Group Sri Lanka YGL -

Hashimy Fahim 2016 CEO, Hashimy Group Afghanistan YGL -

Zahra Naderi Farkhunda 2016 Member of Parliament, Afghanistan Government Afghanistan YGL -

Syed Hassina 2016 Owner, Syed Group Afghanistan YGL -

Butt Hina 2016 Minister, Government of Punjab Pakistan YGL -

Dewan Kanika 2016 President, BRAMCO GROUP India YGL -

Abdullah Romana 2016 CEO and Founder, Highpoint Ventures (Pvt.) Limited Pakistan YGL -

Veer Himatsingka Shaurya 2016 Deputy Managing Director, India Carbon Limited India YGL -

Amte-Karajgi Sheetal 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Maharogi Sewa Samiti India YGL -

Cheema Umer 2016 Executive Director, Center for Investigative Reporting in Pakistan Pakistan YGL -

Ahmed Palak Zunaid 2016 Minister of State for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Bangladesh YGL -

Moon Andy 2016 CEO, Sunfarmer USA YGL -

Finger Aria 2016 Chief Executive Officer, USA YGL -

Kutcher Ashton 2016 Co-Founder, Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children USA YGL -

Larizadeh-Duggan Avid 2016 Partner, Google Ventures USA YGL -

Perera Cheryl 2016 Founder and Executive Director, OneChild Network and Support Inc. Canada YGL -

Ringelmann Danae 2016 Founder and Chief Development Officer, Indiegogo USA YGL -

Bray David 2016 Chief Information Officer, Federal Communication Commission USA YGL -

Suryadevara Dhivya 2016 Vice President of Finance and Treasurer, General Motors Company USA YGL -

Gebbia Joe 2016 Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, Airbnb Inc. USA YGL -

Green John 2016 Novelist and YouTuber, vlogbrothers USA YGL -

Yoo Julie 2016 Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, Kyruus USA YGL -

Dewan Leslie 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Transatomic Power Corporation USA YGL -

Joly Melanie 2016 Minister for Canadian Heritage, Ministry of Canadian Heritage of Canada Canada YGL -

Lefenfeld Michael 2016 President and Chief Executive Officer, SiGNa Chemistry Inc. USA YGL -

Rempel Michelle 2016 Federal member of parliament, Government of Canada Canada YGL -

Yunus Monica 2016 Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Sing for Hope USA YGL -

Tandon Nina 2016 President and Chief Executive Officer, EpiBone Inc. USA YGL -

Abeywardena Penny 2016 Commissioner of International Affairs, Mayor's Office USA YGL -

Chopra Rohit 2016 Managing Director, Lazard USA YGL -

G. Fryer Roland 2016 Professor of Economics, Harvard University USA YGL -

Hessel Roy 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Clearly Canada YGL -

Altman Sam 2016 President, Y Combinator USA YGL -

Daubenspeck Sarah 2016 Managing Director, CFO and Enterprise Value Group USA YGL -

Moulton Seth 2016 Congressman from Massachusetts (D), 6th District USA YGL -

Siroya Shivani 2016 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, InVenture USA YGL -

Kerry Vanessa 2016 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seed Global Health USA YGL -

Zhang Yao 2016 Founder and CEO, RoboTerra USA YGL -

2016 President, Al Bawsala Tunisia YGL -

Hariri Ayman 2016 Deputy CEO, Saudi Oger Ltd Saudi Arabia YGL -

Olama Badr 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Strata Manufacturing PJSC Morocco YGL -

Hussein Forsan 2016 Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Zaitoun Ventures Israel YGL -

Idrissi Janati Khadija 2016 Entrepreneur and Civil Society Actor, KMK Group Morocco YGL -

Jafar Majid 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Crescent Petroleum United Arab Emirates YGL -

Youssef Patrick 2016 Deputy Director of Operations, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Lebanon YGL -

Shelleh Shireen 2016 Partner and Managing Director, Center for Engineering and Planning Palestinian Territories YGL -

Bakhit Suleiman 2016 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Hero Factor Jordan YGL -

Makhlouf Wafa 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Proclean Tunisia YGL -

2016 Vice President, International Policy Brazil YGL -

Nathusius Jonathan 2016 Chief Executive Officer, CEMACO Guatemala YGL -

Lopez Castano Maria 2016 Director, Semana Sostenible Magazine Colombia YGL -

Ellen Patricia 2016 Principal, McKinsey & Company Brazil YGL -

Mancini Pia 2016 Chairwoman, The Democracy Earth Foundation Argentina YGL -

Gaviria Muñoz Simón 2016 Director, National Planning Department of Colombia Colombia YGL -

Villedrouin Stephanie 2016 Minister of Tourism, Haiti Government Haiti YGL -

Fang Hamm Anna 2016 Zhen Fund, YGL -

Li Rafferty Carol 2016 Managing Director, Yale University China YGL -

Yu Chih-Han 2016 Appier, YGL -

Tang Donald 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Greater China Honk Kong YGL -

Yuancao Yang Rebecca 2016 CEO, IPCN LTD China YGL -

Fu Sheng 2016 CEO, Cheetah Mobile China YGL -

Wang Shu 2016 Deputy Director, National Development and Reform Commission China YGL -

Shi Wei 2016 Director, Department of International Economic Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry China YGL -

Ji Xiaohua 2016 Founder and CEO,; Guokr MOOC Academy China YGL -

Shi Yan 2016 Director, Shared Harvest Farm China YGL -

Miao Yanliang 2016 Senior Advisor to the Administrator and Head of Research, State Administration of Foreign Exchange China YGL -

Chen Yao 2016 Actress, Beijing Chen Xin Culture and Art Studio China YGL -

Li Yinuo 2016 Director, China Country Office China YGL -

Hanna Hopko 2016 Member of Parliament, Parliament of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) Ukraine YGL -

Shakhnovskaya Julia 2016 Director, Polytechnic Museum Russia YGL -

Tretikov Lila 2016 Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation Inc. Russia YGL -

Nayyem Mustafa 2016 Blogger and Journalist, Newspaper Ukrainskaja Pravda Ukraine YGL -

M. Shin Daniel 2016 Head of Corporate Development (Executive Director), MCM Korea YGL -

Seshamani Divya 2016 Partner, TPG Europe LLP Singapore YGL -

Song James 2016 Managing Principal and Co-Founder, Faircap Partners Myanmar YGL -

Katayama Kentaro 2016 Non-residential fellow, SAIS John Hopkins University Japan YGL -

Faizal Mohamed Abdul Kadir Mohamed 2016 Director, The Criminal Justice Division at Attorney-General’s Chambers Singapore YGL -

Chinbat Nomin 2016 Chief Executive Officer, Mongol TV Mongolia YGL -

Kojun Ohtani 2016 Head Priest, Jodo-shinshu Temple Japan YGL -

Thi Ngan Pham 2016 Co-founder, Nguyencomm Vietnam YGL -

Freebairn Samantha 2016 Squadron Leader and Pilot, Royal Australian Air Force Australia YGL -

Hanson-Young Sarah 2016 Senator of South Australia, Government of South Australia Australia YGL -

Smiles Simon 2016 Managing Director, UBS Switzerland AG Australia YGL -

Uemura Sotaro 2016 Professor, University of Tokyo Japan YGL -

Su Nyein Thaung 2016 Managing Director / CEO, Information Matrix Co. Myanmar YGL -

Tanuwijaya William 2016 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Tokopedia Indonesia YGL -

Seen Ng Yeen 2016 COO, Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) Malaysia YGL -

Clooney Amal 2016 Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers United Kingdom YGL -

Vassiliades Byron 2016 Chairman, Antipollution S.A Greece YGL -

Klier Daniel 2016 Global Head, Strategy Germany YGL -

Mutlu Demet 2016 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Turkey YGL -

Ayhan Dilek 2016 State Secretary of Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries Norway YGL -

Antoniadou Eleni 2016 Chief of Science, Transplants Without Donors Greece YGL -

Macron Emmanuel 2016 Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs of France France YGL -

Tajik Hadia 2016 Member of the Storting (Norwegian Parliament), Storting (Norwegian Parliament) Norway YGL -

Olivan Javier 2016 Vice-President, Growth Spain YGL -

Spahn Jens 2016 State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance of Germany Germany YGL -

Chappell Julie 2016 Partner, Hawthorn United Kingdom YGL -

Anev Janse Kalin 2016 Secretary-General, European Stability Mechanism Luxembourg YGL -

Storm Laura 2016 CEO, Sustainia Denmark YGL -

Gavet Maelle 2016 Executive Vice President, Global Operations France YGL -

Elmi Nima 2016 Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somaliland United Kingdom YGL -

Moneo Lain Pedro 2016 Founder and CEO, Opinno Spain YGL -

Rutland Peter 2016 Partner, CVC Capital Partners Ltd United Kingdom YGL -

Allonby Poppy 2016 Managing Director and Co-Head of BlackRock's Energy Business, BlackRock Inc. United Kingdom YGL -

Kurz Sebastian 2016 Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Austria YGL -

Lichtenau Torsten 2016 Partner, Bain & Company Inc. Switzerland YGL -

Pausder Verena 2016 Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fox & Sheep Germany YGL -

Marshall William 2016 Co-Founder and CEO, Planet Labs United Kingdom YGL -

Abass Jamila 2017 Country Director GiveDirectly Morocco

Abbas Faisal 2017 Editor-in-Chief Arab News Saudi Arabia

Jehad Al Akiely Malak 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Golden Wheat for Grain Trading Ltd Jordan

Ali Samar 2017 President and Chief Executive Officer Millions of Conversations USA

Alkassar Eyad 2017 Chief Executive Officer Rocket Internet ME United Arab Emirates

Al-Madhi Omar 2017 Co-Head Direct Investments Saudi Arabia

Ang Bernise 2017 Chief Alchemist Zeroth Labs Singapore

Auta Lois 2017 Founder and Executive Director Cedar Seed Foundation Nigeria

Beech Terry 2017 Member of Parliament; Parliamentary Secretary Department of Fisheries Canada

Berelowitz Dan 2017 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Spring Impact USA

Alami Berrada Mohamed 2017 General Manager Yasmine Orfèvres de l'immobilier Morocco

Bhattacharya-Agarwal Rwitwika 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Swaniti Initiative India

Brenes Alejandro 2017 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Enertiva Costa Rica

Celebi Sercan 2017 Co-Founder and President Oy ve Otesi Turkey

Man Chen 2017 Founder Beijing Man Xiang Ya Tian Advertising Ltd People's Republic of China

Choi Calvin 2017 Chairman AMTD China

Paul Choudary Sangeet 2017 Founder Platformation Labs Singapore

Cissé Abdourahmane 2017 Secretary General in the Presidency Office of the President of Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire

Crockett Molly 2017 Assistant Professor of Psychology Yale University USA

El Kaliouby Rana 2017 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Affectiva USA

Moustapha Fall Mouhamed 2017 Chair African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Senegal

Ling Fan 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Tezign People's Republic of China

Ferdinand Rio 2017 Presenter BT Group United Kingdom

Gilbert Nili 2017 Chairwoman of the Investment Committee David Rockefeller Fund USA

Govera Chido 2017 Founder and Director The Future of Hope Foundation Zimbabwe

Hammami Mona 2017 Senior Director Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

Haneef Osman 2017 Author United Kingdom

Hasegawa Atsumi 2017 Chief Executive Officer Litalico Inc. Japan

Henderson Brad 2017 Chief Executive Officer P33 USA

Hill Katie 2017 Global Director Power and Strategy Kenya

Hoffmann Florian 2017 Founder The DO Germany

Hsu Christine 2017 Managing Director Co-Head of Financial Sponsors Group China

Hudson Lydie 2017 Chief Executive Officer Sustainability USA

Ibarra Roberto 2017 Chief Technology Officer Expediente Azul Mexico

Jaber Ramzi 2017 Director e.construct Fz LLC United Arab Emirates

Jain Ankur 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Kairos USA

Kallel Faten 2017 Politician Independent Tunisia

Kaplan Shira 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Cyverse Switzerland

Kaseje Neema 2017 Surgeon Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland

Kass Sam 2017 Partner Acre Venture Partners USA

Kinzinger Adam 2017 Congressman from Illinois (R) 16th District USA

Klasing Insa 2017 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer TheNextWe Germany

Pablo Larenas Juan 2017 Executive Director B Lab Chile

Lesuuda Naisula 2017 Member of Parliament Kenyan Parliament Kenya

Liu Zihong Bill 2017 Founder Chairman and Chief Executive Officer People's Republic of China

Loskota Brie 2017 Executive Director Center for Religion and Civic Culture USA

Macarie Emilia 2017 Chief Financial Officer BBVA Allianz Allianz Spain

Matthews Nadeen 2017 Chief Digital and Marketing Officer National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited Jamaica

Mawasha Billy 2017 Chief Executive Officer Kolobe Nala Investment Company South Africa

Yasmina McCarty M. 2017 Chief Executive Officer New Growth Innovation Network USA

Minguela Rebeca 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Clarity USA

Mitra Ambarish 2017 Co-Founder Greyparrot United Kingdom

Moore Jesse 2017 Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder M-KOPA Solar Kenya

Moradi Mike 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Sensulin USA

Nagarajan Subha 2017 Managing Director Global Capital Advisory USA

Soledad Nuñez Mendez Maria 2017 Academic Director Public Policy Programme Paraguay

Olsson Claudia 2017 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Stellar Capacity Sweden

Ozaki Sputniko! 2017 Associate Professor Tokyo University of the Arts Japan

Parcak Sarah 2017 Director GlobalXplorer USA

Yuefei Qin 2017 Poverty Reduction Worker Serve For China People's Republic of China

M. Quadir Maliha 2017 Founding Managing Director Shohoj Limited Bangladesh

Rabana Rapelang 2017 Founder Rekindle Learning South Africa

Rawal Nina 2017 Founder Emerging Health Ventures Sweden

Redzepi Sheila 2017 Vice-President for External and Corporate Affairs World Bank USA

Santow Edward 2017 Professor - Responsible Technology University of Technology Australia

Sengupta Hindol 2017 Vice-President Invest India India

Shaffir Stav 2017 Leader of Israeli Green Party Israeli Green Party Israel

Shekhar Sharma Vijay 2017 Chief Executive Officer Paytm India

Shibulal Shruti 2017 Chief Executive Officer and Director Tamara Leisure Experiences India

Singh Navrina 2017 Founder and Chief Executive Officer USA

Socher Richard 2017 Chief Executive Officer USA

Takoordeen Aarti 2017 Chief Financial Officer Johannesburg Stock Exchange South Africa

Tavares Rodrigo 2017 Founder and President Granito Group United Kingdom

Tesfay Natznet 2017 Executive Director Africa United Kingdom

Tompkins Graves 2017 Global Head Capital Partnering USA

Ulziibayar Ganzorig 2017 Chief Executive Officer Golomt Bank Mongolia

van Bergen Rebecca 2017 Founder and Executive Director Nest USA

Walker Lisa 2017 Chief Executive Officer Ecosphere+ United Kingdom

C K Woo Douglas 2017 Chairman and Managing Director Wheelock and Company Ltd People's Republic of China

Luhan Yang 2017 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Qihan Biotech People's Republic of China

Yaqoob Farzana 2017 Chief Executive Officer MANTAQ Center for Research Pakistan

Pei Lou Yeoh 2017 Executive Director FrogAsia Sdn Bhd Malaysia

Zambakhidze Nino 2017 Chairwoman Georgian Farmers' Association Georgia

Zhang Feng 2017 James and Patricia Poitras Professor in Neuroscience Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USA

Aboyeji Iyinoluwa 2018 General Partner Future Africa Nigeria

Alemayehu Samuel 2018 Managing Director Cambridge Industries USA

Al Mubarak Razan 2018 President International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) United Arab Emirates

Al Suhaimi Sarah 2018 Chairperson of the Board of Directors Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) Saudi Arabia

Aly Heba 2018 CEO The New Humanitarian Switzerland

Armanious Riad 2018 Chief Executive Officer Eva Pharma Egypt

Avice-Huet Gwenaelle 2018 Senior Vice-President Corporate Strategy USA

Ba Fatoumata 2018 Founder and Executive Chair Janngo Côte d'Ivoire

Baker Angela 2018 Chief Sustainability Officer Qualcomm USA

Ann Bernard Barbara 2018 Founder and Chief Investment Officer Wincrest Capital Ltd Bahamas

Bizgan-Gayral Oana 2018 Member of Parliament Parliament of Romania Romania

Buchanan Kelly 2018 Senior Vice-President; Mergers and Acquisitions Integration Executive Mastercard Europe Service Ltd United Kingdom

Chekheria Valeri 2018 Chief Executive Officer Adjara Group Hospitality Georgia

Chung Nami 2018 Director Asan Nanum Foundation Republic of Korea

Dad Nighat 2018 Founder and Executive Director Digital Rights Foundation Pakistan

Daouda Akim 2018 Chief Executive Officer Gabonese Sovereign Wealth Fund (FGIS) Gabon

Duma Miroslava 2018 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Future Tech Lab Russian Federation

Dunn Joy 2018 Head Operations USA

Duportet Xavier 2018 Chief Executive Officer Eligo Bioscience France

Fadda Reem 2018 Director Cultural Foundation United Arab Emirates

Faye Michael 2018 Chief Executive Officer GiveDirectly USA

Fayez Rayan 2018 Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF) Saudi Arabia

Flamini Mathieu 2018 Founder GFBiochemicals S.p.A United Kingdom

Fluxa Thienemann Gloria 2018 Vice-Chairman and Chief Sustainability Officer Iberostar Group Spain

Foa Maya 2018 Director Reprieve United Kingdom

Forsberg Kerstin 2018 Founder and Director Planeta Océano Peru

Grahn-Laasonen Sanni 2018 Member of Parliament Parliament of Finland (Eduskunta) Finland

Hagen Sørli Camilla 2018 Member of the Board Canica Norway

Hieronimus Solveigh 2018 Senior Partner McKinsey & Company Germany

Ho Kent 2018 Founder and General Partner S28 Capital China

Ren Hua Ho 2018 Chief Executive Officer Thai Wah Public Company Limited Thailand

Igué Khaled 2018 Founder and President Club 2030 Afrique France

Ilicak Kayaalp Ipek 2018 Chairperson Ronesans Holding Turkey

Jani☆ Bhairavi 2018 Executive Director SCA Group of Companies India

Kadio-Morokro Sébastien 2018 Chief Executive Officer Petro Ivoire S.A. Côte d'Ivoire

Kamlana Unathi 2018 Commissioner Financial Sector Conduct Authority South Africa

P. Kennedy III Joseph 2018 United States

Khouri Reem 2018 Founder and Partner Kaamen Jordan

Kim Elaine 2018 Co-Founder Trehaus Singapore

Kind Sebastián 2018 Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Green Map Belgium

Kroll Christian 2018 Scientific Co-Director SDG Index Germany

Jia Li 2018 Adjunct Professor Stanford University School of Medicine USA

Sixuan Li 2018 Anchor China Central Television (CCTV) People's Republic of China

Xiao Liu 2018 Chief Partner Beijing Vanke People's Republic of China

Makary Tamer 2018 Founder Ethica Partners USA

Malgor Alejandro 2018 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Xinca Argentina

Mazumdar Singhal Rhea 2018 Chief Executive Officer Ecoware Solutions Private Limited India

McRae Lucy 2018 Science Fiction Artist Body Architect Australia

Meghji Nadeem 2018 Senior Managing Director Blackstone Group USA

Mehta Gaurav 2018 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Dharma Life India

Mi Wenjuan 2018 Founder and Chief Executive Officer VIPKID People's Republic of China

Mohabir Kapil 2018 Founding Managing Partner Plympton Farms Guyana

Moopen Alisha 2018 Deputy Managing Director Aster DM Healthcare United Arab Emirates

Morule Karabo 2018 Founder Amara Strategic Investments (Pty) Ltd South Africa

Murnain Kaila 2018 General Secretary New South Wales Branch Australia

Pame Armstrong 2018 Administrator Government of Manipur India

Jose Pocaterra Juan 2018 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer ViKua Venezuela

Ratnayake Anushka 2018 Founder and Chief Executive Officer myAgro USA


Riady John 2018 Chief Executive Officer PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk Indonesia

Rivera Díaz Albert 2018 Leader of Citizens party Spain

Rodgers Susannah 2018 Technical Adviser Disability Inclusion United Kingdom

Rosberg Nico 2018 Greentech Entrepreneur and F1 2016 World Champion Monaco

Sarafan Lily 2018 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Home Care Assistance USA

Satyam Arvind 2018 Chief Commercial Officer Pano AI USA

Schiappa Marlène 2018 French writer and politician, serving as Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship, attached to the Minister of the Interior France

Shaw Fern 2018 President Southern California District USA

Sheikh Simon 2018 Managing Director Future Super Australia

Shetty Alok 2018 Principal Architect and Founder Bhumiputra Architecture India

Shin Taejun 2018 Founder Representative Director and Chief Executive Officer Japan

Sin David 2018 Co-Founder Group President and Deputy Chairman Singapore

Singh Jagmeet 2018 Leader Canada's New Democrats Canada

Smith Edward 2018 Partner DLA Piper LLP USA

Szaky Tom 2018 Founder and Chief Executive Officer TerraCycle USA

Takahashi Shoko 2018 Representative Director Genequest Inc. Japan

Tekriwal Kanika 2018 Founder and Chief Executive Officer JetSetGo Aviation Services Pvt Ltd India

Varadkar Leo 2018 Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment Ireland

Wai Nu Wai 2018 Founder and Executive Director Women Peace Network Myanmar

(Huai) Wang Harry 2018 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Linear Capital People's Republic of China

Wen Wang 2018 Food Scientist Nestlé R&D Centre Singapore Singapore

Wen Leana 2018 Visiting Professor of Health Policy and Management George Washington University USA

Yeoh Hannah 2018 Member of Parliament Segambut Family and Community Development of Malaysia

Yu Ying Carol 2018 Producer and Host Phoenix Satellite Television Co. Ltd People's Republic of China

Lu Zhang 2018 Founding and Managing Partner Fusion Fund USA

Ali Al-Hammadi Ahmed 2019 Head Active Investments Qatar Investment Authority Qatar

AlMojel Ibrahim 2019 Chief Executive Officer Saudi Industrial Development Fund Saudi Arabia

Alonsoperez Victoria 2019 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Chipsafer Uruguay

Alvarado Quesada Carlos 2019 President of Costa Rica Costa Rica Government Costa Rica

Assi Rima 2019 Managing Partner Abu Dhabi Senior Partner McKinsey & Company LME Limited United Arab Emirates

Ayers Nick 2019 Managing Partner Ayers Neugebauer & Co. USA

Bakaya Priyanka 2019 N Renew Oceans USA

Bakhtadze Mamuka 2019 Prime Minister of Georgia (2018 - 2019) Office of the Prime Minister of Georgia Georgia

Barbéris Jean-Jacques 2019 Member of the Executive Committee Co-Head Institutional Clients Coverage Amundi Asset Management France

Alberto Barrera Lopez Pablo 2019 Executive Vice-President Strategy and Communications Yara International Norway

Binder Diane 2019 Founding Partner Regenopolis France

Saddiq bin Syed Abdul Rahman Syed 2019 Member of Parliament Parliament of Malaysia Malaysia

bint Yousif Al-Amiri Sarah 2019 Minister of State for Advanced Technology Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Bochorishvili Ketevan 2019 Chief Executive Officer JSC Anaklia City Georgia

Bonamy Julie 2019 CEO Indonesia Malaysia and Singapore Saint-Gobain (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Singapore

Borno Ruba 2019 Senior Vice President / General Manager CX Centers and Managed Services Cisco USA

Bouquot Geoffrey 2019 Group Vice-President Corporate Strategy and External Relations Valeo France

Budzyn Agnes 2019 Co-Founder and Managing Partner SFI USA

Burgner-Kahrs Jessica 2019 Associate Professor University of Toronto Mississauga Canada

Buttigieg Peter 2019 Secretary of Transportation US Department of Transportation USA

Camara Kamissa 2019 Minister of Digital Economy and Forecasting Ministry of Digital Economy Information and Communication of Mali Mali

Seung-Joon Chang 2019 Chief Executive Officer Maekyung Media Group Republic of Korea

Chen Huijing Serene 2019 Managing Director Deutsche Bank Singapore

Chopra Rohit 2019 Commissioner Federal Trade Commission USA

Chubak David 2019 Head Global Retail Bank and Consumer Lending Citibank NA USA

d'Arville Lucy 2019 Partner Bain International Inc. Australia

Dayton Eric 2019 Co-Founder & CEO Askov Finlayson USA

de Boer Daniel 2019 Chief Executive Officer ProQR Therapeutics N.V. Netherlands

De Mel Deshal 2019 Economic Adviser to the Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Bilge Demirkoz M. 2019 Professor Department of Physics Middle East Technical University Turkey

Gagné Jean-François 2019 VP AI Canada

(Amy) Gao Chao 2019 Founder Shanghai May Foundation People's Republic of China

Daniella Garcia Moreno Angela 2019 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Elemental School Bolivia

Yingying Gong 2019 Chief Executive Officer Chairwoman and Founder Yidu Tech People's Republic of China

Grostein Andrade Fernando 2019 Filmmaker USA

Grouchka Anne-Sophie 2019 Member of the Executive Board France Chief Customer Officer Allianz France

Matthew Guilford 2019 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Common Health Malaysia

Habib Cyrus 2019 Priest Society of Jesus (Jesuits) USA

Hakim Yalda 2019 Anchor International Correspondent British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) United Kingdom

Harding Nathaniel 2019 Managing Partner Cortado Ventures USA

Henderson Cal 2019 Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Slack USA

Hrund Logadottir Halla 2019 Co-Founder Arctic Initiative Harvard Kennedy School of Government USA

Dinglong Huang 2019 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Malong Technologies People's Republic of China

Ivers Lisa 2019 Partner and Managing Director Boston Consulting Group (BCG) USA

Kahiu Wanuri 2019 Filmmaker AFROBUBBLEGUM Kenya

Kaleniuk Daria 2019 Executive Director Anti-Corruption Action Centre Ukraine

Kamel Ahd 2019 Director and Actress Odd Camel Saudi Arabia

Kane Ndiaye Aminata 2019 Chief Executive Officer Orange Sierra Leone Sierra Leone

Bogolo Joy Kenewendo 2019 Member of Parliament The National Assembly of the Republic of Botswana Botswana

Khaldi Nora 2019 Founder and Chief Science Officer Nuritas Ireland

Khan Faisal 2019 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Peshawar 2.0 Pakistan

Khudaverdian Tigran 2019 Deputy Chief Executive Officer Yandex Russian Federation

Kirsch Emily 2019 Founder and Managing Partner Powerhouse Ventures USA

Konzelmann Joseph 2019 Partner Global Head Client and Capital Formation Group TPG USA

Kurniadi Stefanie 2019 Founder PT. Citarasa Prima Indonesia Berjaya Indonesia

Latif Farhan 2019 President El-Hibri Foundation USA

Lee Sam 2019 Founder and Chief Executive Officer IndeCollective USA

Lefevre Guillaume 2019 Managing Director New Ventures and Business Development Zurich Insurance Group Switzerland

Liu Gary 2019 Chief Executive Officer South China Morning Post Hong Kong SAR China

Qian Liu 2019 Managing Director The Economist Group China People's Republic of China

Lokesh Nara 2019 Member Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council India

Mahajan Poonam 2019 Member of Parliament for Lok Sabha from Mumbai North Central Maharashtra Parliament of India India

Malagon Jonathan 2019 Minister of Housing Cities and Territory Ministry of Housing Cities and Territory of Colombia Colombia

Maqbool Nadia 2019 Founding Partner 23 Degrees North Oman

Martinez Richard 2019 Vice President for Countries Inter-American Development Bank USA

Matsumoto Yasukane 2019 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Raksul Co. Ltd Japan

Manuel Moller José 2019 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Algramo Chile

Mukherjee Sucharita 2019 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Kaleidofin India

Naidu Nerissa 2019 Chief Executive Officer āxil USA

Nicholls Sarah 2019 Global Head of ESG Sourcing & Procurement Jones Lang LaSalle Limited Netherlands

Oda Genki 2019 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Remixpoint Japan

Omar Umra 2019 Founder and Executive Director Safari Doctors Kenya

Clare O'Neil 2019 Member of Parliament for Hotham Parliament of Australia Australia

Oni Tolu 2019 Professor School of Public Health and Family Medicine University of Cambridge United Kingdom

Perkins Melanie 2019 Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Canva Pty Ltd Australia

Reiley Carol 2019 Founder and Member of the Board USA

Reines Carlos 2019 President and Co-Founder RubiconMD Spain

Roy Maya 2019 Chief Executive Officer YWCA Canada Canada

Adam-Soule Zoumarou Aurelie 2020 Minister of the Digital Economy and Communication Ministry of Digital Economy and Communication Benin

Ingabire Paula 2020 Minister of Information Communication Technology and Innovation Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda Rwanda

Kehinde Tunde 2020 Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer Lidya Holdings Inc Nigeria

Nigussie Molla Yetnebersh 2020 President and Co-Founder Ethiopian Lawyers with Disabilities Association Ethiopia

Oppong Nkrumah Kojo 2020 Minister of Information Ministry of Information and Media Relations of Ghana Ghana

Nyalandu Faraja 2020 Founder and executive director Shule Direct Tanzania

Ogunro Chinny 2020 Chief Executive Officer WellSpring Health Nigeria

Okumu Fredros 2020 Director Science Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) Tanzania

Patel Mayur 2020 Group Chief Operating Officer Cassava Fintech Zimbabwe

Senbetta Shani 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Kidame Mart Plc Ethiopia

Atilano Cherrie 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Agrea Philippines

Krasna Cham 2020 Chief Executive Officer SOMA Group Cambodia

Linardi Veronika 2020 Chief Executive Officer PT. Qareer Harapan Asia Indonesia

Natalie Louisa Grace 2020 Co-Founder and Chairwoman Partai Solidaritas Indonesia - PSI (Indonesian Solidarity Party) Indonesia

Lu Jeffrey 2020 CEO and Co-Founder Engine Biosciences Pte Ltd Singapore

Motte-Muñoz Henry 2020 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Philippines

Salgaocar Vivek 2020 Director Vimson Group Singapore

Nadiah Wan Mohd Abdullah Yaakob Wan 2020 Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Officer TMC Life Sciences Berhad Malaysia

Ghahraman Golriz 2020 Member of Parliament New Zealand Parliament New Zealand

Adalberth Niklas 2020 Founder and Executive Chairman Norrsken Foundation Sweden

Baerbock Annalena 2020 Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Federal Foreign Office of Germany Germany

Caruana Galizia Matthew 2020 Director Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation Malta

Gual Soler Marga 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer SciDipGLOBAL Spain

Guglielminotti Carlalberto 2020 Chief Executive Officer France

Kerameus Niki 2020 Minister of Education and Religious Affairs Ministry of Education Research and Religious Affairs of Greece Greece

London Elisha 2020 Founder United for Global Mental Health (United GMH) United Kingdom

Lykke Mette 2020 Chief Executive Officer Too Good To Go Denmark

Malcolm Caroline 2020 Head Global Blockchain Policy Centre Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) France

Marin Sanna 2020 Prime Minister of Finland Office of the Prime Minister of Finland Finland

Naheta Akshay 2020 Senior Vice-President SoftBank Group United Kingdom

Rehman Atika 2020 Deputy Editor United Kingdom

Subran Ludovic 2020 Chief Economist Allianz Germany

Tank Stacey 2020 Chief Corporate Affairs and Transformation Officer Heineken International B.V. Netherlands

Thoms Anahita 2020 Partner International Trade Practice Baker McKenzie Germany

Zeinler Christian 2020 Chief Strategy Officer UBS Switzerland AG Switzerland

Ziemssen Fabio 2020 Partner Zintinus Germany

Jin He 2020 Co-Founder and Vice-President Maimai People's Republic of China

Ying Jiang 2020 Professor Peking University People's Republic of China

Lo Stephanie 2020 Managing Director Shui On Investment Company Limited Hong Kong SAR China

Fu Qiaomei 2020 Professor at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology Chinese Academy of Sciences People's Republic of China

(Miranda) Qu Fang 2020 Founder Xiaohongshu People's Republic of China

Xing Weiwei 2020 Partner Bain & Company Inc. Hong Kong SAR China

Zhu Nancie 2020 Anchor Phoenix Satellite Television Co. Ltd Hong Kong SAR China

Xiaoxuan Zhu 2020 Deputy Director China Science and Technology Exchange Center Ministry of Science and Technology People's Republic of China

Kobayashi Fumiaki 2020 Member House of Representatives The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan Japan

Naka Akiko 2020 CEO Wantedly Inc Japan

Uenoyama Katsuya 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer PKSHA Technology Inc. Japan

Yoshiki Yasui 2020 Chief Executive Officer Yasui & Company Japan

Asuaje Bernardo 2020 Co-Founder and Managing Director Grupo Attia (Colombia) Colombia

Cepeda (Chuy) Jesús 2020 Founder and Executive Director Onesmart Technology SA de CV Mexico

Dadlani Komal 2020 Chief Executive Officer Lab4U Chile

Irazusta Delfina 2020 Founder and Executive Director Asociacion Civil Red de Innovacion Local (Local Innovation Network) Argentina

Leite Eduardo 2020 Governor of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil

Marcolongo Gabriel 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Argentina

Rios Viridiana 2020 Spanish Columnist New York Times Mexico

Sierra Susana 2020 Partner and Executive Director BH Compliance Chile

Sonnenholzner Otto 2020 Digital Member Ecuador

Vegas Elisa 2020 Artistic Director Fundación Orquesta Sinfónica Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Venezuela

Al Haj Lamya 2020 Associate Professor of Molecular Biology Sultan Qaboos University Oman

Alibrahim Faisal 2020 Minister of Economy and Planning Ministry of Economy and Planning of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Al Zeyoudi Thani 2020 Minister of State for Foreign Trade Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Shah Bhavin 2020 Senior Advisor Roland Berger Middle East United Arab Emirates

Sukenik Fainy 2020 Founder and Chairperson Ba'asher Telchi Israel

Sweid Noor 2020 General Partner Global Ventures United Arab Emirates

Yusuf-Sbitany Raya 2020 Chief Executive Officer Mineraline Palestinian Territories

Brandt Kate 2020 Sustainability Officer Google USA

Chan Pamela 2020 Global Head BlackRock Alternative Solutions Chief Investment Officer BlackRock USA

Chen Sarah 2020 Co-Founder and Managing Partner The Billion Dollar Fund for Women USA

Denizkurdu Aslihan 2020 Managing Director Chief Operating Officer of Risk Management Citigroup USA

Faulkner Joelle 2020 President and Chief Executive Officer Area One Farms Canada

Gallego Kate 2020 Mayor of Phoenix Arizona City of Phoenix USA

Gould Karina 2020 Minister of Families Children and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada Canada

M. Heller Rebecca 2020 Executive Director International Refugee Assistance Project USA

Hsu Jukay 2020 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Pursuit USA

Mei Hu Mei 2020 Chief Executive Officer Vaxxinity USA

Karniol-Tambour Karen 2020 Co-Chief Investment Officer Sustainability Bridgewater Associates USA

Madowo Larry 2020 North America Correspondent British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) USA

Maher Katherine 2020 Chief Executive Officer Wikimedia Foundation USA

Maschmeyer Leland 2020 Co-Founder Sway USA

Maul (Mulvee) Barbara 2020 Managing Director Credit Suisse AG USA

R. Myers Griffin 2020 Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer Oak Street Health USA

Nakamura Emi 2020 Chancellor‘s Professor of Economics University of California Berkeley USA

Rogers James 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Apeel Sciences USA

Romanow Michele 2020 Co-Founder and President Clear Finance Technology Inc - Clearbanc Canada

Saxena Kush 2020 Executive Vice President U.S. Merchants and Acceptance Mastercard USA

Sehgal Kabir 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Tiger Turn Productions USA

Shin Sally 2020 Executive Editor Business Tech and Media USA

Treinish Gregg 2020 Executive Director Adventure Scientists USA

Vogrin Nicole 2020 Chief Corporate Affairs and Communications Officer Western Union USA

Aminath Shauna 2020 Minister of Environment Climate Change and Technology Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Technology of the Republic of Maldives Maldives

Hammad Azhar Muhammad 2020 Minister for Energy Ministry of Energy of Pakistan Pakistan

Dorji Ugyen 2020 Minister of Home and Cultural Affairs Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs of Bhutan Bhutan

Mehra Swapan 2020 Chief Executive Officer Iora Ecological Solutions Pvt. Ltd. India

Mutreja Vinati 2020 Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Vinati Organics Limited India

Raveendran Byju 2020 Founder and Chief Executive Officer BYJU'S India

Singh Vachani Tara 2020 Chief Executive Officer Antara Senior Living Pvt. Ltd India

Achiume Tendayi 2021 Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Zambia

Daves de Sousa Vera 2021 Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance of Angola Angola

Delle Sangu 2021 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Africa Health Holdings Ghana

Iribagiza Clarisse 2021 Chief Executive Officer HeHe Rwanda

Lamola Ronald 2021 Minister of Justice and Correctional Services of the Republic of South Africa Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services of the Republic of South Africa South Africa

Njiru Wawira 2021 Founder and Executive Director Food for Education Kenya

Oumarou Ibrahim Hindou 2021 President Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT) Chad

Ozor Obi 2021 Founder & Chief Executive Officer Kobo360 Nigeria

Boonyarat Roongchat 2021 Director Chief Executive & Operating Officer Malee Group PCL Thailand

Chia Francesca 2021 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer GoGet Malaysia

Ramakrishnan Rohan 2021 Founder and Chief Executive Officer The ASEAN Post Malaysia

Rivera Paul 2021 Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Kalibrr Technology Ventures Philippines

RK Kishin 2021 Chief Executive Officer RB Capital Limited Singapore

Schulz Anneliese 2021 Chief Sales Officer Syncron AB Singapore

Chearavanont Tanit 2021 Managing Director Siam Makro Plc Thailand

Wong Gareth 2021 Chief Executive Officer Mitbana Pte Ltd Singapore

Zaky Achmad 2021 Founder Bukalapak Indonesia

Bragg Andrew 2021 Senator for New South Wales Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia Australia

Mauboy Jessica 2021 Artist Maven Agency Australia

Aloyan Suren 2021 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Dasaran EdTech Company Armenia

A. Guryev Andrey 2021 Chief Executive Officer PhosAgro Russian Federation

AJUFO ANULIKA 2021 Venture Partner Europe Middle East and Africa Sagana United Kingdom

Alessandri Erica 2021 Member of the Board Technogym Italy

Bornschein Christoph 2021 Chief Executive Officer TLGG Germany

Burke Sinéad 2021 Chief Executive Officer Tilting The Lens Ireland

Chamberlain Matthew 2021 Chief Executive Officer London Metal Exchange United Kingdom

Cooper Lucy 2021 Managing Director Head Innovation Europe Accenture United Kingdom

Crowther Thomas 2021 Assistant Professor of Global Ecosystem Ecology ETH Zurich Switzerland

Damen Rose 2021 Managing Director Damen Yachting Netherlands

de Carvalho Alexander 2021 Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer Public Group International Limited United Kingdom

de Chammard Anne-Laure 2021 Chief Executive Officer ENGIE Solutions International ENGIE Group France

de Montchalin Amélie 2021 Minister of Public Sector Transformation and the Civil Service Ministry of Public Sector Transformation and the Civil Service France

Fonseca Cristina 2021 Partner Indico Capital Partners Portugal

Forgeron Laure 2021 Managing Director Head Facultative Underwriting Europe Switzerland

Gersch Laura 2021 Member of the Board of Management Corporate Pensions Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG Germany

Kahle Nari 2021 Head Strategic Programmes CARIAD Volkswagen Group Germany

Lenson Catherine 2021 Managing Partner SoftBank Investment Advisers (UK) Limited United Kingdom

Ozturk Burcu 2021 Chief Financial Officer MLP Saglık Hizmetleri A.Ş. Turkey

Pictet Gregoire 2021 Chief Executive Officer Pictet North America Advisors SA Switzerland

Sinkevicius Virginijus 2021 Commissioner for Environment Oceans and Fisheries European Commission Belgium

Sridhar Devi 2021 Professor of Global Public Health University of Edinburgh United Kingdom

Vergueiro Massei Claudia 2021 Chief Executive Officer Oman Siemens Germany

Wermelin Lea 2021 Minister for Environment Ministry of the Environment of Denmark Denmark

Wiesner Silvia 2021 General Manager Belgium and Luxembourg Unilever Belgium

Zhengyu He 2021 Principal Scientist Ant Group People's Republic of China

Ge Hu 2021 Actor Hu Ge Studio People's Republic of China

Ni Li 2021 Vice-Chairman and Chief Operating Officer Bilibili Inc. People's Republic of China

Yifan Li 2021 Chief Executive Officer Hesai Technology People's Republic of China

Chaoyang Lu 2021 Professor of Physics University of Science and Technology of China People's Republic of China

Qian Zhuang 2021 Founder & Chief Executive Officer KnowYourself People's Republic of China

Guan Wang 2021 News Anchor and Host China Global Television Network People's Republic of China

Wu Chen 2021 Professor at the National Cancer Center Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences People's Republic of China

Peng Xue 2021 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Beijing Tongcheng Biying Technology Ltd People's Republic of China

Batkhuyag Zolzaya 2021 Co-Founder Adviser and Member of the Board Women for Change Mongolia

Seula Kim Sophie 2021 Founder & Chief Executive Officer Kurly Republic of Korea

Gun Lee Seung 2021 Chief Executive Officer and Founder Viva Republica (Toss) Republic of Korea

Arcuri Nathalia 2021 Founder/CEO Me Poupe! Conteudo e Servicos Financeiros Eireli Brazil

Felipe Cervantes Legorreta Luis 2021 Managing Director Head Mexico Office General Atlantic Mexico

de Belaunde Alberto 2021 Congressman Congress of Peru Peru

Guzmán Martín 2021 Minister of Economy Ministry of Economy of Argentina Argentina

Mattos Luiza 2021 Partner Head of Healthcare South America Bain & Company Brazil

Ortiz Adriana 2021 President National Handcraft Institute (IPA) Paraguay

Patiño Roberto 2021 Chief Executive Officer Convive Venezuela

Siches Izkia 2021 President Medical College of Chile Chile

Weder Ricardo 2021 Founder and Chief Executive Officer JUSTO INC. Mexico

Al-Buti Esraa 2021 Partner EY Saudi Arabia

Al Hashemi Mohamed 2021 Country Head Majid Al Futtaim Saudi Arabia

Al Qasim Elham 2021 Chief Executive Officer Digital14 United Arab Emirates

Bint Hamad Al Thani Alanoud 2021 Deputy Chief Executive Officer Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Qatar

Seed Faouzi El 2021 Artist & Founder El Seed Studio Tunisia

Farooqui Fawaz 2021 Chief Advisor to the Minister Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Saeb Iriqat Dalal 2021 Vice-President International Relations Arab American University-Palestine Palestinian Territories

Juffali Dana 2021 Member of the Board Juffali and Brothers Saudi Arabia

Lahlou Sanae 2021 Director of the African Business Unit Mazars Morocco Morocco

Radinsky Kira 2021 Founder & Chief Technology Officer Diagnostic Robotics Israel

Ahn Daniel 2021 Global Fellow The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars USA

Biar Ajak Peter 2021 Visiting Fellow and Adjunct Faculty Africa Center for Strategic Studies USA

Cargill Adriana 2021 Independent Radio Journalist USA

Chan Arvan 2021 Senior Vice-President Chief Operating Officer International Centene USA

Crow Alexis 2021 Global Head Geopolitical Investing PwC USA

Ene-Obong Abasi 2021 Chief Executive Officer and Founder 54gene USA

Formsma Jocelyn 2021 Executive Director National Association of Friendship Centres Canada

Gilchrist II Garlin 2021 Lieutenant Governor State of Michigan USA

Gore-Coty Pierre-Dimitri 2021 Senior Vice-President Delivery Uber Technologies USA

Greenfield Megan 2021 Partner McKinsey & Company USA

Jackson Jessica 2021 Chief Advocacy Officer Reform Alliance USA

Kamal-Mreeh Gadeer 2021 Senior Special Envoy North America The Jewish Agency USA

Kaufmann Brian 2021 Head Private Investments Portfolio Manager Member of the Management Committee USA

Kelly Conrod 2021 Managing Director Chile Merck & Co. Inc USA

X Kendi Ibram 2021 Director of the Center for Antiracist Research Boston University USA

Lowry Haley 2021 Global Sustainability Director Dow USA

Nelson Lukas 2021 Band Leader Promise of The Real USA

Paley Amit 2021 Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director The Trevor Project USA

Serazin Emily 2021 Managing Director and Partner Boston Consulting Group (BCG) USA

Sobey Liam 2021 Vice-President Merchandising Sobeys Inc. Canada

Vats Vasudha 2021 Vice-President Pfizer USA

Wadhwa Hitesh 2021 Vice-President Sales and Strategic Initiatives Tech Mahindra USA

Alexander Walcott David 2021 Founder and Managing Partner Novamed USA

Avasthi Aditi 2021 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Embibe India

Bokhari Maleeka 2021 Parliamentary Secretary for Law and Justice Ministry of Law and Justice of Pakistan Pakistan

Bolla Srikanth 2021 Founder & Chief Executive Officer Bollant Industries Pvt Ltd India

Chaudhary Nirvana 2021 Managing Director Chaudhary Group Nepal

Kalra Gazal 2021 Co-Founder Rivigo India

Kheruka Shreevar 2021 Managing Director Borosil Ltd. India

Bin Mortaza Mashrafe 2021 Captain Bangladesh Cricket Team Bangladesh

Prabhu☆ Ameya 2021 Managing Director NAFA Capital India

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.